Page 33 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 33

Joint efforts

             When it comes to the development of shipping
          and ship repair sector, Arkhangelsk Oblast boasts
          a vast potential. However, the shortage of qualified
          staff poses a serious problem. Luckily, this challenge
          can be overcome with the help from the Oreshkov
          Arkhangelsk Vocational School of Waterways – one
          of the major sources of ship repair staff. With train-
          ing programs targeting to satisfy employers’ staffing
          needs, AVSW offers basic and advanced sector-spe-
          cific training.
             The school is actively recruiting younger generations
          to pursue careers in shipping and ship repair. Its infor-
          mation campaigns, career events and workshops are de-
          signed to attract new talent and have been successful.
             AVSW maintains close cooperation with the lo-
          cal shipping companies, ship yards, ports, and ste-
          vedores. By doing so, it stays updated on employers’
          current and future staffing needs, adjusting its cur-
          ricula accordingly. Employers, on their part, invite
          AVSW students for internships so as to ensure they
          receive the hands-on skills and first-hand knowledge
          of the industry.
             Another way to make up for the staff shortage is
          by introducing in the shipping and ship repair sec-
          tor new technologies and processes that lead to high-
          er productivity achieved with lesser effort. Units or
          modules on automated systems operation may well be
          included into AVSW’s training programs.
             In general, effective tackling of staff shortage is-
          sues requires the joint efforts of the schools, employ-
          ers, and government agencies. A provider of quality
          ship repair training, the Oreshkov AVSW can play an
          important role in this process.

             Partnership and practice

             AVSW has at its disposal sufficient facilities and
          resources. The fall of 2023 will see the start of new
          facilities – the welding and ship assembly shop that
          may later be certified as a mock examination center;
          the fitting shop; and the radio and electric installation
          shop. With two dormitories that can accommodate
          200 students, AVSW is a good choice for applicants
          from other places.
             We partner a number of ship yards, the key ones be-
          ing Krasnaya Kuznitsa, Optimist Group, Arkhangelsk
          Trawl Fleet, and Volna-Service. One more ship repair
          yard we’ve had an especially productive track record
          with, is Arkhangelsk Fleet Repair and Maintenance
          Base. In 2023, AFRMB will be hosting our ship repair
          training facility – a product of the trilateral agreement
          between Arkhangelsk Ministry of Education, AFRMB,
          and Oreshkov AVSW. Started as a public-private part-
          nership, this training facility will be an important asset
          towards meeting the AFRMB’s staffing needs.
             We stay current on the trends and changes on em-
          ployment market, updating our training programs
          and proposing new majors. In 2023–2025 we are
          starting a series of new majors that include Deck Fit-
          ter, Radio and Circuit Installer, and General Fitter.
             When designing a training program, the trend
          is towards shorter duration. Indeed, there are alter-
          native approaches, as opposed to conventional class-
          room teaching, that can make the learning process
          more effective, and any review of a training program
          should be focused on the skillsets and competencies
          required for its successful completion. So, it might be
          wise step away from lectures and towards more in-
          teractive methods such as group projects, practicals,
          case studies – they are a good way for students to gain
          more insight and hands-on skills.
             Practical learning can be facilitated greatly
          through the use of technology. Video lectures, inter-
          active learning platforms, online courses and related
          tools allow to study at a convenient pace, increasing
          the effectiveness of learning.
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