Page 36 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 36

Experience and competencies                sors, fittings, lifting gear and other shipboard equip-
                                                                                      ment, fabrication and assembly of steel structures,
                                           Krasnaya Kuznitsa, Optimist Group, Arkhangelsk   manufacture of water-jet propellers, nondestructive
                                        Trawl Fleet Maintenance Base, Pomorskaya Shipyard,   testing of components, hull plating, welds and steel
                                        and Arkhangelsk Fleet Repair and Maintenance Base   structures. The company owns three floating docks
                                        represent the major local ship repair enterprises in the   with a lifting capacity of 860 up to 9,000 tons. Fixed
                                        region. With their well-developed facilities and many   quays with cranes and storage facilities have been
                                        years of experience in servicing ships of various types,   built along the coastline for berthing vessels, ships
                                        including Arctic-class vessels, Arkhangelsk compa-  and floating docks with a total length of 1,200 metres
                                        nies have established themselves as reliable partners   and alongside depths of up to 7.5 metres.
                                        capable of carrying out all types of ship repairs in a   The Optimist group of companies also carries out
                                        timely manner: factory repairs with docking, dock-  repair and modernization of ships with deadweight
                                        ing with associated work, ship modernization, post-  up to 9 thousand tons, including in two own docks
                                        voyage repair and maintenance.                (deadweight 250 and 540 tons), provides repair of all
                                           The list of services offered by Arkhangelsk ship-  types of propeller-rods, rudder and thruster devic-
                                        yards includes a full range of works for presenting   es, fittings, pumps, generators and other ship systems
                                                       ships to classification societies,   and mechanisms, installation and adjustment of elec-
                                                       including inspection of hull and   trical equipment, hull repair, surface treatment and
                                                       propeller group in dock, as well   painting of ships. The equipment of the dredging fleet
             «Красная Кузница» входит                  as all types of repairs to power   vessels is  being  repaired. The company maintains,
             в состав «Объединенной                    units, deck and auxiliary equip-  surveys, repairs, inspects and tests lifeboats, launch-
             судостроительной корпорации»              ment. Specialists of the shipyards   ing gear and recoil tongs. The company also carries
                                                       take the field work to carry out ma-
                                                                                      out refitting and modernisation of ships of various
             и является архангельским                  chinery defects and assist in draw-  purposes according to shipowner projects, installa-
             филиалом северодвинской                   ing up repair lists in order to mi-  tion of technological systems and automation, deck
             «Звездочки»                               nimise costs for the shipowner and   cranes and other machinery. Over the past fifteen
                                                                                      years, several projects have been implemented to re-
                                                       shorten the repair period. The field
             Krasnaya Kuznitsa is a part of the        work at the customer’s premises is   fit ships of various types: tugboats, cargo and pas-
             United Shipbuilding Corporation           widespread  as  well  as  the  provi-  senger ships and others. State-of-the-art software and
             and is the Arkhangelsk branch of          sion of additional services relat-  highly qualified specialists make it possible to create
                                                       ed to repairs in Arkhangelsk: ves-
                                                                                      a mathematical model of the ship’s hull and to carry
             Zvyozdochka enterprise.                   sel agencying, supplying, ordering   out a range of calculations for ship statics and hull
                                                       and supplying spare parts, provid-  strength in a very short time. The company has de-
                                                       ing crews with accommodation   veloped standards for types of ship repair work. There
                                                       and catering, and the possibility   is an in-house testing laboratory, which performs a
           SOZVEZDYE #36                of ship’s stay on favourable terms – all to ensure the   range of measurements and non-destructive testing
                                        customer’s comfort.                           methods; the laboratory has been certified by the Rus-
                                                                                      sian Maritime Register of Shipping. The group is well
            развитие                       Solombala shipyards                        known in the market and is developing cooperation
                                                                                      with shipowners from the Arkhangelsk region and
            development                    Krasnaya Kuznitsa is a part of the United Ship-  other ones across the country.
                                        building Corporation and is the Arkhangelsk branch   The Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet Maintenance Base
                                        of the Zvyozdochka enterprise. Being the oldest ship-  (BTO) originally specialised in the repair of fishing
                                        yard in Russia, Krasnaya Kuznitsa traces its histo-  vessels, but today it performs its work for a wide range
                                        ry back to 1693. Today the yard offers a wide range   of shipowners. The infrastructure of the BTO includes
           34                           of services, including dock repairs of vessels up to   a hull-welding shop, a machining shop, warehousing
                                                                                      facilities, a forge and rubber goods workshop, an ex-
                                        9,000  tonnes,  repairs  of  engines,  pumps,  compres-
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