Page 18 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 18

4250-ton-capacity overhead cranes. The thirty-five   est in the world. When filled with water, the weight
                                        50- and 300-ton-capacity double-girder cranes are ar-  of each of them reaches 126,000 tons.
                                        ranged in two levels, and there are cranes to handle
                                        items as heavy as 600 tons. These giants have 4.5 m   Technology localization
                                        high beams and weigh 700 tons. For comparison, the
                                        weight of a conventional 10-ton overhead crane with   The intention to make Center a reality was too
                                        a 22 m long span isn’t more than 10 tons.     strong to be impeded by the Western sanctions. While
                                           The heart of Center is its two dry docks. It is here   core facilities had been completed before the sanc-
                                        that gravity-based substructures are constructed.   tions onset, the construction of the first LNG train
                                        Opening the way into the Kola Bay are bateau portes,   for Arctic LNG 2 took place under serious pressure,
                                        or floating bulkheads, each weighing 56,000 tons. A   forcing Novatek’s engineers to redesign solutions and
                                        floating bulkhead is a system to dewater gated struc-  source replacements to the staff of foreign companies
                                        tures. Dmitry Zagranichny:                    after withdrawal from Russia.
                                           “The original design solution – earth-fill coffer-
                                                                                         Today, LNG Construction Center has achieved a
           SOZVEZDYE #42                dams – made the dry dock impermeable and has   capacity allowing it to produce two LNG facilities ev-
                                        made it possible to start the manufacture of the first   ery three years. The two docks manufacture two GBSs
                                        GBS in 2019. We needed those cofferdams because the   in parallel. The concreting of every 480,000 ton GBS
            проект                      pits for the dry docks had to be formed on dry bot-  takes six months and requires 175,000 cubic meters
            project                     tom. But later, as the GBS neared its completion and   of reinforced concrete. The shop for the final assembly
                                        was due for transportation to the project, we opted for   of modules has capacity of 100,000 tons per year, each
                                        the floating bulkheads.”                      standard LNG train requiring 14 modules with a total
                                           Their bottoms at 16.2 meters below sea level, the   weight of up to 140,000 and 18 months to assemble.
                                        docks remain impermeable thanks to the floating   Dmitry Zagranichny:
                                                                                         “Modules are steel structures to be installed with
           16                           bulkheads. With a length of 200 m, width of 20, and   process equipment, pipelines and engineering sys-
                                        height of 21 m, these floating bulkheads are the larg-
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