Page 16 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #38
P. 16

tic project, which owes its success to fast response to   fleet operations in the adjacent river basin: Northern In-
                                        challenges of its external and internal logistics, is LNG   land Shipping Company had arranged for hull repairs
                                        plant in Sabetta. Perhaps it is precisely thanks to its pio-  to be provided by the floating dock in Salekhard. By the
                                        neering nature, involvement of transport and forward-  end of the construction period, when Sabetta had re-
                                        ing companies with extensive experience in the Gulf of   ceived its seventh berth, cargoes started to be delivered
                                        Ob, and high concentration of management efforts that   almost entirely by sea, with intervals between deliver-
                                        this project was able to meet its schedules almost flaw-  ies finally becoming regular. Now that Sabetta operates
                                        lessly. Delays were inevitable, but they were at all times   on a year-round basis, the major portion of the freight
                                        promptly  addressed  by  the  project  managers:  Sabet-  is delivered by sea.
                                        ta’s inland infrastructure (berths, motor roads, back-  Together with the high performance shown by the
                                        up zones) was being developed parallel to the project   sea and river transport servicing Yamal LNG, our anal-
                                        itself. With this in mind, Novatek’s second project in   ysis of other projects in the Gulf of Ob in 2019–2021 has
                                        this area – Arctic LNG 2 – has brought to the eastern   revealed some gaps in the area’s maritime infrastruc-
                                        shore of the Gulf of Ob the best of engineering and or-  ture. The missing elements are:
                                        ganizational solutions for improved external logistics   • basic ship repair facilities;
                                        and coastal infrastructure.                      • shared (multi-purpose and accessible) site for car-
                                           Positive developments were taking place also within   go aggregation and temporary storage before further
                                        the segment of so-called external transport. As a result,   unloading onto unequipped shore;
                                        there appeared a permanent freight line from Arkhan-  • shelter port (for river vessels sheltering and emer-
                                        gelsk to the Gulf of Ob. River shipping companies have   gency wintering);
                                        gained experience in transshipping larger volumes of   • shared emergency (backup) crewchange points.
                                        cargo to unequipped shores. A solution has been found   There are no plans to build a ship repair port with
                                        for docking in the summer season as a way to optimize   related services in the Gulf of Ob (the exception being
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