Page 19 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 19

well as ingredients in open-hearth steel-making. The   The limestone reserves for cement production are
          Volodinsky mine is estimated to contain 13.5 million   estimated at 209 million tons and clay at 39 million.
          tons of bauxites.                            Most of them are concentrated in the Plesetsk District.
             One more possible application of the bauxites   The Savinsky mine, which remained viable between
          that are being produced in the Arkhangelsk Oblast   1966 and 2015, was stopped due to unprofitability.
          is proppants – agents commonly used in petroleum   Gypsum and anhydrites are estimated at 162
          industry to increase reservoir recovery. Bauxite   million tons, another 9 million are non-commercial.
          proppants are best for deep well stimulation.   The area’s largest gypsum and
             Granite and basalt are being mined in the districts   anhydrite mines are located in
          of Plesetsk and Onega, their reasonably assured   Kholmogory District and are   По прогнозным оценкам,
          resources amounting to 845 million cubic meters.   operated by Knauf Gips Kolpino.   ресурсный потенциал еще не
             The Arkhangelsk Oblast holds 22.3% of Russia’s   The known reserves of sand
          abrasive garnet, precisely 87,000 tons. Its Primorsky   for the production of concrete and   открытых месторождений
          garnet mine was discovered in 2018 and is due for   silicate products are estimated   алмазов может составлять
          development in 2022–2023 by Tengri. As a blast   at 116 million cubic meters. The   порядка 750 миллионов
          media, garnet abrasive is used in polishing, grinding   sand mines that are currently
          and cleaning of surfaces, potable and waste water, and   in operation are three, their   карат, что втрое превышает
          petroleum products.                          output being supplied to the local   разведанные запасы
             The western part of Arkhangelsk Oblast has been   industries. Twelve more sand
          discovered  to  hold  palygorskite clays, the  largest   mines constitute non-licensed   These may well not be the area’s
          mine being the Karmozero mine (119 million tons).   stock. The total reserves of   only diamond fields. Forecast
          Palygorskite clays are used in the production of bricks   masonry sand (445) are estimated   estimates suggest that its
          and drilling muds. The Karmozero palygorskites   at 260 million cubic meters and
          have the performance that makes them suitable   those of sand and gravel mixtures   unproved reserves may hold as
          ingredients for adsorbents; dehydration of gases in   (409) at 177 million cubic meters.   many as 750 million carats, which
          gas processing industry; CHP stack gas cleaning; iron   Arkhangelsk is also home to   is three times more than proven
          ion removal from and softening of potable water; and   clay reserves for brick and tile
          heavy metal removal from wastewater. However, the   production, estimated at 90.8   reserves
          Karmozero palygorskites lie below the groundwater   million cubic meters. The licensed
          level and underneath thick overlying burden, which   blocks are only two, with the
          makes their development a real challenge.    majority of the available reserves remaining untouched.
                                                       Other reserves include 4.9 million cubic meters of
             Vast reserves                             claydite, 256 million tons of carbonates for lime firing
                                                       and 103.6 million tons of carbonates for acidic soil
             One more resource being produced in the   liming. All of them constitute non-licensed stock.
          Arkhangelsk Oblast is limestone. Its reserves for pulp   Arkhangelsk Oblast’s peat reserves are estimated
          and paper production are estimated at 19.5 million   at 718 million tons. Their full-scale development is yet
          tons. The largest limestone mine is Shvakino in   to be started, and the first peat mine to be developed
          Plesetsk District, developed by Shvakino Limestones   is Bolshoy Kaltus – 1 in Mezen District. Peat can be
          (Shvakinskiye Izvestnyaki), a subsidiary of Omya   used as a fuel for agricultural purposes. Its other uses
          Group, one of the world’s leading producers of   may include medicine, cosmetology and more.
          calcium carbonate-  and  dolomite-based industrial   According to the experts at Arkhangelsk
          minerals. Among the customers for the high-quality   government, the area’s mining sector sees as its
          Shvakino  limestone  is  Arkhangelsk’s  pulp  and   most promising exploration targets diamonds, gold,
          paper mill. It uses limestone for making chemically   platinum group metals, oil and gas. Efforts will be
          precipitated chalk, the latter used as a pigment filler   made to attract investment in the development of the
          in the production of paper. In 2023, one more block   discovered deposits of bauxite, basalt, carbonates,
          of the Shvakino mine will be put into development to   claydites, keramzite clays, sand for the production
          increase its output.                         of concrete, as well as other minerals comprising the
                                                       unallocated subsoil reserve fund.

                                                                                                           SOZVEZDYE #40


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