Page 40 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 40

ing for  repairs  after  losing  access  to  the European
                                                                                      shipyards, and many go to other Russian regions for
                                                                                      maintenance. The supply-demand gap is huge.
                                                                                         The market responds by further increasing the al-
                                                                                      ready high prices, driven by supply restrictions and
                                                                                      upward exchange rate. The cost of spare parts, equip-
                                                                                      ment, and repair services has increased two-fold on
                                                                                      average, with service performance taking longer time.
                                                                                      Ship owners are doing their best to cope, but the price
                                                                                      increase as high as this can’t but affect the scope and
                                                                                      schedule of their modernization plans.
                                                                                         The technological level of many ship repair pro-
                                                                                      viders leaves much to be desired. High-precision ma-
                                                                                      chining technologies are available to just a few of
                                                                                      them, while the need for complex parts and units is
                                                                                      increasing after Western sanctions put a stop to their
                                                                                      supply. And since many of these parts can’t be made
                                                                                      locally, it is highly desirable that shipyards set up ded-
                                                                                      icated design bureaus to be able to engineer all re-
                                                                                      quired items and start their serial production.
                                                                                         Workflow scheduling constitutes an issue of its
                                                                                      own. In the best case scenario, ship owners and re-
                                                                                      pairs providers should have a pre-agreed schedule,
                                                                                      under which the latter receive orders from the for-
                                                                                      mer a few months in advance so as to ensure all re-
                                                                                      quired components are in place before the start of
                                                                                      the repairs. The duration of repairs would be shorter
                                                                                      in this case, much to the satisfaction of the customer
                                                                                      and the contractor.
                                                                                         There is also a problem of personnel shortage. While
                                                                                      Russian yards can do quality hull works, they suffer
                                                                                      from the lack of competence in more technology-in-
                                                                                      tensive areas like electronics and engine construction.
                                                                                      The older generation nears the retirement age, and there
                                                                                      aren’t many younger experts to replace them.
                                                                                         One of the ways to catch up with the technolo-
                                                                                      gies available in Europe, as I see it, is be to use de-
                                                                                      fense technologies to the advantage of the civil engi-
                                                                                      neering market. The industries that serve the needs
                                                                                      of the Navy often have better equipment and compe-
                                                                                      tent teams, and the designs they engineer aren’t in-
                                                                                      ferior to those achieved abroad. Their application in
                                                                                      civil shipbuilding can benefit the industry and foster
                                                                                      import substitution.
                                                                                         For ship repair companies to overcome their chal-
                                                                                      lenges, they need more involvement from the state. In
                                                                                      conditions as challenging as today, and given the cur-
                                                       longer meets the current demand.   rent lending power, no private business owner can af-
             В Архангельской области                   Some ships have to idle for months   ford to spend several billion on a dock or moderniza-
                                                       waiting for components.
             предприятия, имеющие                         It is often impossible to pro-  tion and then wait for years for returns.
             в распоряжении доки для                   duce a Russian replacement in the   Sergey Smirnov, Arkhangelsk Shipbuilding and
             ремонта достаточно                        absence of design documentation.   Marine Engineering Cluster, Director:
                                                       As to the Chinese counterparts,
                                                                                         Over its decades-long history, the seaport of
             крупного судна, можно                     not all of them have proper quality.   Arkhangelsk has been operating mostly as a carri-
             пересчитать по пальцам                    One example is mechanical rubber   er of export-bound sawn timber, pulp and paper and
             Here in Arkhangelsk Oblast,               items. Alongside matrix and mold,   supplier of general cargoes to domestic projects in
                                                       it’s essential that they are made of
                                                                                      the Arctic –construction sites, infrastructure facili-
             the yards with docks capable of           quality rubber.                ties, polar stations and Arctic localities. Sea carriages
                                                          The trouble of ship owners
             accommodating fairly large ships          doesn’t end at finally obtaining   are being provided by the local shipping companies
             can be counted on one hand                spare parts in one way or another.   with fleets of sea-going and river-sea vessels. They op-
                                                                                      erate in harsh climate and challenging economic con-
                                                       They need to make sure they can   ditions.
                                                       pay for them, for they cost huge   Commercial  shipping  led  for  the  emergence  in
                                        amounts of money. The paths to change are probably   Arkhangelsk Oblast of a service and repairs market
                                        two. One is what we call the “Chinese way” and in-  with players guided in provision of the services by
                                        volves mere disassembly to measure the components   commitments to, in order of priority, time, quality
           SOZVEZDYE #42                and copy their design. The other path is to step away   and price. One day of operating a chartered commer-
                                        from single-piece production, as it is today, to full-  cial bulk carrier costs the average is RUB 500,000.
                                        scale, government-subsidized manufacture at an in-  Demurrage or delays caused by failure of an onboard
            развитие                    dustrial scale. Both of these paths should be covered   system cause shipping companies significant expenses
            development                 concurrently.                                 and unwanted damages, requiring the local ship re-
                                                                                      pair providers to be highly efficient, competent, and
                                           Mikhail Salynin, Northern Shipping Company,   to use advanced technologies. I’d say that most of the
                                        Operation and Maintenance Department Manager:  local yards do meet these criteria, providing Arctic-
                                           Here in Arkhangelsk Oblast, the yards with docks   going ships with proper quality repairs. Although,
                                        capable of accommodating fairly large ships can be   just like everywhere else, there are those that do it
           38                           counted on one hand. Local ship owners are queue-  better and those that need to level up.
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