Page 19 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 19

tems. They can be transported by land or sea, and   infrastructure. This 6.6 mtpa LNG train is expected to
          none of their components are assembled on-site.   be put into operation by the end of the year and reach
          Their assembly density is incomparably higher than   its full capacity in 2024.
          that of conventional structures. And because they   Novatek’s GBS platform-based LNG plant is cur-
          never have an inch of vacant space, the process of   rently the only of its kind in the world, placing the
          their engineering requires extra precision and skill   company at lead position in pathfinding research.
          so as to ensure that subsequent transportation doesn’t   This design solution has a number of advantages and
          affect their operability.”                   among them lower capex, significantly shorter con-
             LNG Construction Center’s current capacity is   struction timelines, better fire safety and eco-friend-
          sufficient to meet the needs of Novatek’s promising   liness.
          LNG projects. Its premises have been used for lo-  With highly compact arrangement of equipment,
          calization of the world-class LNG technologies, and   the design takes four to five times less space compared
          some of the high-tech products by domestic manufac-  to ground-based plants. The GBS houses LNG and
          turers were tailored exclusively for Center.   condensate storage tanks, 14 tanks for other liquids, is
             The  gravity-based  substructures  that are  being   installed with loading arms and has everything need-  SOZVEZDYE #42
          built here are the largest floating structures in the   ed for safe mooring of LNG carriers. All this mini-
          world. The recently completed LNG train has a length   mizes its environmental impact and contributes to an
          of 330 meters, width of 152 meters, height of 90 me-  overall low cost.                                    проект
          ters, and weighs 640,000 tons. Its transportation to   By standardizing the design of GBS platform-           project
          site involved 16 vessels. The LNG train reached its   based LNG plants, and with LNG Construction Cen-
          destination – the Gydan Peninsula – on August 12   ter at its disposal, Novatek will be able to build its
          after 22 days of voyage, having covered more than   future LNG facilities within even shorter timeline
          two thousand kilometers across the Barents and Kara   and at lower cost. Besides, GBS platform-based LNG
          Seas, to be placed on pre-installed foundation a few   plants can be used not only in the Arctic but on any
          days later. Work is underway to hook it up to ground   other large gas deposit globally.                          17
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