Page 39 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 39

Vasily Shaitanov, Kimek, Director General:
             The need for increased capacity for servicing the
          cargo carriers has never been more acute as today.
          This is due to the combined effect of multiple rea-
          sons. First, repair services can no longer be received
          in Europe – the most pressing circumstance. Second,
          there has been an increase in orders being placed with
          ship repair providers by the Navy. And, the circum-
          stance I’d cite as reason number three is the growing
          number of ships – the increase may not be as rapid
          as envisaged in the many framework documents, but
          it does take place. We have more ships operating in
          the Arctic basin and they, too, require maintenance
          and service.
             Another evidence of lacking repair capacities is
          ship owners and operators having their ships repaired
          in Kaliningrad, Saint Petersburg, Turkey or China.
          This trend arose historically: commercial fleet repairs
          as an industry didn’t exist on our map for decades.
          But it will emerge, given its high place on the gov-
          ernment agenda and the way the market is changing
          these days.
             The mechanics of repairing the Arctic-going fleet
          is open knowledge. Ship owners are well aware of
          what, when and how they need to service the onboard
          systems. The issue here is the availability of service
          supply and access to international expertise as what
          can lead to better repairs quality and management.
          Supply can be increased through modernizing the ex-
          isting or starting new repair facilities. As to the ex-
          pertise, it can be sourced from those with experience
          of interacting with the foreign yards – class inspec-
          tors, surveillance team supervisors, former and cur-
          rent employees of the offices of Western companies.
             The question of upgrading the commercial fleet
          repairs industry comes down to one – capital expens-
          es and payback. Apparently the only answer here is
          public-private partnership and commercial coopera-
          tion, as was the case in many other countries. They
          won’t, of course, immediately remedy the second-tier
          issues such as lack of qualified managerial personnel,
          cutting-edge technologies or low workplace culture,
          but to me they aren’t really problems. They are chal-
          lenges that can be tackled, and tacking them is actu-
          ally a matter of survival on the market.
             The domestic ship repair industries are operat-
          ing under sanctions pressure, and this pressure keeps
          piling. Cracks did emerge, true, but they aren’t criti-
          cal. The fleet continues to operate as planned. A lot   not more than 50% of vessels, forcing their owners to
          of companies resorted to parallel import as a tempo-  turn to Baltic yards and Turkey for repairs.
          rary solution to cover their current needs, but any   Dock capacity is simply limited. In the port of
          further use of this scheme will lead to nothing but in-  Arkhangelsk, the only dock that can accommodate a
          crease in vessels operating costs. Speaking long-term,   90 meters long ship for repairs is Krasnaya Kuznitsa
          we should be able to design our own technologies or   and it’s overloaded with orders. For its ship owners
          use those of friendly countries. But there’s no denying   to be able to receive services at home, the area needs
          that Russia and China are lagging behind Europe. All   at least two more docks with the capacity for ships
          of the Russian and Chinese technologies I got to work   with length of 110–150 meters and weight of 5,000–
          with have the size, weight and operational logic that   10,000 tons. Besides, repairs on the units and tech-
          put them at a disadvantage compared to their Euro-  nologies of foreign manufacture require high-preci-
          pean counterparts. I don’t mean to say they are bad,   sion machining tools, bringing up the need for overall
          but this technological is a fact we can’t deny.  upgrade. Some yards including ours are coping quite
             One interesting task many of us have been dealing   okay purchasing new machines, but full-scale replace-
          a lot with recently is reengineering of spare parts and   ment is costly and yet to be achieved.
          units that can’t be imported through the official chan-  Another equally important issue is the lack of
          nels. The results of this work will benefit the industry   qualified manpower. It’s worth noting that service
          only if circulated throughout the country and applied   technicians’ average age nears 45–55 as of 2023. There   SOZVEZDYE #42
          massively. There should be strong involvement on the   aren’t enough schools, and very little has been done
          part of the state, otherwise they’ll be no use.  over the past thirty years to encourage younger gen-
                                                       erations to pursue careers in technical service sector.
             Sergey Malgin, Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet, Main-  Still, the biggest challenge lies in replacing the    развитие
          tenance Director:                            components and technologies that we no longer have        development
             As of mid-2023, the shortage of repairs capacity at   the access to. It makes no sense to even talk about it
          yards in Arkhangelsk Oblast is critical. The demand   unless we find a way to start their domestic produc-
          from the domestic (and especially Murmansk-based)   tion. The problem with the majority of Western-man-
          ship owners is peaking, caused by EU sanctions and   ufacture equipment installed on Russian ships is the
          ship owners being banned from having their ships   lack of spare parts: 90% of what ships need to have re-
          serviced in Europe. The current capacity suffices for   placed is under sanctions. Failing engines need spare     37
                                                       parts, and the current scope of parallel imports no
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