Page 29 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #39
P. 29

Competencies and advantages

             The territory of Nizhny Novgorod is home to sev-
          eral shipbuilding enterprises, the largest being Kras-
          noe Sormovo (member of the United Shipbuilding
          Corporation) and Oka Shipyard. Here operate the
          world-class design and engineering centers – Lazurit
          Central Design Bureau, I. I. Afrikantov Experimen-
          tal Design Bureau, Monolith Central Design Bureau,
          R.  E. Alekseev Hydrofoil Central Design  Bureau,
          among others. Comprising the local shipbuilding
          cluster are 45 dedicated companies and organizations.
             Nizhny Novgorod has retained its expertise as a
          developer of floating facilities made of composite ma-
          terials, which has been practically lost in other coun-
          tries. It has a number of large R&D organizations
          specializing on electronic instrumentation, naviga-
          tion and unmanned vehicles. With large computing
          centers  that  provide  numerical simulation  services
          to some of the most sophisticated projects, Nizhny
          Novgorod enjoys a reputation as Russia’s leader in
          IT industry. Supporting the local industries’ staffing
          needs are the local schools and colleges – Volga State
          University of Water Transport and R.E. Alekseev
          State University of Technology in Nizhny Novgorod
          (both are members of the local shipbuilding cluster).
             The competitive advantages of Nizhny Novgorod
          shipbuilding cluster, as defined by authors of its de-
          velopment strategy, are as follows:
             – unique R&D expertise and production potential
          in marketable segments;
             – well-developed technological manufacturing
          and business connections between members;
             – diversified support to major players in the in-
             – advanced engineer training system;
             – location at the intersection of major river wa-
          terways.                                     technologies and digital engineering; digital naviga-
             The cluster members boast competency in engi-  tion and communication systems implementation.
          neering:                                        To achieve progress in the above focus areas, the
             – wide range of ship designs including underwater   cluster members form alliances to promote their flag-
          vehicles and high-speed innovative craft;    ship projects. There are plans to start cooperation
             – sea-river dry cargo carriers, tanker ships, auxil-  with Nizhny Novgorod IT cluster, Nizhny Novgorod
          iary ships and marine protection vessels;    Automotive and Petrochemistry Innovation Cluster,
             – shipborne and mobile nuclear power plants;   and Sarov Innovative Territorial Cluster – all mem-
             – deep-sea submersibles;                  bers of the mega-cluster “Integration. Tech Industry
             – high-speed vessels (hovercrafts, hydrofoils, air-  4.0”, designed to be the driver of the area’s economy.
          foil boats, amphibians);                        The Development Strategy 2035 is expected to give
             – navigation and unmanned control systems.  Nizhny Novgorod a leadership position in construct-
             As to the challenges facing the cluster members,   ing sea-river vessels, including unmanned ones, and
          these are caused by obsolete equipment, whose re-  high-capacity cargo and passenger hovercraft, includ-
          newal is hindered by insufficient investment; under-  ing for use in the Arctic Zone. There are plans to start
          developed engineering and manufacturing coopera-  production of ship’s components and equipment. The
          tion; high dependence on imported components; and   action plan for the development of the shipbuilding
          insufficient company-consumer interaction between.   cluster has as its goal a 2.9-fold increase in members’
          The cluster sees its mission as overcoming these chal-  output relative to 2018.
          lenges and facilitating more joint projects.    Speaking to the feasibility of the proposed plans
                                                       are the projects that are currently in progress at Nizh-
             Heading towards leadership                ny Novgorod-based shipyards. While Krasnoe Sor-
                                                       movo has reached a record pace in the delivery of
             The development strategy for Nizhny Novgorod   projects, producing ship’s hulls every thirty days,
          shipbuilding cluster covers the period until 2035   dry cargo ships, chemical tankers and cruise liners,
          and pursues the areas identified as the most promis-  Oka Shipyard delivers projects such as tankers, tugs
          ing. One such area is engineering sea-river dry cargo   and barges. Achieving know-hows are the local de-
          carriers and tanker ships, river cruise ships, leisure   sign bureaus. Vympel Design Bureau pursues a new
          boats, auxiliary fleet (survey ships, buoy tenders, fire-  direction – engineering and technical maintenance   SOZVEZDYE #39
          fighting vessels, bunkering ships, tugs), fishing boats   of floating power plants in the High North. Lazurit
          and marine protection vessels (boom-laying boats,   Design Bureau is engaged in the offshore Arctic en-
          waste oil collectors and clean-up boats). A special fo-  ergy supply projects. The engineer team of Afrikan-
          cus lies on engineering innovative high-speed vessels,   tov Experimental Design Bureau are developing reac-  перспективы
          including unmanned ones.                     tors for nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet, one being            outlook
             Other focus areas span design and engineering of   RYTHM-400, to be installed on the most powerful
          domestic alternatives to imports; ship’s nuclear in-  icebreaker Rossiya (Project 10510 “Leader”). Apart
          stallations, floating power plants and mobile offshore   from this, the local shipyards are modernizing their
          bases for Arctic development; offshore mining facili-  fixed assets, introducing cutting-edge technologies
          ties; floating craft of composite materials; computer   and software.                                             27
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