Page 18 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 18

Новые проекты добычи полезных ископаемых в Архангельской области
               Arkhangelsk Oblast’s upcoming mining projects

                 Ресурс / Mineral         Проект / Project                              Статус / Status
                 Свинец, цинк, серебро    Строительство ГОК на Павловском м/р (2026)    Госэкспертиза проектной документации
                 Lead, zinc, silver       Pavlovsky mining and processing plant (2026)  Design documentation under expert review
                 Гранат абразивный        Освоение Приморского м/р (2022–2023)          Подготовка и проектирование
                 Garnet abrasive          Primorsky Mine (2022–2023)                    Mine development planning
                 Известняки для ЦБП       Освоение Левобережного участка
                 Limestone for pulp and   Швакинского м/р (2023)                        Разведочные работы
                 paper production         Shvakino Mine Levoberezhny Block (2023)       Prospecting
                 Торф                     Освоение м/р «Большой Калтус – 1»             Разведочные работы
                 Peat                     Bolshoy Kaltus – 1 Mine                       Prospecting
               Добыча полезных ископаемых в Архангельской области, млрд руб.
               Arkhangelsk Oblast’s mining output, billion RUB

                   2013         2014         2015        2016         2017         2018        2019         2020         2021
                   2,98         8,29         13,58       13,77        28,31        34,39       35,85        30,7         40,73

                                        cluster. Exploration surveys first started here in   Useful minerals
                                        1963, contributed, beginning from 1999, by Lukoil,
                                        Gazprom, Rosneft, Tatneft and Surgutneftegaz and   Arkhangelsk Oblast boasts a large amount
                                        resulting in the discovery of six prospects with   of proven bauxite reserves – 251 million tons, or
                                        57.6 million tons of Prospective Category D1 fuel   approximately 18% of Russia’s total bauxite deposits.
                                        equivalent. That said, the Mezen syneclise may   In Plesetsk District’s Severoonezhsk, there lies Iksa
                                        contain a total of more than 1.5 billion tons of fuel   deposit.  Its  western  sector  (Belovodye)  is  operated
                                        equivalent.                                   by Northern Onega Bauxite Mine (Severo-Onezhsky
                                           At the same time, as we read in “The       Boksitovy Rudnik) (51 million tons). The Iksa
                                        Geodynamics and Oil and Gas Potential of the Mezen   bauxites are supplied to industries as raw material
                                        Sedimentary Basin”, “after half a century of geological   for refractories, cement, and metallurgical products.
                                        surveying, which involved impressive scopes of   The discovered bauxites contain associated
                                        seismic exploration and exploration drilling, we   components:
                                        still cannot say with confidence whether this basin   – chromium ores: 879,000 tons of chromium
                                        holds economically feasible fields.” In other words,   trioxide;
                                        the geological profile of the Mezen basin allows us to   – vanadium: 167,000 tons of vanadium pentoxide;
                                        not more than assume there are oil and gas deposits   – trace elements (gallium): 8,475 tons.
                                        there, but the actual evidence is yet to be discovered.  Another large prospect, Volodinsky, lies in the
                                           Hydrocarbons may lie also in Arkhangelsk   eastern part of Leshukonsky District on the border
                                        Oblast’s  offshore  waters.  One  prospect  lies  around   with the Komi Republic. The Volodinsky bauxites are
                                        the Novaya Zemlya. Its development is a matter of   of higher quality than the Iksa bauxites and can be
                                        the future.                                   used in the production of alumina and cement, as

           SOZVEZDYE #40


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