Page 25 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #39
P. 25

compressor, auxiliary boiler plant, sewage treatment
          plant, ballast water treatment plant, desalinators);
             – hull gear (5-ton-capacity  electro-hydraulic
          stern crane and 3-ton-capacity electro-hydraulic bow
             – electrical equipment (VSAT, navigation gear, ra-
          dio equipment, television antenna, intercom, steering
          gear control, stern and bow thrusters);
             – research facilities (multi-beam echosounder,
          bottom profile recorder, water course observation
             As for the Akademik Ioffe, its modernization de-
          sign provides for the replacement of research facili-
          ties, deck equipment (including cargo cranes and re-
          search facility handling devices), ship power plant,
          main systems and radio navigation equipment, as
          well as modernization of research laboratories.
             The development of ship modernization designs
          commissioned by P. P. Shirshov Institute of Ocean
          Sciences was preceded by Nordic Engineering team
          performing a comprehensive marine equipment mar-
          ket research. The analysis covered 150 items by 83
          suppliers, of which about 68% are based in Russia –
          Armalit, Vineta, MorSvyazavtomatika, Izhorskiye   This modernization design involves replacement
          Gidrosistemy, Komplex Service, SKBK, TsKBM, Elec-  of the crane, radio navigation equipment, rescue
          tropribor Central Research Institute, Morinformsys-  equipment, boiler, incinerator, integrated control of
          tema-Agat, among others. In this way, the state policy   shipboard systems, main systems and auxiliary diesel
          towards import substitution achieves its action plan   generators, as well as installation of six double cabins,
          for supporting the industries.               one triple cabin, shower, bathroom and boiler room in
                                                       the aft area – a total of 16 items of equipment.
             Hydrographic survey ships                    As part of the contracts for Peter Kottsov and
                                                       Alexey Maryshev modernization design development,
             Between 2019 and 2022, the team of Nordic En-  the team have developed relevant feasibility study,
          gineering were tasked with the development of mod-  conducted market research, provided the conclusion
          ernization designs for the research vessels Peter   on feasibility and expediency of additional retrofitting
          Kottsov and Alexey Maryshev. Design documenta-  for LNG fueling, as well as estimates of labor costs
          tion has been elaborated also for the modernization   and modernization expenditures of shipyards in the
          of RV Grigory Mikheev. This work was carried out   Far East, Northwestern and Southern Federal Dis-
          within the framework of the Northern Sea Route in-  tricts. The resultant modernization design concepts
          frastructure development plan for the period up to   received positive conclusions from the Russian Mar-
          2035, which prescribes modernization of three hy-  itime Register of Shipping. At further design stages,
          drographic survey ships of federally owned Hydro-  if it is decided that the ships are to run on LNG, ad-
          graphic Enterprise.                          ditional stability and buoyancy calculations will be
             Once upgraded, the research vessel Grigory   needed for more precise load estimates.
          Mikheev will have an improved capacity for in-depth   The above modernization orders clearly demon-  «Академик Николай
          hydrographic studies; maintenance of navigation aids   strate how cost effectiveness can be achieved in the   Страхов», главная палуба
          within the waters of the ports and approach chan-  upgrading of the fleet. Along with this, the analysis of   Akademik Nikolay Strakhov,
          nels; installation and service of floating navigation   the domestic enterprises (capacity, current workload,   main deck
          aids and coastal signs; as well as other activities and   etc.) has shown that ship modernization has a great
          hydrographic support of navigation in the waters of   potential in the Russian Federation.
          the Northern Sea Route.

                                                                                                           SOZVEZDYE #39


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