Page 21 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 21

According to the estimates of RF Ministry of Nat-  ber forty-nine. The majority (26) of
          ural Resources (“The Strategy for the Development   them are metal mines – different
          of Mineral Resources of the Russian Federation un-  types of ores and precious metals.
          til 2035”, enacted by the RF Government Resolution   An important role in the de-
          No. 2914-p dd. December 22, 2018), the current re-  velopment of the Russian Arctic’s
          serves of metal minerals are unlikely to keep the in-  minerals belongs to “new genera-
          dustries going until 2035, forcing them to import feed-  tion metals”. These include, among
          stock from abroad. The current metal mining projects   others, rare earth metals, iridium
          are concentrated in the western and the eastern parts   and palladium,  which,  given  the
          of the Arctic Zone. Geologically, the central Russian   changing economic conditions,
          Arctic holds oil and gas provinces with thick sedimen-  seem to be in high demand but are
          tary cover – Timan-Pechora Province (Nenets Auton-  classified as “minor metals” due to
          omous Okrug and Komi Republic) and West Siberian   their small share in the total car-
          Province (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) are lo-  go traffic. At the same time, metal
          cated in the central part of the Arctic zone.  ores are much costlier to transport
             The conclusion made in 2020 by the National   than oil, LNG and coal, the latter
          Minerals Research Institute (VIMS) is that the Arc-  being what the Northern Sea Route
          tic Zone holds vast reserves of a wide array of metals,   generally relies on.
          many of which are characterized as strategically im-  In the context of the energy tran-
          portant.                                     sition, the Arctic is likely to become
             Currently, the Arctic mining projects (ongoing,   increasingly “metallic”. While ma-
          currently in construction, announced, planned) num-  rine transport of ores will be much

                                                                                                            Доля запасов и добычи
                                                                                                                металлов в АЗРФ
                                                                                                        Share of reserves and mining
                                                                                                         of metals in the Arctic Zone

                                                                                                           SOZVEZDYE #40


                                                                                                      Text: Mikhail Grigoriev – Director
                                                                                                      at Gekon, member of RAS Council
                                                                                                      for Arctic and Antarctic Studies,
                                                                                                      member of the Russian Ministry
                                                                                                      of Natural Resources Research   19
                                                                                                      and Engineering Boardr
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