Page 23 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 23

servicing the Arctic projects, general cargo consti-
          tutes the major bulk for us to transship – including
          non-standard and oversized cargoes, which require
          a much greater competence than when handling, for
          example, bulk cargo.”
             Today, Arkhangelsk Sea Commercial Port  is
          a  focal  point  within  Arkhangelsk  transport  hub
          and a link to manufacturing centers in Siberia and
          Northwestern Russia, “North – South” international
          transport corridor, and the Northern Sea Route. The
          Northern Railway and M-8 Moscow – Arkhangelsk
          highway connect ASCP to other Russian regions.
             Due to its location – in the immediate vicinity
          of the outlet to the White Sea – Ekonomiya is the
          most popular, convenient and competitive terminal
          as compared to other cargo terminals in the upper
          reaches of the Northern Dvina River. Ekonomiya has
          seven ferroconcrete berths suitable for accommodat-
          ing vessels with a draft of 9.2 meters, length of up
          to 195 meters, and deadweight of up to 3,000 tons.
          In 2019 and 2020, here moored the nuclear-powered
          LASH carrier Sevmorput, the largest vessel ever to
          have called at Arkhangelsk. Ekonomiya is installed
          with transshipment equipment for handling heavy
          loads and is a completely obstruction-free terminal
          (devoid of bridges, overhead power lines, ice cross-
          ings). Another advantage is permanent license to
          transship all types of dangerous goods (Class 1 to 9)
          with the exception of Class 7.
             Ekonomiya is home to Northern Russia’s only
          container terminal with the capacity for 5,033 TEU
          and annual turnover of nearly 75,000 TEU. This   platforms, purchasing smaller capacity handling de-
          terminal is designed for handling all types of con-  vices and its fixing its utilities.
          tainers, including reefers (power connection for 109    There is a plan to set up an intercepting parking
          containers concurrently). Handling on approach   lot for heavy trucks. The location chosen for its lies in
          ways is done by 40-ton-capacity gantry cranes, 124-  the immediate vicinity of Ekonomiya and is designed
          ton rubber-mounted boom crane Liebherr LHM,   to relieve road network. Relevant land plot leasing ap-
          and 45-ton Kalmar and Hyster reach stackers. Con-  plication is currently being reviewed by the munici-
          sistently operating container lines exist for the Arc-  pality board.
          tic ports of Dudinka, Sabetta, Salman, and Pevek.   Much attention is being paid to digital services. Prac-
          ASCP is working to increase its export-bound con-  tice has shown that the special nature of ASCP’s cargo
          tainer flow and sits on Russian Railways’ working   traffic  and  its  having  to  provide  additional  handling
          group for container transportation. For improved   makes ready-made software solutions a poor choice.
          transportation safety, ASCP conducts containeriz-  Therefore, the company uses Arkhangelsk-based IT ex-
          ing operations.                              perts to develop its own software. A number of digital
             “The terminals of Arkhangelsk Sea Commercial   services are already in place: It is
          Port  offer the shortest haul for year-round transship-  now possible for customers to apply
          ment of cargoes bound for the Arctic mining proj-  for cargo entry and related services
          ects,” says Tsetsen Goryaev. “Shipping to the Arctic   online and to receive real-time infor-  Терминал «Экономия» в силу
          cannot be cheap. It’s a competitive environment, and   mation about ship handling status.   своего местоположения в
          we, on our part, can offer our customers a good value –   Once the online services are fully   непосредственной близости от
          quality service at a decent price and within shortest   available, paper document flow will
          timeline.”                                   diminish and cargo transparent can   выхода в Белое море является
                                                       be expected to become transparent at   наиболее востребованным,
             Priorities                                all process stages.              привлекательным и
                                                          “There’s been a lot of talk re-
             As we were told by ASCP Director General, the   cently about ways to expand and   конкурентоспособным
          port’s customer strategy is for the most part orient-  increase cargo flows. There are, in-  Due to its location – in the
          ed towards bigger customers. Big orders enable fast-  deed, ways to do it, but any such
          paced workload and long-term planning, managed by   expansion should have sufficient   immediate vicinity of the outlet
          the administrative team through the decision-making   technological and organizational   to the White Sea – Ekonomiya is
          that ensures high operational speed and efficiency.  support,” says Tsetsen Goryaev.   the most popular, convenient and
             “In fact, today we are turning to the operation-  “Our current efforts are concen-
          al scenarios discovered back in Soviet times,” says   trated on five main destinations –   competitive terminal
          Tsetsen  Goryaev.  “There  are  proven  mechanisms   Gydan Peninsula (Arctic LNG 1,
          for a large seaport to follow. What we do is revive   Arctic LNG 2, Ob LNG), Yamal
          those earlier solutions, combining them with mod-  Peninsula (Yamal LNG, Kharasavey field), Taimyr   SOZVEZDYE #38
          ern methods and technologies.”               (Vostok Oil and Severnaya Zvezda projects), the port
             Among the recent operational improvements is   of Pevek and Norilsk Industrial District. Our work re-
          the switch to freight unit as a measurement for cargo   volves around the customers operating in these desti-
          record and accounting; commissioning of a dedicat-  nations. At the same time, we are looking to expand   стратегия
          ed site for cargo management and packaging; cargo   our portfolio of orders and destinations for timber      strategy
          flow separation by destination with further handling   exports. Other options might include starting a do-
          at destination-specific sites.               mestic container line, block train shipments, or non-
             It wasn’t until recently that the port received the   ferrous  metals  (primarily  copper ore)  for domestic
          capabilities to upgrade and modernize its infrastruc-  market. But still, the Arctic projects and the traffic
          ture facilities. In 2021, it embarked on the construc-  along the Northern Sea Route will continue to be our
          tion of new and reconstruction of the existing cargo   major focus in the years to come.”                         21
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