Page 19 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 19

uefied natural gas along the Northern Sea Route
          as a part of Yamal LNG project.
             Center of Propulsion Systems is working to start
          serial production of azimuth thrusters and bow
          thrusters. Its specialists have already equipped sev-
          en vessels with azimuth thrusters and eight with bow
          thrusters. A total of 28 systems were delivered to cus-
          tomers, most of which are already in operation also
          in conditions of the Arctic seas. Four more ice-class
          propulsion and steering columns are in production.
          The capacity range of he produced azimuth thrust-
          ers is between 2 and 9 megawatts.
             In 2019, Shiprepairing Center Zvyozdochka won
          the national award in import substitution competi-
          tion “Priority-2019” for the creation of the 4.5 MW
          azimuth thruster DRK4500N, which also made the
          list of “100 Best Russian Products”.
             Center of Propulsive Systems provides a full cycle
          of product creation from design to after-sales service,
          fully meeting the criteria of Government Decree No.
          719 “On Verification of Origin of Industrial Products
          Manufactured in the Territory of the Russian Fed-
          eration”. This makes the equipment by Zvyozdochka
          suitable for any ship project that is subject to ‘domes-
          tically produced equipment’ requirement.
             Zvyozdochka gained a status of a reliable
          supplier through years of servicing the Russian
          Navy. The equipment designed and engineered by   CPS operates in close cooperation with two
          Severodvinsk  shipbuilders,  including  propellers   more subsidiaries of Zvyozdochka – Vint (Mos-  SOZVEZDYE #36
          and propulsion systems, is successfully operated   cow) and experimental facility Vega (Borovsk) – the
          on Navy ships and submarines ensuring national   companies with high level of competence and many
          defense and security.                        years of experience in manufacturing controllable       инновации
             The ‘Arctic’ competences of Zvyozdochka’s Cen-  pitch propellers, water jet and reserve propulsion   innovations
          ter of Propulsive Systems is supported by its geo-  units and thrusters for the Navy. With engineer-
          graphical location on the White Sea coast, 40 kilo-  ing and production capabilities of several enterpris-
          meters from Arkhangelsk. Being in close proximity   es, Zvyozdochka stands as the United Shipbuilding
          to one of the key Arctic ports, Zvyozdochka can pro-  Corporation’s core source of competence design,
          vide convenient logistics and timely service support   manufacture and maintenance of propellers and
          to equipment operating in the northern latitudes.   propulsion systems.                                           17
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