Page 37 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 37

For the purpose of this project, more than 250 units   high-quality towage and other services. According to
          of equipment and machinery – dump trucks, bulldoz-  the Russian Strategy for the Development of Seaport
          ers, soil compactors, graders, excavators, etc. – were de-  Infrastructure 2030, the efforts to enhance the Russian
          livered to Taimyr in March–May 2021. The site has also   ports’ attractiveness should focus on:
          received modular structures for camp facilities. There   • development of port facilities and infrastructure;
          will be a temporary shift camp with capacity for more   • operational safety of onshore infrastructure and
          than three hundred workers.                  maritime transport;
                                                          • creating the environment conducive to increased
             High standards                            competitiveness;
                                                          • enhancing public governance in seaport manage-
             Much attention is being paid by Western Arctic port   ment.
          projects to environmental safety. The ports have the pro-  Apart from that, the efforts should aim to increase
          cedures for overseeing the operability of oil spill response   the capacity of berths and berthing depths, improve
          equipment and for monitoring the preparedness of in-  mechanization and automation, and modernize ports’
          house and outside emergency rescue teams. Shipboard   rail transport, motorways, conveyor transport and
          wastes and port reception facilities are being strictly   pipelines.
          monitored. Environmental compliance is always a ma-  The work to enhance the ports’ attractiveness
          jor concern when handling bulk and liquid cargoes, bun-  should continuously seek to improve operational safe-
          kering, and monitoring ship pollution levels.   ty and security by establishing anti-terrorism systems
             It is a requirement that all of the port’s technical   as prescribed by International Maritime Organization.
          processes comply with the best  international stan-  One important concern in increasing the ports’ at-
          dards, including those established for environmental   tractiveness is tariff policies. It is essential that the rates
          and transport safety. A great responsibility lies with the   and fees established by the state and private companies
          ports’ environmental engineers, whose duties span en-  providing cargo handling and related services, are eco-
          suring that the premises and the water area are pollu-  nomically feasible. These rates and fees should also be
          tion-free and that ship maintenance is in full compli-  commensurable with those in use by the competitors in
          ance with conventions.                       neighbor countries.
             The ports of Western Arctic form an essential part   Once implemented, these measures will enable a
          of Russia’s transport system. From shippers’ perspec-  2.2-fold increase in the capacity of the Russian seaports
          tive, a port is attractive if it operates in a technologi-  by 2030, while also enhancing the port’s attractiveness
          cally sound way and offers decent rates, navigation aids,   and competitiveness.

                           Перевалка в порту Архангельск/Arkhangelsk port’s turnover

           Груз/Cargo                             2020,         2021,         Изменение (2021
                                                  тыс. тонн/KT тыс. тонн/KT к 2020) /2021 vs. 2020
           1. Сухогрузы/Dry cargo                 2205,4        2209,9        100,2%
            1.1 Навалочные/Bulk                   162,2         72,1          44,5%
              1.1.1 Уголь, кокс/Coal, coke        58,2          0             0%
              1.1.2 Прочие грузы/Other            104           72,1          69,3%
            1.2 Лесные /Timber                    557,6         517,7         92,8%
            1.3 Генеральные/General               1177,5        1314,1        111,6%
              1.3.1 Черные металлы/Ferrous metals  209,2        212,7         101,7%
              1.3.2 Цветные металлы/
              Non-ferrous metals                  0             3,6                                        SOZVEZDYE #38
              1.3.3 Металлолом/Scrap metal        44,1          47            106,6%
              1.3.4 Тарно-штучное/Packaged goods  248,2         242,8         97,8%
              1.3.5 Рефгрузы/Refrigerated cargo   4             6,7           167,5%                              развитие
              1.3.6 Прочие/Other                  672           801,3         119,2%                             development
            1.4 Контейнеры груженые/Containerized  308,1        306           99,3%
           2. Наливные грузы/Liquid               1083,4        1014,1        93,6%
            2.1 Нефтепродукты/Petroleum           1083,4        1014,1        93,6%                                         35
           ИТОГО/TOTAL                            3288,8        3224          98%
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