Page 38 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 38

other companies. In addition, the ice-drift protected
                                                                                      water area of the repair and maintenance base is used
                                                                                      as a safe haven for the fleet during the cold season.
                                                                                      Each winter, about 70 vessels of northern shipown-
                                                                                      ers, such as dry-cargo and liquid bulk carriers, tugs,
                                                                                      floating cranes, and barges, are anchored there. Dur-
                                                                                      ing anchorage all vessels are provided with electricity
                                                                                      and water, and the crews are provided with comfort-
                                                                                      able dormitory facilities.
                                                                                         Severo-Dvinskoye River Shipping Company spe-
                                                                                      cializes in transporting cargo in the Northern Dvina
                                                                                      basin, and its activities also include ship repair ser-
                                                                                      vices, cargo handling, and warehousing operations.
                                                                                      The company’s production facilities are located in the
                                                                                      port of Kotlas (Arkhangelsk Oblast). The company’s
                                                                                      specialists have organised an alternative ship-repair
                                                                                      site, which uses the technology of rolling the vessel
                                                                                      ashore on pneumatic cylinders. The technology makes
                                                                                      it possible to use the capabilities of the enterprise in a
                                                                                      more rational way compared to traditional slipway-
                                                                                      ing. Getting ready for the 2021 navigation, the repair
                                                                                      of the company’s fleet was carried out using this tech-
                                                                                      nology, which enabled the company to reduce costs
                                                                                      considerably. The shipping company carries out ship
                                                                                      reconstruction and repair, comprehensive fleet main-
                                                                                      tenance, and the operation and repair of lifting devic-
                                                                                      es. The company have accumulated extensive expe-
                                                                                      rience in refitting and upgrading non-self-propelled
                                                                                      barges, and construction of pontoons and bridges.
                                                                                      The company performs ship hulling, welding and sur-
                                                                                      facing works which include replacing ship’s shell and
                                                                                      hull plating, repair of fittings, repair of propeller-rud-
                                                                                      der complex, build-up welding of propeller shafts and
                                                                                      propeller shaft necks. Locksmithing works are carried
                                                                                      out, repairs to deck mechanisms and devices are be-
                                                                                      ing made, turning and machining operations as well
                                                                                      as pipe works are being performed.
                                                                                         Pomorskaya Shipyard,  established  in  2008  on
                                                                                      the basis of the Arkhangelsk Shipyard, also offers a
                                                                                      wide range of services related to the repair, mainte-
                                                                                      nance, refitting and disposal of ships. The enterprise
                                                                                      performs hull, welding, fitter, pipeline, turning and
                                                                                      milling operations. The Pomorskaya Shipyard’s ship-
                                                                                      raising facilities are capable of building ships of up
                                                                                      to 115 meters length, up to 20 meters breadth and up
                                                                                      to 3 thousand tons of dock weight. Up to six vessels
                                                                                      can be accommodated simultaneously. The quay line
                                                                                      is 195 metres long. The company has several produc-
                                                                                      tion areas, an oxygen station, and a station for testing
                                                                                      and certification of shipboard rescue and fire-fight-
                                                                                      ing equipment. The company carries out ship repair
                                                                                      both on its own premises and at Arkhangelsk termi-
                                                                                      nals. The key customers include Belfreight, Murman-
                                                                                      sk Shipping Company, Northern Shipping Company,
                                                                                      Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot and oth-
                                                                                      er ship owners in the Arkhangelsk region and from
                                                                                      neighbouring regions.

                                                                                         Local fleet owners interests

                                                                                         In recent years, a wide range of contractors has
                                                                                      developed working in partnership with shipyards and
                                                                                      ship repair enterpises of the Arkhangelsk region. They
                                                                                      provide production and supplies of necessary equip-
                                                                                      ment and spare parts, installation, adjustment and
                                                                                      maintenance of a number of technological systems,
                                                                                      and performance of certain types of repair work.
                                                                                         For example, Eltok company specializes in the
                                                                                      repair  and  modernisation  of  marine  electrical  sys-
                                                                                      tems. In more than twenty years of work Eltok ex-
                                                                                      ecuted hundreds of projects, connected with renew-
                                                                                      al and construction of fleet both for local customers,
                                                                                      and for ship owners from other regions. The compa-
                                                                                      ny has two workshops in Arkhangelsk: one located at
                                                                                      the Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet Maintenance Base and
                                                                                      the other at the Krasnaya Kuznitsa enterpise in Sol-
                                                                                      ombala. The company carries out orders in the port
                                                                                      districts of Arkhangelsk, if necessary, its employees
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