Page 35 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 35

TISIz for the newly built production and logistics   scope of surveying works has been performed for re-
          complex “Arkhangelsk” (customer: RF Ministry of   gional industries operating in the water area of the
          Defense); Yamburg oil and gas condensate field and   Northern Dvina River.
          its offshore shipping terminal in Yamal-Nenets Au-  Today, ArkhangelskTISIz continues to operate
          tonomous Okrug; exploration well No.177-R at Yu-  in northern areas and is preparing for the upcoming
          zhno-Tambeysky license block in the Gulf of Ob;   Arctic projects. Alexander Kabanikhin:
          construction site for seaport near Indiga, Nenets Au-  “ArkhangelskTISIz is a company of good stand-
          tonomous Okrug; 70P exploration well and jack-up   ing. We  have transparent business processes and
          rig at Geophysicheskoye oil and gas condensate field   we comply with tax and labor code requirements.
          in the Gulf of Ob, Kara Sea; feasibility study for ma-  We adhere to high professional standards and will
          rine transportation of liquid hydrocarbons from Kha-  soon be participating in more projects requiring
          rasaveysky and Bovanenkovsky fields. A significant   high level of quality. We are prepared to cooperate
                                                       with customer who value responsibility and repu-    SOZVEZDYE #37
                                                       tation. It’s no secret that there are many companies
               On April 1, 1963, Leningrad of Engineering   on the market today whose approach to engineer-
            and Construction Surveys established its party   ing surveys can be rightfully called negligent. Given   инжиниринг
            in Arkhangelsk. In 1987, the organization start-  the demanding conditions of the Arctic Zone – its
            ed to operate under the name of Arkhangelsk-  harsh climate, high construction costs, remoteness      engineering
            TISIz. Today, it operates in its home region and   of production facilities – poor-quality engineering
            beyond. ArkhangelskTISIz comprises geological   surveys may well lead to anthropogenically caused
            party, topographic party, cadastral survey team,   disasters in the future. Let’s start making our fu-
            hydrographic survey team, surveying services,   ture safer today. To me, patriotism is about being
            and soil research laboratory.              prepared to pay taxes, not look for ways to make                     33
                                                       money by all means possible.”
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