Page 17 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 17

The most precious of all                 Arkhangelsk Oblast’s western part has been
                                                       discovered  to  contain  gold  and  platinum  group
                 Geologically speaking, the Arkhangelsk   metals. According to a number of individual gold
               Oblast is marked by high degree of geophysical   prospectors, the Nimenga prospect, located within
               contrast: the elements of the Baltic Shield in its   the territory of Onega District, holds 2.6 tons of gold
               western part alternate with thick sedimentary   and platinum group metals, its projected reserves
               cover in the east and geological folds within the   being 164 tons.
               islands of the Novaya  Zemlya.  This  diversity
               had created the conditions favorable for the   Novaya Zemlya
               formation  of various  mineral  deposits. As
               of 2022, the area holds twenty-five different   One of the key investment projects being pursued
               subsurface resources. Its fields are being   in the Arkhangelsk Oblast is the Pavlovsky lead and
               gradually developed by the mining industry,   zinc mining and processing plant on the Yuzhny
               the latter accounting for 5% in the area’s GRP   Island of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, whose
               and employing some four thousand people.   proven resources include 2.500 tons of zinc, 549.000
                 Arkhangelsk Oblast is best known for its   tons of lead and 1.200 tons of silver. Exploration
               diamonds. Lying underneath the Pomoland’s   surveys first covered the Pavlovsky mine in 2013. The
               dense forests is one-fifth of Russia’s total   expert review of its design documentation is due for
               diamond reserves. In the European part   completion in 2022, and the commissioning of its
               of the country, Arkhangelsk is the only   3.5-million-ton-capacity mining
               diamond-producing region. Currently under   and processing plant is scheduled
               development are two large diamond mines –   for 2027. Operated by First Mining   Один из ключевых
               M. V. Lomonosov Diamond Mine and V. P.   Company, this mine will receive   инвестиционных проектов
               Grib Diamond Mine. The former is operated   more than RUB 78 billion in
               by Severalmaz and was discovered to contain   investment and is included in the   Архангельской области –
               six kimberlite pipes. Its development has   list of the investment projects to be   строительство горно-
               received an investment of more than RUB   implemented in the Arctic Zone.
               73 billion, and the current capacity of its   The mineral resource potential   обогатительного комбината
               mining and processing plant is four million   of the Novaya Zemlya is not   и разработка Павловского
               tons  of ore  annually.  The Grib  Diamond   limited to the Pavlovsky mine.   месторождения свинцово-
               Mine is being developed by AGD Diamonds.   This  archipelago’s  probable
               It entered the production phase in 2014, and   resources include:         цинковых руд
               its current capacity has reached 4.5 million   – manganese: 1.3 billion tons;   One of the key investment projects
               tons per year.                             – phosphorites: 7.1 million tons;   being pursued in the Arkhangelsk
                 These may well not be the area’s only    – lead: 4.9 million tons;
               diamond  fields.  Forecast  estimates  suggest   – copper: 3 million tons;  Oblast is the Pavlovsky lead
               that its unproved reserves may hold as many as   – zinc: 2.3 million tons;   and zinc mining and processing
               750 million carats, which is three times more   – fluorite: 1.6 million tons;   plant on the Yuzhny Island of the
               than  proven  reserves.  Geological  exploration   – uranium: 15 thousand tons;
               covers different parts of the province.    – rock crystal: 2.4 thousand tons;   Novaya Zemlya archipelago
               Among  particularly  promising  prospects  are   – gold: 6.6 tons
               Ruchyevsky (Mezen District), Rochevsky
               (Onega District and Plesetsk District), Plesetsky   Black gold
               (Plesetsk District), and Solzensky (Primorsky
               District). These  prospects  are  being explored   Like many Arctic areas, Arkhangelsk Oblast
               using the funding from the state-run program   attracts attention also as an oil prospect. Its eastern
               “Recovery and Management of Natural     part is home to the Mezen syneclise – an extensive
               Resources”.                             geological formation which is said to hold an oilfield

                                                                                                           SOZVEZDYE #40


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