Page 13 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 13

estimated at more than 2.5 million   leading universities are M. V. Lomonosov Northern
                       cubic meters.                   (Arctic) Federal University and the Northern State
                          In the local economic make-up,   Medical University. There are two private higher edu-
                       timber industry is the most export-  cation providers and seven campuses of state and pri-
                       oriented. The figures for 2021 show   vate universities. The area’s current enrollment stands
                       that sawn timber was being shipped   at 20,000. Every year, degrees are awarded to 5,000
                       mainly to the European Union, China   students.
                       and Egypt, and pulp, paper and card-  Research work is being pursued on a high level.
                       board mainly to Poland, Italy, Turkey,   Here operate the Russian Academy of Sciences Fed-
                       Romania, Germany, Ecuador, Central   eral Research Center for Integrated Arctic Research;
                       and  Southeast Asia,  and neighbor-  Center for Shared Use of Research Equipment; Re-
                       ing countries. Today, Arkhangelsk’s   search and Training Center “Russian Arctic: New
                       mills are looking for new customers   materials, Technologies and Research Methods”. The
                       in Asia-Pacific Region.         Northern State Medical University conducts a series
                          Timber  industry  is  an  employ-  of studies in the field of Arctic medicine.
                       er to thousands of residents. Along   Vocational training system is making steady prog-
                       with the giant mills, the area has   ress. The area’s vocational schools have 27,000 stu-
                       approximately 560 small saw mills   dents and offer 140 training programs, increasing
                       and 700 sole traders. Taken togeth-  their cooperation with the industries and deliver-
                       er, they produce about a quarter of   ing training in immediate vicinity of the production
                       the area’s total output of raw and   premises. Arkhangelsk Oblast is currently updating
                       sawn wood.                      its personnel strategy to better meet the needs of labor
                          Wood is not the area’s only   market. There may be changes in the regional order
                       wealth. Arkhangelsk Oblast is   for skilled laborers, white-collar workers and special-
                       known to hold a variety of subsur-  ists in middle and senior management.
          face resources including diamonds, gold, silver and
          zinc. Here lies the European Russia’s only diamond-
          bearing province: M. V. Lomonosov diamond mine
          and V.P. Grib diamond mine hold more than 200 mil-
          lion carats, accounting for one fifth of the country’s
          discovered diamond reserves. Estimates suggest that
          undiscovered possible reserves may hold as many as
          750 million carats.
             The Novaya Zemlya archipelago will soon see the
          start of the development of Pavlovsky lead and zinc
          mine, which is estimated to contain 2.5 million tons
          of zinc, 549,000 tons of lead and 1.200 tons of silver.
          Other minerals discovered on the Novaya Zemlya
          include copper, uranium, fluorite, manganese, phos-
          phorites, among others.
             Arkhangelsk Oblast is home to bauxite (251 mil-
          lion tons), limestone, dolomite, clay, abrasive garnet
          and other minerals.
             Mind and hands

             The biggest wealth of any region is its people, or
          human capital. Education and research are provided
          in Arkhangelsk Oblast through a well-developed sys-
          tem that offers training in a wide range of majors. The
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