Page 25 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 25

global market with Egypt as a major hub and our clos-
          est trading partner. Notably, the ports of Alexandria and
          Arkhangelsk maintain long-standing economic ties: wood
          and sawn timber shipments have been regular since dec-
          ades ago. These ties are being given a new impetus as
          Egypt-bound traffic grows, requiring Arkhangelsk to live
          up to the demands of time.
             Alongside  this,  Arkhangelsk  has  on  offer  an  entire
          range of wood-based products (plywood, chipboard, OSB)
          as well as pulp, paper and cardboard. If we sum up the out-
          puts of pulp-and-paper mills and the woodworking plants
          operating in the European part of Russia, which can be
          shipped via the seaport of Arkhangelsk, the figure stands
          at around 5 to 7 million tons.
             In 2023, the country’s lumber yards produced wood
          waste in amount they couldn’t physically store, yet none
          of this waste was used for the production of pellets. As a
          green fuel, pellets enjoy good demand on markets across
          the world. Yet, even with significant production from
          woodworking industries, there is no seaport in Russia with
          terminals suitable for transshipping biomass and pellets
          onto modern large-tonnage ships. Unable to make use of
          waste disposal options, wood producers are losing added   Если суммировать объемы продукции ЛПК и ЦБП,
          value. Provided there’s a terminal for shipping pellet out-
          puts from all major producers – Komi Republic, Arkhan-  которые производятся предприятиями в европейской
          gelsk Oblast and Krasnoyarsk Territory – pellets sales will   части России и могут быть экспортированы через
          produce a powerful effect.                            морской порт, то это 5–7 миллионов тонн груза
             In the UK, pellet receiving terminals alone have a turn-
          over of 6 million tons per year. There are no such termi-  If we sum up the outputs of pulp-and-paper mills and
          nals in Russia. Building one within Arkhangelsk’s deep   the woodworking plants operating in the European
          water area is prerequisite to the sustainable future of the
          woodworking sector. The problem here is that efforts to-  part of Russia, which can be shipped via the seaport of
          wards this goal are isolated and fragmentary, required vol-  Arkhangelsk, the figure stands at around 5 to 7 million tons
          umes cannot be achieved by one single player. Solution lies
          in channeling the efforts towards construction of a new
          higih-capacity terminal.

             China-operated voyage to Shanghai

             Nearly all export-bound wood and pulp-and-paper
          products are shipped as containerized cargoes. Their load-
          ing takes place in the country’s largest hubs in Arkhangelsk
          and Komi, whose container turnover is comparable to that
          of Moscow (for example, Khovrino and Vorsino freight
          hubs). It sounds expedient to invigorate Arkhangelsk–Al-
          exandria containerized shipment line. It has a good poten-

               Maxim Zaborsky, Arkhangelsk Regional
            Development Agency, Director General:
               Once in place, the  Russian Arctic Zone’s
            modern deep water port will facilitate new
            transport flows – alternatives to Trans-Siberian
            Railway and other busy land routes that are
            working to capacity. And now carriers along
            the Northern Sea Route are offered government
            subsidies, the project can expect even a bigger
            turnover. The study-based estimates by TeDo
            company sound promising: Arkhangelsk’s deep
            water area can expect a turnover of 19.3 million
            tons, in which containerized exports account for
            8.9 million tons and containerized imports for 4.5
            million. Importantly, there are multiple incentives
            for investors, including reduced tax rates applicable
            to tax residents of the Russian Arctic Zone.
               The  experts  at  Technologies  of  Trust  –
            Consulting have conducted a study that resulted
            in a proposal for investors. In the regional
            government, the project
            is supervised by Dmitry
            Yurkov,    Arkhangelsk
            Governor’s representative
            for Arctic development
            issues. To find out more
            please contact us at msp29.
            ru, or dial
            +7 (800) 100 70 00.
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