Page 24 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #39
P. 24

Akademik Lavrentyev, Akademik Mstislav Keldysh   Developed by Nordic Engineering, the modern-
                                        and Akademik Ioffe – commissioned by the Russian   ization design for Akademik Sergey Vavilov encom-
                                        Academy of Sciences P. P. Shirshov Institute of Ocean   passes the following:
                                        Sciences within the framework of Science and Uni-  – replacement of dedicated devices (oceanograph-
                                        versities national project.                   ical winches, telescopic davits, aft gantry, cargo hoist-
                                           It should be noted that Russia’s research fleet   ing, aft and bow deck cranes);
                                        numbers, as of the early 2022, about 110 vessels, of   – replacement of mechanical equipment (oil/fuel
                                                       which 61 are sea-going ones (un-  separators, air dehumidifiers, soundproof diesel gen-
                                                       der the supervision of the Russian   erator, auxiliary boiler plant, pumps);
            Проекты модернизации                       Maritime Register of Shipping)    – replacement of shipboard systems (pipeline fit-
            четырех научно-                            and about 50 are river- and sea/  tings, sewage treatment plant, ballast water treatment
                                                                                      plants, anti-heeling compressed air system);
                                                       river-going (under the supervision
            исследовательских судов для                of the Russian River Register). The   – replacement of communication means (auto-
            Института океанологии                      average age of the majority of in-  matic telephone exchange, two-way loudspeaker com-
                                                       service research ships is quite high.
            им. П. П. Ширшова РАН были                 Approximately 80% show high lev-  – installation of main and backup radio equip-
            разработаны АО «Нордик                     el of wear. Over the past decade,   ment for operation in A1, A2, A3 and A4 navigation
            Инжиниринг» в период с                     service and maintenance covered   zones;
                                                                                         – replacement of navigation equipment;
                                                       mostly the existing fleet, with new
            декабря 2020 по июнь 2022 года             ships built only occasionally.    – installation of research facilities (multi-beam
            Between December 2020 and                                                 echosounder, bottom profile recorder, water course
            June 2022, Nordic Engineering                 Retrofitting the Akademiks  observation system).
                                                                                         Design documentation is in place for installing
            developed modernization designs               Modernization designs for the re-  the Akademik Nikolay Strakhov with:
            for four research ships operated by        search ships operated by the Russian   – special hull gear (3- and 12-ton capacity winch
            the Russian Academy of Sciences            Academy of Sciences P. P. Shirshov   cables, stern and bow deck cranes, knee frames with
                                                       Institute of Ocean Sciences, were
                                                                                      manual drive for cable winches);
            P. P. Shirshov Institute of Ocean          developed by Nordic Engineering   – mechanical equipment (auxiliary diesel genera-
            Sciences                                   between  December 2020  and  June   tors, auxiliary boiler plant, temperature regulators,
                                                                                      incinerator, compressors, dehumidifier, separator);
                                                       2022. Akademik Nikolay Strakhov
                                                       is scheduled for renovation in 2022,   – shipboard systems (pipeline fittings, wastewater
                                                       while Akademik Sergey Vavilov and   treatment plant, desalinator);
           SOZVEZDYE #39                Akademik Lavrentyev will be undergoing general repairs   – integrated control system, loudspeaker com-
                                        and re-equipment through 2023, and Akademik Mstislav   munication, broadcasting equipment, automatic tele-
                                        Keldysh and Akademik Ioffe through 2024.      phone exchange.
                                           The reasons for modernizing their research facili-
                                                                                         The following technologies will be replaced on-
            инжиниринг                  ties and spaces are two – physical wear and obsoles-  board the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh:
            engineering                 cence of most of scientific devices, systems, rooms   – propulsion (main engines, reduction gear, auxil-
                                        and sensors as a result of decades-long operation.   iary diesel generators, shaft-driven generators);
                                        Once modernized, these ships will have an increased   – lifting equipment for research purposes, includ-
                                        capacity, ergonomic characteristics and functional   ing deepwater submersibles handling cranes, cable
                                        scope of their laboratories and onboard equipment.   winches and knee frames;
                                                                                         – shipboard systems (separators, pumps, self-
           22                           They will be installed with new launching and lifting   priming pump separator, incinerator, utility air
                                        gear, and fixed measuring systems.
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