Page 19 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 19

among  largest  Arctic  cargo  owners,  which  became
          especially acute  in  January 2021,  when  their  newly
          launched projects faced bad shortage of port capacity
          and ships – a result of unperformed evaluation of the
          transport hubs’ capacity. So far, only terminals them-
          selves and investors express concern, but only to meet
          their short-term needs. State-owned enterprises (Ro-
          satom, Rosmorport, Russian Railways) have not yet
          done their calculations and are yet to face the chal-
          lenge as some of the Russian regions are already taken
          hostage by the increasing demand for ships. In Octo-
          ber 2021, the governors of Kamchatka and Chukotka
          called on the plenipotentiary representative of the Rus-
          sian President to assist in arranging for transportation
          of socially significant goods. Furthermore, there have
          been hundreds of containers that didn’t make it from
          Arkhangelsk to the seaport of Pevek. The likely conse-
          quences are superexpensive transportation by air and
          winter roads, in-transit damage and general underde-
             What may the future hold for us? The volumes of
          transshipment, as declared by investors in the Russian
          Arctic based on their schedules, mean that there will be
          a cardinal increase in workload for the shipping ports   ing works, located on Taimyr, the center of the Russian
          of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. Investment activity is   Arctic coast. This company’s logistics teams provide not
          likely to peak in 2024. Since Arkhangelsk is more op-  only for the needs of mining operations and subsequent
          erationally suitable for transshipping Arctic-bound car-  exports, but also for the needs of Arctic’s largest city.
          goes, its turnover will increase more than three-fold by   Norilsk Nickel owns river and sea-going vessels, berths
          2025, as compared to 2020 and considering the uneven   in Dudinka, Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Murmansk. It
          intra-annual distribution. And in fact it does not matter   even has its own railway. Its efforts focused on produc-
          if it’s going to be Arkhangelsk or Murmansk or Kandal-  tion strategies, Norilsk Nickel has all its non-core ac-
          aksha – the process is just not due for change.  tivities outsourced (Arkhangelsk Sea Commercial Port)
                                                       and supervised.
             Future expectations                          Conclusions lie on the surface: Large investors or
                                                       project operators, who have come to the Arctic to stay
             Our analysis of the prospective cargo flows to the   for decades, are destined to have their own terminals
          Russian Arctic development projects confidently shows   and fleets. First terminals, then fleets. When we say
          a high involvement of sea and river transport. Peak loads   “own” we don’t mean title or operating authority – the
          will occur in 2024 – the year when the Russian Arctic   role as asset operator will be quite sufficient. Otherwise,
          will see the biggest surge in construction activity. Our   the investor can become hostage to low competition and
          projections further show a reduction in coal production   what goes with it – fluctuating chartering market and
          and the use of coal as heating fuel for the northern com-  transshipment rates, lacking terminals and/or fleet, dis-
          munities. Diesel, and in more developed regions nucle-  rupted supply, repeated postponement of income-gen-
          ar, LNG and methanol fuels, will be used instead. The   erating facility commissioning dates and, consequently,
          switch from coal to LNG will, in turn, lead to an increase   direct losses for every day of construction delay.
          in containerized freight and a reduction in bulk cargoes.   It should be also noted that, while shipment capac-
          While coal is likely to remain the major cargo for Yana,   ity can be increased in summer navigation season at
          Indigirka, Kolyma and Khatanga River basins, there is   the expense of extra fleets, the tasks of engineering and
          every likelihood that the major coastal ports, and urban   building coastal infrastructure for sea/river ports need
          localities, can reduce their coal consumption.  much more time. Capital-intensive and time-consum-
             In 4 to 6 years, the era of containerization will fi-  ing as it is, this infrastructure can be initiated in the
          nally reach the Arctic, and once this happens a signifi-  current Russian business environment only by the proj-
          cant part of general cargo will pass into the category   ect operator (investor) or the state.
          of containerized. Sufficient regularity of carriages will   The assets built in Soviet times have either been
          make it possible to achieve higher container turnover   wasted or fully utilized. Now that export terminals are
          even in the “closed” Arctic supply system, leading to a   experiencing rapid growth, any shortage in further in-
          reduction in freight prices and “healthier” performance   vestments in the infrastructure of the northern ship-
          of terminals.                                ping ports may, sooner or later, threaten the export-
             As regular transportation by sea will continue to   ers’ schedules for development and normal operation
          pick up, the share of river transport in the supply of   of their Arctic-based production facilities.
          the remoter coastal settlements will see a decrease.
          Thus, maintaining sea carriages during two consecu-
          tive seasons will be a more preferred option than the
          highly risky transportation by river in summer. River
          traffic will continue to have constructional materials
          as its dominant cargo – a general trend within the in-
          land water transport sector. Containers will remain a                                            SOZVEZDYE #38
          universal means of delivery by sea and river. For these
          reasons, the Eastern Arctic ports (Pevek and Tiksi) will
          continue to use Arkhangelsk and Murmansk as their                                                     транспорт
          shipping ports (currently, about 60% of Pevek-bound                                                        transport
          cargoes come from western shipping ports).

             Soviet assets are exhausted

             Despite  the  challenges  described  above,  logistics
          seem to be working flawlessly for Norilsk Nickel min-                                                             17
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