Page 28 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 28

of Kharasavey-bound general cargoes, construction   a major carrier to ports within Arkhangelsk Oblast
                                        materials and specialized machinery, carried onboard   and the polar regions. Traditionally busiest destina-
                                        the Russian-built giants of RSD-59 design.    tions include Nenets Autonomous Area and the So-
                                           “There’s a number of interesting projects on Ya-  lovetsky Islands. The latter uses ARP as carrier of
                                        mal that use us as a carrier,” says Andrey Razgovo-  socially important cargoes, but this year ARP was
                                        rov, ARP Director General. “To meet their shipping   shipping to the Solovetsky Islands also the construc-
                                        needs, we have increased the operations on our Cargo   tion materials for social facilities. Sand shipments
                                        Terminal 2, which is designed for handling 12,000 ton   alone exceeded 40,000 tons.
                                        capacity bulk carriers and made it possible for us to   ARP acts as suppliers of sand and gravel mixtures
                                        act as general contractor for the production and deliv-  to the local road construction industry. Recently,
                                        ery of pipe piles to Bukhta Sever (North Bay) – Ros-  more than 400,000 tons were transported to Krasno-
                                        neft’s oil loading terminal currently under construc-  flotsky Island to expand the city ring road as part of
                                        tion. For this, we have set up a whole new process   the M-8 Highway reconstruction project. In Arkhan-
                                        chain: The pipes arrive at Zharovikha central termi-  gelsk Oblast, ARP is the largest supplier of sand. Sand
                                        nal to be converted into pipe piles at Cargo Terminal   mining the was first started by ARP in the 1960s in
           SOZVEZDYE #38                2 and shipped to Yamal. We’ve been successfully ex-  the Northern Dvina. This sand was used to build the
                                        panding our berthing line capacity and transport lo-
                                                                                      majority of Arkhangelsk’s “sleeper” neighborhoods.
                                        gistics. Acting as contractor for such projects is cer-  Its quality has stood the test of time and is attested
                                        tainly a good way for us to improve our competencies   by international laboratories. ARP still enjoys a rep-
            перспективы                 and process technologies. Since last year, we are a tax   utation as Arkhangelsk Oblast’s exclusive supplier of
            outlook                     resident of the Arctic Zone, and are now working on   construction sand
                                        our new project in Arkhangelsk – Cargo Terminal 3.
                                        We see that there is interest from shipowners and we   Jobs for people
                                        think we might be ready to start it as early as 2022.”
                                           The new competencies gained while working for   Not only has Arkhangelsk River Port achieved a
           26                           the Arctic projects are being applied also for North-  significant increase in its port infrastructure, it re-
                                                                                      cently tried its hand in social facility construction.
                                        ern Haul purposes. Arkhangelsk River Port serves as
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