Page 37 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 37

tensive machine park and a design office. The quay
          line is 360 meters long and can accommodate ves-   Pavel Makkoveev,
          sels with a draught of up to 5.4 meters. There is a   Director of SPASI:
          dock with load-carrying capacity up to 2500 tons
          with possibility of installation of ships of length up   Our company is a supplier of rescue and fire-
          to 87 meters, width up to 19 meters and draft up to   fighting equipment. Despite the fact that there are
          7,5 meters. The dock is open all year round, allowing   many Russian companies among the manufactur-
          repairs to be carried out promptly and regardless of   ers of such products, it must be stated that at pres-
          weather conditions. The company has accumulated   ent domestic rescue equipment is competitive only
          extensive experience of working for shipowners in the   because of its availability and relatively low price
          Arkhangelsk region and across the country. The key   of both products and spare parts. Unfortunately,
          customers today are Northern Shipping Company,   Russian manufacturers offer a very narrow prod-
          Rosmorport, Northern Rosgidromet, Northern Re-  uct line compared to foreign companies.
          gion shipyard, and Eco Shipping company. The list of   Chinese manufacturers have other problems.
          work performed includes repairs to tankers, icebreak-  Low price is their weapon. Unfortunately, there is
          ers, trawlers and other types of vessels. The company   also the other side of the coin: the lack of a prop-
          is implementing a multi-year investment programme,   er amount of spare parts available in Russia and
          renewing its equipment fleet and mastering new types   the high price of these parts compared to Russian
          of work. As part of the modernisation programme,   manufacturers. In turn, European products also
          additional storage areas have been created, loading   have a high price, which is not suitable for many
          equipment has been repaired, and new technologies   customers.
          have been introduced: in particular, hull water jet-  Thus, it is necessary to establish appropri-
          ting and sandblasting systems and laser alignment of   ate production facilities in our country. Howev-
          shafts. Future plans include acquiring a new dock for   er, this is a long-established market, and young
          servicing heavy-lift vessels that carry out shipments   Russian companies have virtually no chance to
          along the Northern Sea Route.                   take a place in this niche: they cannot compete
                                                          with  large  manufacturers  who  are  able  to  sell
             Dvina berths                                 equipment in large volumes and with minimum
                                                          margins, earning not through cost, but through
             Arkhangelsk Fleet Repair and Maintenance Base   after-sales service. In addition, even the pro-
          is a multi-profile enterprise with a wide range of cus-  duction of rescue and fire-fighting equipment
          tomers. The company owns a G-300 slipway that can   in Russia uses components from abroad. If ex-
          be used for dockside repairs of vessels weighing up   tensive production is required, a company will
          to 2,500 tonnes, up to 130 metres long and with a   in any case face the fact that it will have to buy
          draught of up to 3.5 metres. The horizontal part of the   components from other countries. Unfortunate-
          slipway is 225 metres long and 50 metres wide, with   ly, recently there have been very frequent diffi-  SOZVEZDYE #36
          a total slipway length of 1,300 metres. The operations   culties with customs control of imports, which
          carried out here include hull welding and surfacing   delays terms and also has a negative impact on
          work, repair of propeller shaft components, ship ma-  business performance.
          chinery, piping and fittings, electrical equipment, as   In my opinion, the full development of import   развитие
          well as the design, installation and testing of aerosol   substitution in the sector of rescue and firefight-  development
          fire extinguishing systems for ships. Clean-up oper-  ing equipment is possible with the support of the
          ations and painting works are being performed. The   state in the form of improvement of customs pro-
          customers are Severneftegazflot, Nord-Wood, Trans-  cedures, certain tax and other preferences With-
          Flot, Northern Shipping Company, Northern River   out appropriate incentives, we will remain depen-
          Shipping  Company,  Kharasavey  Logistics, Bunker   dent on imports.                                              35
          Company Arkhangelsk, Valkur, Pomor-Service and
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