Page 39 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 39

travel to Severodvinsk, as well as several projects have
          been implemented abroad. The list of customers in-  Судоподъемные мощности «Поморской
          cludes the largest shipyards in the Arkhangelsk re-
          gion, including Zvyozdochka and Sevmash. Eltok’s   судоверфи» позволяют производить
          specialists carried out electrical work on the repair of   слипование судов длиной до 115 метров,
          Russia’s oldest paddle steamer Gogol. Each year Eltok   шириной до 20 метров и с доковым весом до
          repairs electrical, hydraulic and automation equip-
          ment on the icebreakers Dikson, Kapitan Chadaev,   3 тысяч тонн
          Kapitan Evdokimov and Kapitan Kosolapov.        The Pomorskaya Shipyard’s ship-raising
             Volna-Service Group performs a full range of   facilities are capable of building ships of up to
          work in ship repair, maintenance, modernisation and
          disposal of ships. The company carries out hull clean-  115 meters length, up to 20 meters breadth and
          ing, painting and repair, repairs and maintenance of   up to 3 thousand tons of dock weight.
          main and auxiliary diesels, machinery, ship systems,
          electrical equipment and automation, conducts piping
          and rigging work, and maintains firefighting systems.
          Volna-Service is one of the few companies in the re-  dry docks or on the slipways of shipyards. Hull air-
          gion with all the necessary licences to work under   less painting technology is used which significantly
          military contracts. Recent contracts include repairs   improves coating quality and speed of coating appli-
          to the ships of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk coast-  cation and reduces material consumption. The cor-
          guard divisions. Tough the civilian line of business is   rosion protection process is checked internally and
          no less important. For several years, Volna-Service   externally by Prometey-trained inspectors with a full
          has been servicing Sevmash’s auxiliary fleet and re-  set of measuring and control devices.
          pairing icebreakers for Rosmorport. The company’s   SPASI company provides services of comprehen-
          production facilities are located in close proximity   sive inspection and maintenance of rescue equipment
          to the Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet’s maintenance base,   and systems (inflatable rafts, lifeboats, wetsuits, waist-
          where Volna-Service leases a dock and berths. The   coats, buyo rings) and fire-fighting equipment (fire
          company has also concluded a lease agreement with   extinguishers, fire hoses, breathing apparatus, fire de-
          Arkhangelsk Fleet Repair and Maintenance Base.  tection stations, fixed fire-fighting systems) on ships
             LKM carries out contract work for the ship paint-  of the sea and river fleet. The key clients of the com-
          ing. The company also offers dry abrasive and water-  pany are Sevmash, Zvyozdochka shipbuilding cen-
          jet cleaning services, as well as hull thermal abrasive   tre, Northern Shipping Company, Hydrographic En-
          cleaning. Work is carried out around the clock at any   terprise, Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet, and Arkhangelsk
          time of the year. In winter, the company uses frost-  River Port. The company is authorised by major Rus-
          resistant primers and enamels, which allow paint-  sian rescue and fire-fighting equipment manufactur-
          ing at temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees. The   ers, as well as by foreign manufacturers. The company
          company owns several sets of special equipment, en-  plans to expand the list of approvals from manufac-
          abling work to be carried out in different areas in sev-  turers in order to inspect and supply the entire range
          eral shifts. Underwater hull painting is carried out in   of salvage and rescue equipment.

             Evgeny Penyevskoy,                        on various conditions, which the customer can use as a
             General Director of Pomorskaya Shipyard:  tool to force the contractor to accept unjustified custom-
                                                       er claims. The Federal Antimonopoly Service should pay
             Pomorskaya Shipyard provides ship repair, mod-  more attention to this and inspect such contracts.
          ernization, ship recycling  services and carries out   As for the ship-repair enterprises themselves, I
          field works at the berths in the port of Arkhangelsk.   think it is difficult for them to develop without state
          The company was founded in 1974, re-launched in   support, especially in the regions equated to the Far
          2008 after it was almost cut up for scrap. At present,   North. Most banks are not interested in crediting pro-
          it is a full-fledged ship repair enterpise with a quay   duction, don’t consider production assets as collateral
          line, a slipway of ten ship-lifts, and a complex of pro-  and don’t give credits against them. The tax and ad-
          duction workshops and equipment.             ministrative burden on business only increases every
             Today the ship repair industry is facing a number   year, despite counter-propaganda to the contrary. I
          of challenges. Transport assets are being consolidated   think that the real support from the government to
          through acquisitions and mergers. Shipyards can ef-  the industry would be reduction of the tax burden,
          fectively operate in groups with ship-owning compa-  e. g. through significant reduction of social payments
          nies or in structures such as USC. Small ship owners   and cancellation of income tax.
          are withdrawing from the market, while large com-  We are also facing difficulties in recruiting quali-
          panies are repairing fleets either abroad, at their own   fied staff. Local level of qualification does not allow
          yards or at large ship repair facilities.    to repair modern expensive fleet, and the availability
             Excessive administration in the transport indus-  of staff is a derivative of the ability to grow, maintain
          try, such as the federal law ‘On Transport Safety’,   and pay for their work, and pay for expensive fleet, it’s
          switches shipowners to unproductive labour, forms   a vicious circle. There are shipbuilding flagship enter-
          an additional level of administration and tax burden.   prises nearby in Severodvinsk, where the workforce
          I would refer these costs to ‘indirect taxes’, which are   outflow takes place and the wage level in the region’s
          taken out of the pockets of, among others, shipown-  ship repair industry is formed. This level affects the
          ers, because the shipowner saves first and foremost   labor market in Arkhangelsk and increases the cost   SOZVEZDYE #36
          on ship repair. The almost four-fold increase in the   of ship repair, which makes it less profitable for ship-
          cadastral value of land plots in 2020 has an addition-  owners in Arkhanglesk than in other regions.
          al negative effect, as ship-repair enterprises occupy   The important necessity is to train qualified per-
          large areas, but this topic is not discussed in the press.   sonnel in the direction of ship repair and shipbuild-  развитие
             The vicious practice of recent years has been to lend   ing on the basis of educational institutions of the   development
          money to state-owned enterprises and large vertically   region and ship-repair enterprises. The absence of ef-
          integrated holdings at the expense of small businesses.   fective state measures in this direction will not allow
          Customers do this without regard to antimonopoly leg-  to grow specialists of a new formation and will con-
          islation in procurement procedures, which specify long   serve the use of technologies of the middle of the 20th
          payment deferrals, the dependence of contract payment   century in ship repair.                                   37
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