Page 36 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 36

Порты Западной Арктики      There has been a significant decrease in the transship-
            Морской порт Архангельск                   являются важной частью транс-  ment of coal and petroleum products. Steady growth
                                                       портной системы России. В пер-
                                                                                      trend is shown only by general cargoes. It should be
            является вторым портом в                   вую очередь на привлекатель-   noted that Arkhangelsk is AMPWA’s second-largest
            составе Администрации по                   ность морского порта с точки   port in terms of ship calls – 4,320 in 2021, which is
            количеству судозаходов: 4320               зрения бизнеса влияют техни-   more than in 2020 (4,077).
                                                       ческие характеристики, тарифы,
                                                                                         On the development side, Arkhangelsk was until
            в 2021 году, что больше, чем в             оснащенность навигационными    recently considered one of the most promising ports.
            2020-м (4077)                              средствами, качественное бук-  Consideration was given to build in its waters a deep-
            It should be noted that                    сирное обслуживание и предо-   water harbour near Kuya Lighthouse, which is 52 to 54
                                                       ставление других услуг. Соглас-
                                                                                      kilometers from Arkhangelsk. The project is still under
            Arkhangelsk is AMPWA’s second-             но Стратегии развития морской   consideration, forming part of the RF Transport Strate-
            largest port in terms of ship calls –      портовой  инфраструктуры  Рос-  gy 2030. An increase in cargo turnover can be achieved
                                                                                      by Arkhangelsk port through increased transshipment
                                                       сии  до 2030  года,  для  увеличе-
            4,320 in 2021, which is more than          ния привлекательности морских   of wood and wood-based products.
            in 2020 (4,077)                            портов необходима реализация
                                                       мероприятий по следующим на-      Murmansk and Dikson
                                                          • развитие портовых мощно-     Major projects are being deployed in Murman-
                                        стей и портовой инфраструктуры;               sk. With coal as its main cargo, this port is likely to
                                           • обеспечение безопасного функционирования   be transshipping, in the medium term, more cargoes
                                        морской портовой инфраструктуры и морского    including mineral fertilizers and iron ore. Murman-
                                        транспорта;                                   sk’s Lavna Coal Terminal project is included in the
                                           • создание условий, повышающих конкуренто-  state-funded programme “Development of the Rus-
                                        способность морских портов;                   sian Transport System”, “Railway Transport Develop-
                                           • совершенствование государственного управ-  ment Strateg”, “RF Transport Strategy” and “Integrat-
                                        ления в сфере морского портового хозяйства.   ed Trunk Infrastructure Modernization and Expansion
                                           Кроме того, необходимо дальнейшее увеличе-  Plan”, enjoying good prospects for development. Be-
                                        ние мощностей причалов, причальных глубин, со-  sides, Lavna is one of Murmansk Transport Hub’s an-
                                        вершенствование механизации и автоматизации,   chor projects designed to operate as a year-round deep-
                                        развитие портовой сети железнодорожного транс-  sea hub within the international North-South transport
                                        порта, автодорог, конвейерного и трубопроводно-  corridor.
                                        го транспорта.                                   Lavna’s 660-meter-long berth will be able to con-
                                           Для повышения привлекательности морских    currently accommodate two 20,000–150,000 DWT
                                        портов необходимо повышать уровень безопас-   bulk carriers. Its terminal will be open to vessels all year
                                        ности и надежности их функционирования, сфор-  round and will not need icebreaker assistance, because
                                        мировать систему охраны и антитеррористической   the Kola Bay stays ice-free thanks to the warm waters
                                        защищенности в соответствии с требованиями    of the Gulf Stream.
                                        Международной морской организации.               Another project – High-Tonnage Offshore Engi-
                                           Наиболее значимым пунктом в определении    neering Center (HTOEC) – is deployed in Belokamen-
                                        привлекательности порта является тарифная поли-  ka, Murmansk Oblast. Commissioned by the govern-
                                        тика государства и частных компаний, оказываю-  ment of the Russian Federation and assigned the status
                                        щих услуги по перевалке грузов и иные виды пор-  of an investment project of strategic and local impor-
                                        товых услуг. Тарифы на перевозки должны быть   tance, this Center is the heart of Russia’s emerging LNG
                                        экономически  обоснованы.  Нужно  рационально   engineering sector. It has the facilities for producing
                                        использовать тарифы, которые будут сопоставимы   gravity-base structures, integrating LNG equipment,
                                        с тарифами, применяемыми соседними иностран-  and constructing large-sized modules and liquefaction
                                        ными портами-конкурентами.                    lines. Involved in its construction are more than hun-
                                           Претворение в жизнь этих мероприятий позво-  dred Russian enterprises. The one-off technologies they
                                        лит не только нарастить мощность российских мор-  have developed for the Center have no counterparts in
                                        ских портов в 2,2 раза к 2030 году, но и повысить их   Russia. The Center has recently embarked on the con-
                                        привлекательность и конкурентоспособность.    struction of gas liquefaction lines for project Arctic
                                                                                      LNG 2. More liquefaction lines will be engineered for
                                           Port calls on the increase                 Novatek’s LNG projects as they come into being.
                                                                                         HTOEC is comprised of five main sectors: GBS and
                                           In 2021, AMPWA members showed a total trans-  two dry docks; superstructures; offshore infrastructure
                                        shipment volume of 92.9 million tons, which is 1.8%   facilities; engineering facilities; living quarters and ad-
                                        less than in 2020. The seaports with the highest cargo   ministrative block. Their construction goes according
                                        turnover are:                                 to schedule, with some of the workshops already com-
                                           • Murmansk, representing 58.8% in AMPWA mem-  missioned and production of modules started. The vol-
                                        bers’ total transshipment volume;             umes of LNG to be produced in this area are expected
                                           • Sabetta – 30%;                           to change the global energy balance and contribute to
                                           • Varandey – 5%.                           making the world’s energy system more eco-efficient.
                                           Compared to 2020, seven major ports (exceptions   Development is being seen also by the port of Dik-
                                        being Naryan-Mar, Varandey, Kandalaksha and Me-  son. In 2021, the Russian government issued an order to
                                        zen) saw an increase in calls in 2021. The ports with the   incorporate into Dikson’s premises Site No.2 – Severna-
           SOZVEZDYE #38                largest number of ship calls are Murmansk, Arkhan-  ya Zvezda coal terminal, currently under construction.
                                                                                      This coal terminal is being built by Severnaya Zvezda
                                        gelsk and Onega. In 2021, ship calls (entry and depar-
                                        ture) totaled 20,341, which is 2,938 more than in 2020.  (member of AEON Group) within the framework of
                                           There has been a decrease in dry and bulk cargo   Integrated Investment Project “Yenisei Siberia”. It has
            развитие                    transshipment in 2021. Lower turnover of oil and pe-  as its resource base Syradasay coal deposit (105 kilome-
            development                 troleum cargoes were shown by the seaports of Mur-  ters from Dikson) and involves construction of an air-
                                        mansk and Sabetta. This was compensated by an addi-  port; motor road; deep-water seaport; coal mine with
                                        tional volume (623.5 KT) of liquefied gas, transshipped   a capacity of five million tons per year; coal prepara-
                                        to the Temporary LNG Transshipment Complex based   tion plant; marine terminal; camp facilities; and coal-
                                        in Murmansk.                                  dust facility with emission treatment system. Severnaya
                                           In the port of Arkhangelsk, the 2021 cargo turnover
           34                           totals 4.3 million tons, which is 2% less than in 2020.   Zvezda will be exporting its output to Southeast Asia
                                                                                      via the Northern Sea Route.
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