Page 19 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #39
P. 19

The first international customers to order from
          Zvyozdochka were the Finnish shipyards specializ-
          ing on cruise ships. Subsequently, deliveries started
          to be made to more than twenty countries around
          the world. The propellers designed and engineered by
          Zvyozdochka are installed on more than two hundred
          foreign vessels – dry cargo carriers, cruise liners, ice-
          breakers, supply ships. Since its establishment, Zvyoz-
          dochka has produced more than 23,000 propellers for
          Russian and foreign customers.

             Arctic competencies
             The year 2010 saw Zvyozdochka start the Center
          for Propulsion Systems (CPS), a division specializing
          on design, production and maintenance of propulsion
          systems and active control units. In 2016, Zvyozdoch-
          ka started a workshop for the assembly and testing of
          propulsion and steering columns (PSC) and thrust-
          ers. Its second-phase facilities are designed to produce
          high-capacity adjustable-pitch propellers.
             CPS’s core activity is engineering of Arctic ice-re-
          inforced propulsion systems (maximum highest class
          being Icebreaker 9). Thanks to its team’s high level of
          competence and vast experience, CPS is placed with
          some of the most sophisticated orders. Its R&D engi-
          neers are currently working on a propulsive installa-
          tion project with four shaft lines, ordered for the Proj-
          ect 10510 icebreaker Leader, which is going to be the
          most powerful Arctic-going vessel ever built. Notably,
          Zvyozdochka-built propellers are installed on the ma-  with many years of experience in manufacturing ad-
          jority of Russian and Soviet icebreakers. The recently   justable pitch propellers, water-jets, backup propellers
          built ships with propellers by Zvyozdochka include   and thrusters for the Navy. With a pool of engineer-
          LNG tankers that are designed to operate along the   ing and production capabilities, Zvyozdochka stands
          Northern Sea Route to service Yamal LNG project.   as the United Shipbuilding Corporation’s core source
             The Center for Propulsion Systems is working to   of competence in propellers and propulsion systems
          put its propulsion and steering columns and thrust-  engineering and maintenance.
          ers into serial production. Its engineers have delivered
          propulsion and steering columns to seven ships and   New time
          thrusters to eight. A total of 28 systems were deliv-
          ered to customers, most of which are already in op-  The period from the end of February 2022 to pres-
          eration, installed on Arctic ships. Underway are two   ent has seen some significant changes on the Russian
          3 MW Ice3 propulsion and steering columns and two   marine equipment market. Given the current foreign
          4.5 MW ones. The steering systems’ capacity ranges   policy consideration, the Western suppliers of propul-
          from 2 MW to 9 MW.                           sion systems have curtailed their activities in the Rus-
             In 2019, Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center landed   sian Federation, leaving many ships under construc-
          the national award in import substitution category   tion without components and those delivered without
          “Prioritet – 2019” for engineering the 4.5 MW pro-  adequate service, spare parts, tools and accessories.
          pulsion and steering column DRK4500N, which also   With such competent propulsion supplier as CPS, the
          made the list of Top 100 Russian Products.   Russian customers can avoid further dependence on
             Zvyozdochka Center for Propulsion Systems op-  imported supplies, service and spare parts.
          erates full-cycle product management from design to   Today, Zvyozdochka Center for Propulsion Sys-
          after-sales service, fully meeting the criteria of Gov-  tems stands not just as a feasible alternative to im-
          ernment Decree N 719 “On Verification of Origin of   ported propulsion systems, but rather a worthy re-
          Industrial Products Manufactured in the Territory of   placement. The same is true about high-capacity,
          the Russian Federation”. This makes Zvyozdochka-  ice-reinforced propulsion and steering columns for
          built equipment suitable for use in any ship project   operation in the Arctic Zone. The most frequently or-
          which is subject to ‘domestically produced technol-  dered PSCs are those with capacity between 2.5 MW
          ogy requirement’.                            and 9 MW. While earlier, domestic customers pre-
             Zvyozdochka earned its reputation as a compe-  ferred to order PSCs of this capacity range from for-
          tent supplier also thanks to years-long servicing of   eign suppliers, in the new reality their only domestic
          the Russian Navy. The technologies designed and en-  source of ready-made commercial designs, developed
          gineered by Severodvinsk-based shipbuilders – in-  as part of R&D projects in cooperation with the Min-
          cluding propellers and propulsion systems – are suc-  istry of Commerce and Industry, is Severodvinsk-
          cessfully operated onboard the surface ships and   based Zvyozdochka. Its Center of Propulsion Tech-
          submarines ensuring national defense and security.   nologies is working to develop its competencies by   SOZVEZDYE #39
             Zvyozdochka Center for Propulsion Systems owes   engineering full line of thrusters and PSCs of differ-
          its ‘arctic’ competences partly to its geographical lo-  ent capacity and ice reinforcement, including for ice-
          cation. Located on the White Sea coast, 40 kilometers   breaking fleet.                             технологии
          from Arkhangelsk, in close proximity to one of the   Some design bureaus, shipyards and shipowners
          key Arctic ports, Zvyozdochka provides convenient   choose to buy from Chinese manufacturers, the lat-  technologies
          logistics and timely service to facilities that operate   ter trying actively to break into the Russian market by
          in the northern latitudes.                   offering PSCs at lower prices. It is certainly up to cus-
             CPS maintains close cooperation with its mother   tomers what to buy and where, but there’s a common
          company’s two subsidiaries, Vint (Moscow) and ex-  adage – and many have already learned its mean-
          perimental facility Vega (Borovsk) – the companies   ing – that “A miser pays twice.”                             17
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