Page 18 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 18

cal railway is used as an approach to river ports and for   of multi-purpose ships (UPV), this also causes ships
                                        transshipment to road transport.              to make more voyages.
                                           In the Yenisei River Basin, the major bulk of cargo   That Arkhangelsk terminals’ design capacity out-
                                        turnover is represented by Norilsk Nickel-bound ship-  ranges the current transshipment needs, is a fact. The
                                        ments and the output which is carried on return voy-  terminals, in particular, share the open storage area of
                                        ages from the ports of Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk and   one square kilometer. But, the “peak Arctic season”,
                                        Dudinka. In the Lena River Basin, the cargo traffic has   when volumes of transshipment grow seven-fold in
                                        a large proportion of coal and petroleum products.  summer, can change the whole picture. It is not sur-
                                                                                      prising that even with this colossal capacity, delays oc-
                                           Arkhangelsk seaport                        cur. Arkhangelsk Sea Commercial Port (as an example)
                                                                                      has a good reserve of storage sites and berths but is bad-
                                           The two seaports with the highest turnover of ship-  ly lacking them in peak season.
                                        ments bound for the operations in the Western and   The key customers for the area’s multi-cargo ter-
                                        Eastern sectors of the Russian Arctic are Murmansk   minal services are Novatek, Norilsk Nickel, Gazprom,
                                        and Arkhangelsk. In the cargo database of Kandalaksha   Gazpromneft, Rosneft, or their contractors. Each of
                                        and Onega, Arctic-bound cargoes represent a negligent   them will continue operating in the Arctic during the
                                        amount, if any. The ports in the Far East tend, in today’s   next few decades – Arctic projects have a life span of
                                        conditions of container shipping and coal projects, to   more than 40–50 years – and there’s a whole range of
                                        step aside from general cargo handling.       new projects underway. In the meantime, the more in-
                                           Arkhangelsk has traditionally been a seaport for the   land zones remain underused. Partnership relations’
                                        Arctic projects-bound goods and wood-based products,   being “for one season and retarding” hinders the de-
                                        the latter being produced by mills based in Arkhangelsk   velopment of terminals in the long term; the low tariff
                                        Oblast and adjacent regions. This has shaped the spe-  rates do not allow upgrading of other services, includ-
                                        cialization of the local terminals.           ing automation, port facilities and technologies. Anoth-
                                           Arkhangelsk’s cargo terminals are handling:   er reason lies in cargo itself. Not to underestimate the
                                           • export shipments of timber and pulp-and-paper   importance of cargo handling technologies, but when
                                        products (0.5–0.7 million tons);              there’s thousands of items to be handled, identification
                                           • export shipments of petroleum products (appr. 1   and classification appears challenging. Nor does it seem
                                        million tons; 2 mln at peak times);           expedient to utilize space, even if available, for han-
                                           • dry cargoes bound for the Arctic projects (appr. 1.5   dling such items. One solution lies in prior packaging,
                                        million tons of general cargo) and petroleum products   consolidation and containerization. But who’s to start
                                        (0.3 million tons). These include consignments from   and promote them as services? Suppliers are not sim-
                                        the Russian Defense Ministry; Federal Security Service   ply many, they are excessively many, and they operate
                                        Border Agency (supplies for development projects in the   on FCA terms – transportation costs at suppliers’ ex-
                                        Arctic areas); RosHydromet (supplies destined for polar   pense. The result will not take long – chaotic cargo flows
                                        stations); Russian Ministry of Natural Resources (sup-  waiting to be handled at the gates of the sea terminals.
                                        plies and fuels, including for national parks and cleanup   Thus, all terminals in Arkhangelsk face one com-
                                        projects on the Arctic islands).              mon challenge – massively unequal distribution of in-
                                           Given that the major bulk of cargoes that are   coming and outgoing cargo traffic, coupled with the
                                        bound for the Arctic development projects are gener-  special nature of the cargoes. When planning their op-
                                        al cargoes (construction materials, equipment and ma-  erations, shippers look no further than their own cargo
                                        chinery), the terminals are forced to stay multi-cargo.   flows. When these flows come concurrently from mul-
           SOZVEZDYE #38                And since most of their cargoes are one-off shipments,   tiple shippers, who have schedules to follow, transship-
                                        the increment in tonnage has been very slow. Over
                                                                                      ment instantaneously peaks. Add to that the delays in
                                        the past three years (2019–2021), the per ton coastal   ships’ arrival or seasonal shortage of ships (for exactly
                                        carriages have increased by 22% in Arkhangelsk’s to-  the same reason), and excessive cargo aggregation will
           транспорт                    tal cargo turnover. At the same time, there is a steady   be there to cause delays along the entire transportation
           transport                    growth in operations, evidenced by the increasing   chain from railway approaches to remoter Arctic port
                                        number of ship calls in the summer months, July and   localities. With ample margin of berths, storage sites,
                                        August. And we are talking about six-fold (!) increase   and railway capacity, Arkhangelsk, however, demon-
                                        achieved in the timeframe of five years. The discrepan-  strates its overall inefficiency as a hub.
                                        cy between the tonnage figures and the number of ship   The year 2021 turned out a “special” year for all
           16                           calls is explained by the “non-deadweight” nature of   players on the Arctic transport arena. The long-sim-
                                                                                      mered problems had erupted into bitter competition
                                        the cargoes being handled. Given the limited number
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