Page 12 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 12

as suppliers of materials, equipment, oversized met-
                                                                                      al structures, engineering designs, construction and
                                                                                      modernization services in the remote northern areas.

                                                                                         Gifts of the land and the sea
                                                                                         In the land of Pomors, fishing and seal hunting have
                                                                                      been a traditional trade. With sixteen ocean fishing
                                                                                      companies, Arkhangelsk Oblast accounts for one fifth
                                                                                      of the total catch from the Northern Basin. Its crews
                                                                                      cross the polar seas in pursuit of cod, haddock, mack-
                                                                                      erel, halibut, flounder, perch, and whiting. The com-
                                                                                      mercial species being caught in the White Sea include
                                                                                      herring, smelt, navaga, flounder, salmon and humpback
                                                                                      salmon. Fish is processed onboard or by coastal facto-
                                                                                      ries to produce a wide range of fish products.
                                                                                         Fish is not the only marine bioresource available
                                                                                      here. Arkhangelsk Seaweed Factory, a unique enter-
                                                                                      prise established back in 1918, harvests the White Sea
                                                                                      algae to produce cosmetics, biologically active addi-
                                                                                      tives and ingredients for food industry.
                                                                                         Food is produced also on land. Arkhangelsk
                                                                                      Oblast has more than 40 agricultural organizations,
                                                                                      about 80 farms, and 130,000+ private subsidiary
                                                                                      plots. Cold climate makes the land of Pomors an area
                                                                                      of risky farming, for which reason it subsists main-
                                                                                      ly on dairy farming. The local dairy
                                                                                      farms produce more than 123,000 tons
                                                                                      of milk annually. The Kholmogorsky
                                                                                      breed of cattle, developed in the Dvina
                                                                                      District, is known since the 17th cen-
                                           Arkhangelsk has twelve general-purpose port fa-  tury and is bred across Russia.
                                        cilities with specialized terminals, a number of ste-
                                        vedores with marine cargo areas, more than a dozen   Natural wealth
                                        shipowners, and dozens of related service companies.
                                        The Ekonomiya cargo handling area operates the Rus-  Arkhangelsk Oblast has an ex-
                                        sian Arctic’s only container terminal with storage and   tensive forest cover and is one of the
                                        transshipment capacity of up to 75,000 containers per   country’s leading timber producers.
                                        year. The local shipping companies are involved in   The top-quality Pomor wood is used
                                        Northern Supply Haul, delivering cargoes to the po-  in construction industry and pro-
           SOZVEZDYE #40                lar stations and serving the transport needs of the   duction of plywood, fuel pellets and
                                        Ministry of Defense.                          paper. The area produces a quarter
                                           The local industries have a vast experience as con-  of the nation’s total output of cellu-
            наследие                    tractors and suppliers to the Arctic projects. About   lose, a quarter of fuel pellets, and a
                                                                                      tenth of sawn timber. The local pulp
                                        150 local companies were involved in the construc-
            legacy                      tion of Yamal LNG. The current projects – Arctic LNG   and paper mills have an output of 2.1
                                        1, Arctic LNG 2; Vostok Oil; High-Tonnage Offshore   million tons of pulp and 1.7 million
                                        Engineering Center in Murmansk Oblast; Pavlovsky   tons of paper and cardboard annual-
                                        Lead Zinc Mine on Novaya Zemlya – involve them   ly. The annual sawn timber output is

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