Page 22 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 22

SOZVEZDYE #40                less intense than that of gas, oil and coal, the price   В настоящее время в
                                        levels will be quite comparable. It is therefore obvious   Арктической зоне можно
                                        that the Northern Sea Route cargo traffic should now   выделить 49 проектов освоения
            ресурсы                     be measured not in millions of tonnes, but in econom-  твердых полезных ископаемых
            resources                   ic terms of cost and budget.                    (действующих, строящихся,
                                           From the perspective of the economic man-
                                        agement of the Northern Sea Route, the proposed   заявленных и планируемых)
                                        budget target seems to be obviously most effective
                                        benchmark that allows for an “integral” estimation   Currently, the Arctic mining
                                        of the mining projects, i.e. estimation of the ag-  projects (ongoing, currently in
           20                           gregate efficiency of field development and prod-  construction, announced, planned)
                                        uct delivery.
                                                                                        number forty-nine
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