Page 18 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 18

World-class                                sands of completed orders allowed it to enter the
                                                                                      global market more than 25 years ago. Propellers
                                           New Russian vessels must be equipped with mod-  made  by  Zvyozdochka  are  installed  on  hundreds
                                        ern equipment manufactured in Russia. In the Arctic   of  ships  around  the world. The  export  supply  has
                                        with its complex ice conditions, it is particularly im-  formed high international requirements to quality
                                        portant for ships to be equipped with ice-reinforced   and timeline. The experience of working with inter-
                                        propellers and propulsion systems. To get such sys-  national partners required adherence to advanced
                                        tems, ship designers mostly choose equipment by for-  production standards. In total, over the entire peri-
                                        eign companies, but this choice entails a number of   od of its operation, Zvyozdochka has produced more
                                        problems relating to sanctions, currency exchange   than 23,000 propellers for Russian and foreign cus-
                                        rate, difficulties with purchase of spare parts, high   tomers.
                                        cost of service, COVID-19 pandemic-induced restric-
                                        tions on hiring international specialists.       Innovation and reliability
                                           The use of domestically produced components
                                        in  ship  projects  avoids  dependence on  imports.   Center of Propulsion Systems (CPS) was estab-
                                        Constantly  expanding  its  line  of  civil  products,   lished as a part of Zvyozdochka in 2010, as a divi-
                                        Shiprepairing Center “Zvyozdochka” stands as a   sion specializing in design, production and mainte-
                                        worthy alternative to foreign manufacturers.   nance of propulsion systems and active control units.
                                           The company has been designing and manufac-  A workshop was built in 2016 for the assembly and
                                        turing propellers for more than 50 years. Its experi-  testing of bow thrusters (BT) and azimuth thrusters
                                        ence, availability of modern technologies and thou-  (AT). Now in it`s second phase, the workshop will
                                                                                      support the production of other types of thrusters.
                                                                                      The Center operates in accordance with the best in-
                                           Накопленный опыт,                          ternational standards. Its quality management sys-
                                                                                      tem is accredited by DNV GL.
                                           современные технологии и                      The core activity of CPS is design and manu-
                                           тысячи реализованных заказов               facture of Arctic ice-reinforced propulsion sys-
           SOZVEZDYE #36                   позволили предприятию                      tems (ice class up to Icebreaker 9). Thanks to the
                                                                                      high level of competence and extensive experi-
                                           более 25 лет назад выйти на                ence of its team, CPS is entrusted with some of
                                                                                      the most complex and responsible tasks. Its en-
            инновации                      мировой рынок                              gineers are currently developing a project for a
            innovations                    Its experience, availability               propulsive consisting of four shaft lines for the
                                           of modern technologies and                 icebreaker project 10510 “Leader”, which will be
                                           thousands of completed orders              the most powerful Arctic vessel ever built. It is
                                                                                      also worth noting that Zvyozdochka-made pro-
                                           allowed it to enter the global             pellers  are  installed  on  the  majority  of  Russian
           16                              market more than 25 years ago              and Soviet icebreakers, and not so long ago they
                                                                                      were installed on tankers built to transport liq-
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