Page 33 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 33

Alongside with repairs, the team have expertise in
          modernization and conversion of ships. Some of the
          projects use customized design developed by the com-
             “The geography of our clients is expanding,” says An-
          ton Krushelnitsky. “In addition to the companies based
          Arkhangelsk Oblast (Northern Shipping Company, Arc-
          tic Shipping Company, Northern Inland Shipping Com-
          pany, Bunker Company Arkhangelsk, Trans-Fleet), we
          now have clients based in other regions (Khatanga MTP,
          Valkur, Pomor-Service, among others). I can say that we
          now serve as a maintenance provider to the Arctic coast-
          al fleet. Our capacity allows for the repairs to be done on
          various types of ships. Also, our teams can travel to per-
          form repairs onsite. Our growing performance enables
          our upgrading plans, which include modernization of
          the premises and purchase of machine tools and other
          equipment. One recent acquisition is the mobile painting
          unit for use at customer sites. Since this winter, we are
          licensed for ship breaking and disposal. We have a ded-
          icated team for this and equipment. Importantly, none
          of the purchases have been made using borrowed funds.
          We invest our profits in our growth.”
                                                              Слип Г-300, находящийся в собственности
             Resources and personnel
                                                              Архангельской РЭБ флота, позволяет проводить
             On  a  long-term  horizon,  the  company  intends  to   доковый ремонт судов весом до 2500 тонн, длиной до 130
          grown into a full-service provider with operations from   метров и осадкой до 3,5 метров
          ship design development to ship launch. This means
          that FRMB pushes out the boundaries of its core busi-  SLIP G-300, possessed by FRMB as property, offers dock
          ness into shipbuilding. And it has competencies, exper-  repairs to vessels weighing up to 2500 tons, with length of up
          tise and technical capabilities for this. Its covered berth   to 130 meters and draught up to 3.5 meters
          for allows to build ships up to 90 meters long and up to
          16 meters wide. With slipways for assembling hull units
          and manufacturing plane sections, the berth operates at
          a mere 20% capacity. Along with other specialized sites,
          FRMB operates hull welding shop with plasma cutting
          jig and mechanical assembly shops.
             The interest from customers is growing as FRMB gets
          hired by the larger shipyards to engineer ships, barges,
          pontoons, floating bridges and floating berths. Its team
          have years of experience in delivering projects also to the
          European market: since 1988 FRMB has built thirty ves-
          sels – pontoons boats, fishing trawlers, chemical tanker
          hulls – for customers in Holland, Germany and Norway.
             FRMB has a plan to evolve into a yard with the en-
          tire range of services in shipbuilding and ship repair in-
          dustry. A vessel built by FRMB will be able to receive
          maintenance and repair from its mother shipyard – this
          scheme looks simplest and most convenient to custom-
             Achieving these goals requires not only technologi-
          cally advanced facilities, but also a sufficient team. While
          two years ago FRMB had around 120 employees, its cur-
          rent staff is 230.
             Anton Krushelnitsky:
             “We have managed to build a solid team of qualified
          people. We have achieved it by giving individual atten-
          tion to the needs of every single employee. What we of-
          fer people is the opportunity to work and earn, to grow
          professionally and advance in their careers. If we see that
          employees have motivation, we can arrange for advanced
          training at company’s expense. We are working to im-
          prove comfort at work: we have recently renovated the
          dining room and are now doing repairs on the person-
          nel facilities. And we also support the school with many
          of our employees’ children as students. There’s an incen-
          tive fund and a free hostel for our younger employees.”
             Also, FRMB envisages creating an in-house train-
          ing facility. The idea was first discussed at the personnel
          training round table, held in Arkhangelsk last autumn,
          and was supported by industries, vocational schools and
          regional government. Relevant agreements with Arkhan-
          gelsk Ministry of Education are already in place. Once
          the training facility is up and running, many of the chal-
          lenges in the shipbuilding and ship repair training will
          be tackled, while FRMB can expect a sufficient skill pool
          to turn itself into the heart of shipbuilding for the Arctic.
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