Page 11 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #42
P. 11

чальную инфраструктуру, в 2022 году был вве-
          ден в эксплуатацию третий грузовой терминал.
          За первый год работы через него отправлено бо-
          лее 150 тысяч тонн генерального груза. Андрей
          Разговоров рассказывает:
             – Архангельский речной порт является соб-
          ственником четырех терминалов: три из них рас-
          положены в Архангельске, один на Соловецком ар-
          хипелаге. Более 450 тысяч тонн генерального груза,
          строительных материалов и спецтехники отправ-
          лено с наших терминалов по Северному морскому
          пути в 2022 году. Мы обеспечиваем отправку гру-
          зов в Сабетту, терминал «Бухта Север», Заполярье
          и портопункты Белого моря. Развитие перевозок по
          СМП способствует и развитию порта: мы модерни-
          зируем инфраструктуру, закупаем технику, ведем
          дноуглубительные работы. В 2022–2023 годах ин-
          вестиции в обустройство причалов и предприятия
          составили около 300 миллионов рублей.
             Gift to the city

             Inauguration of the river terminal was timed with
          the  start  of  tugging  and  ice-routing  season.  With
          modern architecture and the name Arkhangelsk on   passenger traffic stands at its pre-COVID-19 level,
          its facade, the building promises to become a new   amounting to nearly a million passengers.
          landmark of the city. Its interior design features the   Not only does Arkhangelsk River Port improve
          photo images of Arkhangelsk and the panoramic   the state of local passenger transport sector, it op-
          windows large enough to observe the mooring ships.   erates  its  terminals  as cargo  transshipment  points,
             “The building has a convenient, nice-looking de-  serving as key suppliers of the river sand. The earli-
          sign. Passengers seem to enjoy its waiting hall, where   er recipients of the port’s sand include Sabetta-based
          they can have a cup of coffee while waiting for the   liquefied gas tanks and Federal Highway M-8, and its
          boat. The building gets a lot of visitors,” says Ruslan   current recipient is Talagi Airport – Arkhangelsk’s
          Yepishev, Head of Passenger Fleet Operation Depart-  main air harbor. With major Arctic infrastructure
          ment at Arkhangelsk River Port. “The embankment   projects gaining scale, Arkhangelsk River Port experi-
          itself has a completely different look after extensive   ences an increase in cargo traffic. This past navigation
          landscaping. The berthing area has received new pav-  season saw the river port receive 3,300 cars with car-
          ing, and there’s new lighting and outdoor furniture.”   goes from all over the country. The port is expanding
             The  building  of  the  river  station  stands  on  a   its berthing infrastructure. Its third cargo terminal
          quay berth first put in operation in 1920. Original-  was commissioned in 2022 and transshipped more
          ly made of wood, it had existed until 2012. Rebuild-  than 150,000 tons of general cargo during its first year
          ing couldn’t start earlier than recently because of   of operation. Andrey Razgovorov:
          the archaeological excavations on the Makarovsky   “We own four terminals. Of them, three are located
          Baths – the 19th-century architectural monument   in Arkhangelsk and one on the Solovetsky Archipelago.
          adjacent to the quay berth. The new building was   In 2022, they shipped more than 450,000 tons of gen-
          completed in 2023 and required an investment of   eral cargo, construction materials and special equip-
          around RUB 200 million. Connected with the em-  ment to destinations along the Northern Sea Route.
          bankment through a wooden walkway, built with   Cargoes are shipped from our terminals to the Bukhta
          public money, the newly built passenger terminal   Sever oil terminal, polar regions, Sabetta, and port lo-
          fits seamlessly into the architectural appearance of   calities along the White Sea coast. The NSR’s growing
          the place. The city of Arkhangelsk has thus received   traffic fosters our own development. We are investing
          a newly landscaped promenade area.           in new infrastructure, equipment, dredging. Our 2022–
             “With new terminal building now in place, there   2023 spending on berth reconstruction and in-house
          has been an increase in river transport service and   improvements amounted to RUB 300 million.”
          accessibility for residents of insular localities, and
          not only them. More and more people are coming to
          Arkhangelsk as tourists,” says Andrey Razgovorov,   Открытие речного вокзала
          Arkhangelsk River Port Director General. “The em-  приурочили к началу
          bankment attracts a lot of residents in the summer
          season, who come to walk or practice sports, so we   ледокольно-буксирной
          tried to achieve maximum convenience for the arriv-  навигации. Современная
          ing passengers and visitors of the embankment area.”  архитектура и имя
             For the city residents, the passenger terminal
          building is a much appreciated gift from Arkhan-  Архангельска на фасаде
          gelsk River Port – more so because its year of com-  сделали здание новой визитной
          missioning coincides with the city’s jubilee. Arkhan-  карточкой столицы Поморья                 SOZVEZDYE #42
          gelsk is turning 440 in 2024.
                                                          Inauguration of the river terminal
             Freight and passengers                       was timed with the start of tugging                 инвестиции
                                                          and ice-routing season. With                             investment
             ARP has recently updated its passenger fleet. Its
          three newly purchased Moskva-type boats underwent   modern architecture and the name
          a thorough renovation at the local ship yards. ARP   Arkhangelsk on its facade, the
          currently serves a total of ten river routes connect-
          ing the insular communities of Arkhangelsk and Pri-  building promises to become a new
          morsky District with the city center. The port’s 2022   landmark of the city                                       9
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