Page 15 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 15

рынок фрахтования и ставок перевалки, дефицит
          терминалов и/или флота, нарушение непрерывно-
          сти поставок и регулярный перенос сроков ввода
          ключевого объекта, генерирующего доход, а соот-
          ветственно и прямые убытки за каждый лишний
          день стройки.
             Необходимо принять к сведению, что если в
          летний навигационный период технически имеет-
          ся возможность увеличить транспортные мощно-
          сти за счет мобилизации дополнительного флота,
          то проектирование и строительство береговой ин-
          фраструктуры в морских/речных портах занима-
          ет многократно большее время. В условиях совре-
          менного российского бизнеса обустройство таких
          капиталоемких и долгосрочных объектов может
          быть инициировано только самим оператором (ин-
          вестором) проекта или государством.
             Инфраструктурный задел советского Севера уже
          либо утрачен, либо в полной мере уже задействован.
          В текущей ситуации, когда экспортные терминалы
          бурно растут, отсутствие серьезных вложений в пор-
          товую инфраструктуру северных портов-отправи-
          телей рано или поздно может поставить тех же са-
          мых экспортеров перед угрозой невозможности
          уложиться в необходимые сроки обустройства или
          обеспечить нормальное функционирование произ-
          водственных объектов в Арктике.

               Still right where started                  Stages of development

             Among the reasons cited as complicating the cargo   For projects to be able to ensure that their cargoes
          delivery to the Arctic Zone is volatile delivery by the   reach them all right, they need to take care that ade-
          investors of the project schedules; lacking coordination   quate onsite infrastructure is in place well in advance.
          between the Russian Arctic’s regulated monopoly op-  The preparatory period may last two to three years. At
          erator (Rosatom) and projects of different levels; and   first, cargoes are unloaded onto unequipped shore us-
          lacking synergies between somewhat narrow agendas   ing smaller boats, floating cranes and temporary berths.
          of regional projects and other transport projects in the   With these technologies, the speed of cargo handling is
          Arctic Zone. Alongside with the multibillion-dollar in-  contingent on weather and specifications of the mecha-
          vestment projects, high on the Arctic logistics agenda is   nisms involved. Vessels stay idle waiting for days and
          also basic life support for small communities residing   even weeks to be unloaded, or for the unloading to
          in the area. This support is often seen as commercial-  complete, in the short Arctic summer season which, in
          ly inexpedient, holding the local people hostage to the   the Gulf of Ob, can be as short as 10 to 12 weeks.
          growing transport needs of income-generating projects.  Once permanent cargo terminals are in place to ser-
             Vague as they seem, the strategies being adhered to   vice field development and cargo flows can be moved
          by Russian Arctic regions, icebreaker monopoly opera-  from river to sea-going ships, delivery by sea will start
          tor, transport market players, and large investors cause   to pick up. Unlike the river ship, sea-going one has larg-
          uncertainty as to whether mutually acceptable partner-  er cargo capacity and, most importantly, where berths
          ship is possible at all in the Arctic Zone.  are insufficient or depths too shallow, cargoes can be
             Investment decisions – taken hastily and with-  transferred into smaller boats in summer or unloaded
          out due consideration of the market players and char-  on fast ice in winter. This makes it possible to schedule
          acteristics inherent in the Arctic region –are for the   the deliveries in the time horizon of two seasons, sum-
          most part devoid of verified logistics strategies. Poorly   mer and winter, which makes it easier to predict the cost
          aligned, the development scenarios cause many compa-  of onshore infrastructure, while also reducing the need
          nies to see the future trends in Arctic transport as spon-  for storage sites and tanks.
          taneous and difficult to predict even for the next few   Deploying temporary cargo storage sites for oper-
          seasons. The very size of the Arctic Zone, the geograph-  ation solely in the summer season doesn’t sound ex-
          ical scatteredness of its entry points, and the specific-  pedient. These sites include, for example, tank farms
          ity of Arctic areas are still too dominant a factor to al-  with capacity much larger than that of permanent tanks
          low projects to have a fixed vision of their development.   farms to be installed at field production phase, or ware-
          Specialist involvement is only sporadic. Generalists are   houses with an area of 100+ hectares, especially giv-
          quite few, and those involved are often either dedicat-  en that their full capacity usage time is limited to two
          ed experts or the staff of regional companies pursuing   years only. Intended for cargo handling solely during
          their own short-term commercial goals.       peak delivery period, these temporary facilities seem an
             From the perspective of investors, Arctic projects   obviously poor solution in terms of starting costs and   SOZVEZDYE #38
          can be also complicated by the energy component in   maintenance expenditures. Thus, by opting for the year-
          both onshore facilities and fleet: The current focus on   round delivery by sea a project can expect, alongside
          greening the energy sector makes long-term forecast-  with faster delivery and construction times, better cost   транспорт
          ing highly challenging.                      effectiveness during startup and production phases.
             Thus, any project of this kind appears hindered at                                                      transport
          the start of its implementation by insufficiently accurate   Infrastructure-related challenges
          analytical data, overlooked trends, and lacking risk as-
          sessment quality. Within energy projects, adding to the   To enable us to more clearly understand the cur-
          complexity of what is already a complex trend analysis,   rent situation, we should turn to earlier stage in Arctic
          is the high degree of politicization.        logistics development. One example of a flagship Arc-                13
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