Page 23 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 23

ships with subsequent increase in class, their owner
          entered a new market. We are building barges and
          tugboats and we are planning to be building more
          complex shipbuilding projects over time.
             – Does the increase in shipping along the North-
          ern Sea Route mean that ship repair services are
          also becoming more popular?
             – Yes, it does. There are not so many companies
          in shipbuilding and ship repair market today that are
          implementing their projects strictly on time. Given
          the market economy and increasing competition, ship
          owners cannot afford to lose money due to idle time.
          Observance of short timelines is one of the main re-
          quirements of customers. We understand them and
          are doing our best to meet their interest. Being able
          to meet delivery dates is one of our key competitive
          advantages. Moreover, a ship in a dock is often re-
          paired by several contractors a time – three or four –
          while having one contractor for all works can reduce
          customer’s extra risks. Our second advantage is the
          availability of well-developed material base, includ-
          ing a covered shop for year-round operations. The slip
          can accommodate vessels weighing up to 2,500 tons,
          with a width of up to 20 meters and a length of up to
          130 meters. These are primarily river and river-sea
          ships we are repairing. In addition to dock repairs,
          we are prepared to move to customers’ site when it is
          convenient for them.
             – It is no secret that modernization is what ship-
          yards need themselves. How far is Fleet RMB on this?
             – Modernization of shipyards is, indeed, a prob-
          lem in this area. Many local shipyards are using mor-
          ally and physically obsolete facilities that were built
          decades ago. We are working on our modernization
          schedule and gradually changing the machine park,
          equipment and tools. Given the current speed of tech-
          nological development, without timely updating its
          material base a shipyard cannot remain competitive
          in the market. Modernization allows a significant in-
          crease in labor productivity and a reduction in dura-
          tion of work. For example, the introduction of plas-
          ma cutting has enabled a two- to three-fold reduction
          in the scope of our processing works. Modernization
          pays off in the end.
             – And another challenge typical of shipbuilding
          industry is personnel. How do you cope with short-
          age of skills to operate the new technologies?
             – The shortage of qualified manpower is a prob-
          lem for many industries and shipbuilding is no ex-
          ception. We are trying to attract young professionals
          when they are students by cooperating with dedicated   of Russia. Do you think they can compete with
          schools and offering traineeship places. Many of our   Arkhangelsk-based yards?
          interns later become our employees. I must say that   – Practice has shown that thanks to their geo-
          not all shipbuilding companies are ready to offer their   graphical location and experience, the northern
          personnel training, since it leads to extra costs and   shipyards are the only ones with the right exper-
          organizational changes. But we an exception. As was   tise for building Arctic-going ships. There have
          once said by Suvorov, a soldier who doesn’t want to   been cases of the ships by south Russian yards
          become a general is a bad soldier. If a person wants to   having been rejected by the Maritime Register as
          learn, we always try to meet them halfway and often   inconsistent with their class: fundamental design
          pay for their training. Favorable working conditions   errors were made as early as the design stage. We
          and professional development opportunities are all   at Arkhangelsk Fleet RMB operate our own de-
          part of our personnel policy.                sign office. If the customer has their own design
             – The  Arctic  projects  attract  attention  of  the   project, we, as shipbuilders, will do our best to
          shipbuilding companies based in other parts   improve it and recommend equipment. But we’ll
                                                       only be able to do so if there’s demand. The do-
            «Наша цель – стать                         mestic fleet needs to be updated – a recognized
                                                       by all shipowners and shipbuilders. We know that
            предприятием, выполняющим                  our home region is actively discussing the possi-   SOZVEZDYE #36
            весь комплекс работ в сфере                bility of building jack-up platforms and would like
            судостроения, от разработки                to join this work. And we also know there are po-    презентация
                                                       tential customers but they need guarantees and a
            проекта до спуска судна на воду»           competitive price offer. Any yard can take up a               showcase
            “Our goal is to become a provider          project but very few can build it the right way. We
            of entire range of shipbuilding            are working to become a company to have noth-
                                                       ing to worry with. Our short-term projects are the
            works from project development to          ship for local shipowners. We are planning to en-
            launching”                                 ter larger projects and attract customers from oth-                  21
                                                       er regions.
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