Page 16 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 16

Ten-year plan                              tor of Engineering and Investment Department. “The
                                                                                      philosophy of Center draws largely on the GBS design
                                           LNG Construction Center is a project owned by   concept for the Arctic LNG 2’ LNG train. We expect
                                        Novatek and is operated by Novatek’s daughter No-  Center to become a manufacturer of all components
                                        vatek-Murmansk. Being Russia’s core producer of   of high-tonnage LNG trains on transportable GBS
                                        LNG, Novatek has built Center to be its manufacturer   platforms. An enterprise of this kind never existed in
                                        of LNG trains. “A plant producing plants”, such is the   Russia. Actually, there aren’t many of its kind in the
                                        definition of this huge premise for the production and   world, I mean facilities that can combine large-ton-
                                        assembly of gravity-based substructures (GBS), LNG   nage reinforced concrete production with the manu-
                                        equipment, large-sized modules and LNG trains. Arc-  facture of steel structures for further assembly into
                                        tic LNG 2 is the first, and certainly not the last, proj-  modules.”
                                        ect Center manufactures for.
                                           “LNG Construction Center isn’t a temporary proj-  Last-minute construction
                                        ect but a facility with long-term production plans. It
                                        has a portfolio of LNG train orders with a timeline of   Novatek-Murmansk, a company started for the
           SOZVEZDYE #42                ten years,” says Dmitry Zagranichny, Novatek Direc-  purposes Center under the name of Kola Shipyard,

                                              Arctic LNG 2 is Novatek’s second major LNG   The project has been built to serve the Utren-
            проект                         project. Its design concept uses as foundation for   neye oil and gas condensate field on the Gydan
            project                        LNG trains a gravity-based substructure. Their man-  Peninsula in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug,
                                                                                      which lies around 70 kilometers away from Yamal
                                           ufacture and assembly takes place in Murmansk.
                                           The LNG trains are towed upon completion to site   LNG (on the opposite shore of the Gulf of Ob). The
                                           in the Gulf of Ob. Each train has a capacity of 6.6   Utrenneye field is estimated to contain 1.5 trillion
                                           mtpa, while the designed capacity of the entire pro-  cubic meters of gas. Once up and running, Arctic
                                           ject stands at 19.8 million tons of LNG and around   LNG 2 will increase the global production of liq-
            14                             1.6 million tons of stable gas condensate per annum.   uefied natural gas by 5%.
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