Page 29 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 29

ing zone. Last summer, social networks posted hun-
                                                       dreds of the photos of the river views against the
                                                       background of the facade bearing the proud name,
                                                          “Arkhangelsk Passenger Terminal is our pride and
                                                       pain. Its construction was not without challenges.
                                                       There were lots of issues to be negotiated concerning
                                                       its location and we were obliged to do archaeological
                                                       excavations because the site had its boundaries within
                                                       the protected archaeological monument “Makarovsky
                                                       Baths”. Then, the construction process had to be put
                                                       on hold again due to the coronavirus restrictions and
                                                       interruptions in the supply of building materials. But,
                                                       we are now entering the home stretch and will soon
                                                       see the day when this socially project significant proj-
                                                       ect will open its doors to the people of Arkhangelsk
                                                       and Primorsky District,” says Andrey Razgovorov.
                                                          In the meantime, as ARP is steadily moving to-
                                                       wards the finish line, it is actively preparing its pas-
                                                       senger fleet – ships of ‘Moscow’ design – for the up-
                                                       coming navigation season. Although ‘Moscow’ design
                                                       ships are no longer in production, they are ideal
                                                       choice for operating on the Northern Dvina River.
                                                       For this reason, ARP is purchasing them from oth-
                                                       er regions for further renovation. Installed with new
                                                       mechanisms and renovated cabins, these ships receive
                                                       new life. Two of them, Aquamarine
                                                       and Sapphire, are favorites among
                                                       the residents. With warm, cozy
                                                       passenger cabs and glazed upper   В историческом месте, где на
                                                       decks with panoramic view, they   протяжении ста лет сходятся
                                                       are ideal for passenger transpor-  главные речные маршруты,
                                                       tation and leisure cruises. A third
                                                       ship in this family is currently un-  предприятие достраивает
                                                       der renovation.                   пассажирский вокзал.
                                                          “We have our heart in our
                                                       work and fleet. And we are think-  Пристань Архангельска
                                                       ing long-term, paying great atten-  преображается
                                                       tion to our personnel policy. For
                                                       the last few years, we’ve been pro-  In the historical place of
                                                       viding training for our employees   Arkhangelsk – the meeting point
                                                       using our own resources. There
                                                       have been some changes in the vo-  of the two major waterways – ARP
                                                       cational education sector, but the   is completing the construction of a
                                                       need in highly qualified personnel,
                                                       especially in our industry, remains   passenger terminal building. The
                                                       high. Many of the fresh graduates   pier and embankment are taking
                                                       we are approached by are motivat-  a new shape
                                                       ed to join our company but they
                                                       are trained to be navigators, not
                                                       navigators with the knowledge of
          In the historical place of Arkhangelsk – the meeting   engineering and related skills, as we require. There-
          point of the two major waterways – ARP is complet-  fore, we first offer them internships, and once they
          ing the construction of a passenger terminal building.   are hired they undergo on-the-job training. Expenses
          The pier and embankment are taking a new shape and   are at our cost. This is a good start for those willing
          will soon appear as organically embedded into the   to build careers in the river transport, enabling stu-
          style of the surrounding neighborhoods – the cen-  dents to be trained for several jobs parallel to their
          tral business district and the residential area. This   two-year vocational training and thus become bet-
          social facility is built with ARP’s own money. ARP   ter candidates for the job. This scheme is now be-
          is building this social object with its own funds. The   ing followed also by Kotlas School of Inland Naviga-
          investment costs exceed RUB 120 million. This year,   tion, whose earlier system for navigator students was
          the works entered their final stage and concentrate   slightly different from that in Arkhangelsk. But now
          inside the building – on the waiting hall and admin-  they are absolutely on the right track, as is evidenced
          istrative offices.                           by the growing demand for its graduates. Their stu-
             The relevance of this passenger terminal is diffi-  dents are either hired or reserved for inland ship-
          cult to overestimate. Every navigation season, motor   ping enterprises in Central Russia even before the
          ships transport more than 800,000 passengers. Pas-  graduation.                                  SOZVEZDYE #38
          senger traffic stood at nearly one million in pre-CO-  As we heard from Andrey Razgovorov, being
          VID years, contributed by tourists travelling to space   a competitor to the country’s largest businesses is
          museum on Voznesenie Island, tent-shaped churches   a huge responsibility. But Arkhangelsk River Port
          in Konetsdvorye, and the pilots’ village in Pustosh.   boasts a number of advantages, the most precious   перспективы
          The terminal will definitely be in demand, being a   being its team – the people who are highly knowl-       outlook
          solution to Arkhangelsk pier’s infrastructure tasks:   edgeable of the operational nuances in the Arctic and
          There will be jobs for the port workers and a spa-  who are able to make balanced decisions in its harsh
          cious, beautifully arranged waiting hall with ticket   conditions. The acquired expertise attracts new part-
          offices, toilets, cafe and mother and child room for   ners, increasing the portfolio of orders and non-core
          passengers’ convenience. To city residents and guests,   activities – an encouraging result that leads to start
          the area around the terminal will serve as cozy walk-  new projects.                                              27
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