Page 40 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 40

«Времена менялись, компания
             подстраивалась под эти
             изменения, но именно гибкость
             и высокая адаптивность
             позволили предприятию
             “Times were changing and we
             were trying to adapt. It was our
             flexibility and high adaptability
             that allowed us to survive”

          an office space. Our staff was still
          small (ten people only). We were still
          learning business. Our professional
          logistics standards were to be estab-
          lished from scratch.
             After 1996, as the country was
          experiencing a vibrant growth in
          its foreign economic activity, shut-  ber of Commerce and Industry of   tasks. We started working in the au-  growth in oil and gas development,
          tle business picked up dramatically  Arkhangelsk Region.     tonomous territories near the Arctic  the increasing exports began to gen-
          and so did professional brokerage   Fast multiple growth was cer-  Ocean. Back then in 2006, Belomor-  erate higher profits, leading to Belo-
          services. The crisis of 1998 changed  tainly a trial. It had to be digested   trans was among the founders and  mortrans greater involvement in up-
          the rules of the game by turning the  properly and used to advantage in   first participants of Sozvezdye As-  stream logistics as its core business.
          country’s economy into an open  order to stay afloat. As competition   sociation of Oil and Gas Suppliers.   In 2012, Belomortrans’ staff size
          market. The wild dollar rate fluctu-  started  to grow in  the ’00s, in re-  Our second line of development was  grows to 118, compared to 34 in 2011.
          ations caused some to fall and oth-  sponse to the emerging opportuni-  combined cargoes. Those two lines  Its head office moves from Arkhan-
          ers to rise. The way the market was  ties, there appeared more freight for-  of business were growing in parallel  gelsk to Moscow to be closer to the
          forming was not through a strategic  warders on the market, causing local   (and independently).  Diversifying  key accounts. That move requires Be-
          vision. Survival was a matter of luck  ferment and saturation.  was a way for us to test the ideas we  lomortrans to re-adjust its business
          and hard work. The chance was there   Anna Ermolaeva, Director Gen-  had for them.         approach and to level up its employ-
          for the taking, but only few had man-  eral at Belomortrans:   In 2008, Belomortrans starts to  ees’ professionalism. It requires in-
          aged to grasp at it.             “We often refer to ourselves as a   act as operators of Varandey sea-  ternal process restructuring. Brutal
             Belomortrans did take its chance.  forge of manpower. We are, indeed,   port. That page in its history is de-  romance is no longer enough to keep
          In 1999, it became a  licensed cus-  a unique source of personnel for   scribed by Vladimir Uroshnikov in  Belomortrans going as automation
          toms broker. Ships called at the port  Arkhangelsk. Nearly 80% of the lo-  “The Coast of Pioneers: Notes in the  spreads, posing the logistics sector to
          of Arkhangelsk twice a month min-  cal logistics companies have the staff   Margins of the Captain’s Log”. Its  new challenges. Now, the task is not
          imum. Many Moscow-based ship-  who started out at Belomortrans.   new line of business proved highest-  simply to deliver but deliver more ef-
          pers started to see Arkhangelsk as  Every fifth employee at local freight   yielding and helped Belomortrans to  ficiently than the competition.
          a more cost effective solution: com-  forwarding companies has a record   stay afloat when the market was go-  Anna Ermolaeva:
          pared to the overloaded Saint Peters-  in their employment books of hav-  ing through the global financial cri-  “Behind those tons of trans-
          burg, Arkhangelsk offered shorter  ing served at Belomortrans. We are   sis of 2008.       shipped cargoes, miles traveled and
          handling timelines and, hence, low-  proud of this fact. Not every compa-  The Arctic oil and gas projects  documents executed were the people.
          er cost.                      ny gets to be the starter and live to   would set the priorities for Belomor-  They are our greatest asset.”
             In 2001, the company had as  see its 30th birthday.”      trans for its next fifteen years of op-  Warehousing logistics is what
          many as 24 people and, since 2003,   In 2003, the Russian Freight   eration. A heavy logistics domain,  Belomortrans  started to  offer  the
          a new office. That time was marked  Forwarders Association ranked Be-  those projects offered the most dar-  outsourcers as early as in 2012 and
          by its starting to handle oversized  lomortrans among the seven best   ing and persistent of the pioneers  in harsh climatic conditions. Capa-
          and heavy equipment imports. Be-  forwarding companies in terms of   a chance to demonstrate that they  ble of self-sufficient operating in tun-
          lomortrans acted as agents for P&O  service quality, technical level, and   could challenge this world and win.  dra, it was servicing the warehouses
          Nedlloyd and a few years later CMA  personnel training.      Fortune favors the brave.     of Bashneft-operated Trebs and Titov
          CGM, Maersk and other shipping                                 Anna Ermolaeva:             fields.
          lines. In 2002, it joined the Cham-  New lines                 “Brutal romance is, in fact, hard   Outsourcing is a normal practice
                                                                       work and endurance test for all lev-  today, and Russia has been quite ef-
                                           As the Russian economy of the   els of personnel including manage-  ficient over the past ten years man-
           SOZVEZDYE #37                early 2000s was getting overgrown   ment.”                   aging the supply chains and follow-
                                        with new trends, mining and petro-  The rapid growth of 2011–2013  ing the main trends on the European
                                        leum sector was receiving more and   is interrupted by another crisis. Fu-  markets, which imply delegating to
            логистика                   more funds in response to rapid ex-  eled  by  the petrodollar  influx, the  a professional contractor of the full
            logistics                   ploration and expansion of the raw   country’s commodity-based econo-  scope of the key operations along
                                                                       my plummets towards political iso-
                                                                                                     with risks and responsibility for ef-
                                        materials market. In this context,
                                        two factors come to the foreground   lation and falling oil prices.   fective performance and deliverables.
                                        that lead to further development of   By that time, the company had   The new standards gave way to
                                        Belomortrans – geography and ex-  reoriented itself from imports to  new opportunities: Belomortrans
                                        perience. The company is located in   exports, from container transpor-  has developed its own software, FOX
           38                           the Arctic Zone and has the experi-  tation to industrial supply and in-  (followed by Condor) and thus fur-
                                        ence handling difficult cargoes and   dustrial logistics. With more active  nished itself with a strategic advan-
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