Page 27 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 27

conditions are similar to those in seaports of the Gulf
               A little bit of history                 of Finland including Saint Petersburg.
               In 1915, contracted by                     Arkhangelsk boasts one more advantage – the car-
            the Russian Empire’s Min-                  rying capacity of its railway. Unlike many east- and
            istry of Trade and Indus-                  south-bound railways with limited capacity, this city
            try,  the  Merchant  Ports                 has a profound store of potential to add as many trains
            Department  competed  a                    and needed and within short timelines.
            series of surveys in the es-                  Electric power runs all the way
            tuary waters of the North-                 to Obozerskaya station. From there,
            ern Dvina River, guided                    the line runs for another 119 km to   Необходимое условие
            by engineer V. E. Lyakh-                   Isakogorka (the first station within   полномасштабного развития
            nitsky. The three-year-long                Arkhangelsk transport hub). This   контейнерных линий –
            work produced a legacy of                  section once had the capacity for
            lengthy reports, their main conclusion being   twenty trains in each direction per   достаточные глубины для
            that the outside harbor should be based “on   day. Restoring this capacity sounds   захода крупнотоннажных
            the shore of the Dvinsky Bay near the village   a much easier option than laying a   контейнеровозов
            of Kuy”.                                   new rail connection, and it can be
               Since then, there have been no major    done quickly. Do port railway sta-  For the container lines to reach
            changes in the hydrological regime of the   tions have enough orders? No. And   their full potential, they need to
            Northern Dvina River estuary, for it received   because the shortage is faced by all
            no dams or related installations. Therefore, the   ports without exception, it is es-  have sufficient depths allowing
            surveys of that year are still relevant.   sential that a coordination plat-  for the entry of large-capacity
               The reports by those early engineer teams   form is set up for players to be able   container ships
            contain the rationales and cost-efficiency cal-  to achieve better performance and
            culations: “Compared to other locations in the   tackle peak loads within the trans-
            White Sea, the estuary of the Dvina River is a   port hub. The growing traffic vol-
            cheaper option and, most importantly, offers   umes call for more cost-effective digital solutions.
            shortest construction timeline.”
               Those surveys and conclusions were con-    Ships need a local repairs provider
            ducted and made at the time when Russia was
            involved in World War I. The rationale for    The shipping operations have increased several fold
            the projected deep water used as arguments   in the western sector of the Russia Arctic over the past
            the following: “Identifying best location and   few years. The ports of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk are
            equipment for the northern port must be ap-  almost equal in terms of ship call statistics. Despite the
            proached with forward-thinking attitude. As   sanctions, the Arctic development agenda continues to
            was shown by the war, Arkhangelsk is a port   be implemented, with shipping volume expected to in-
            of national importance. No spending on its de-  crease with years. To spare the Arctic-going ships the
            velopment is excessive. Even if unprofitable in   time required for reaching dedicated docks, they need
            peacetime, this port will pay for itself with-  to be serviced where they operate. The new-era Arc-
            in one navigation season in the time of need.”  tic fleet consists of large- and medium-tonnage vessels.
                                                       To accommodate them, docks need to have sufficient
                                                       depths. The would-be deep water area has capacity for
                                                       docks suitable for any type of vessels.
                                                          All things considered, the seawater area under con-
                                                       sideration, which lies 50 kilometers away from Arkhan-
                                                       gelsk, offers sufficiently deep naturally occurring depths
                                                       and easiest of ice conditions to be found in the White
                                                       Sea. Arkhangelsk, being the Russian Arctic’s largest in-
                                                       dustrial city, offers a developed road and railway infra-
                                                       structure, skilled labor and engineering personnel. In
                                                       the context of increasing Russo-African trade relations,
                                                       there is every reason to believe that this outside harbor
                                                       will enjoy sufficient cargo turnover fueled by the in-
                                                       creasing west- and east-bound container traffic.
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