Page 21 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 21

to stay almost completely self-sufficient and indepen-
          dent from external influences and to be able to safely
          keep to their schedules, while responding promptly to
          whatever issue may arise in the Arctic. It is only logi-
          cal that Arkhangelsk is the port that handles the major
          bulk of the supplies intended for construction of the
          infrastructure of the Arctic projects.
             When it comes to combination cargoes, the preferred
          transporters are those that are closest to berths and water
          transport. In many modern seaports, manufacturing is
          deployed right within their premises, with the manufac-
          tured output accounting for the major part of their cargo
          base and reducing manufacturer-to-port transportation
          costs to zero. Such an organization of port activities is a
          worthy model for Arkhangelsk to follow.
             As was mentioned above, the future of the Arkhan-
          gelsk transport and logistics system lies in the cardinal
          renewal of its cargo base and increase in the container
          transportation along the Northern Sea Route. All this
          will require structural integration of the existing logis-
          tics schemes, wide introduction of digital technologies,
          and construction in the Arctic of new hub ports and
          specialized international terminals.
             Along with the convenient logistics, the port of
          Arkhangelsk boasts a lot of space for new construction.
          The sites along the coastline, the modern motor roads
          and railways, the extended power supply network, the
          possibility for connecting more consumers to the main
          gas pipeline, and the immediate proximity of dozens of
          ship repair and manufacturing providers are all part of
          the potential for increasing the Arkhangelsk port ca-
          pacity in the near future.
             Together with the areas adjacent to it, the vast ter-
          ritory of Arkhangelsk port is suitable for placing not
          only stand-alone enterprises and production facilities,
          but also entire support bases. One of the advantages is
          flat landscape and absence of rocks: there is no need to
          crush granite and level rocks to prepare the construc-
          tion sites for industrial projects and terminals.
             The availability of space allows for expanding the
          existing terminals and lay access rail and motor roads.
          Unlike other major ports in North-Western Russia,
          Arkhangelsk does not suffer from railway congestions.
          Moreover, the development of the Arkhangelsk trans-
          port hub is facilitated through modernization of the
          local river ports, which, along with sea terminals, can
          serve as additional backup bases for cargo storage and
             With the newly laid Nyuksenitsa-Arkhangelsk gas
          pipeline, the capital of Pomorland, unlike other Arctic
          ports, is a fully gasified transport hub, its production
          complexes enjoying reduced energy costs.
             All this makes it possible to develop here diversified
          production networks with a wide range of final prod-
          ucts, as well as cargo distribution schemes and integrat-
          ed logistics scenarios as elements of one comprehensive
          transport hub.
             The competencies available to the Arkhangelsk-based
          industries inspire confidence in their
          potential as  contractors  for more
          projects in the Arctic – Vostok Oil,
          Arctic LNG 1 and Arctic LNG 3, the   Архангельск усиливает
          Ob Gas Chemical Facility, Pavlovs-  свои позиции крупнейшего
          koye field on Novaya Zemlya, among   порта по перевалке
          others. Arkhangelsk transport hub’s
          diversified capacity will come in   генеральных и других грузов
          handy to many Arctic projects.    в восточном, арктическом
             On the industrial map of the
          Russian North, Arkhangelsk Oblast   направлении
          represents, without exaggeration,   Arkhangelsk is working to
          the key region. With diversified in-  strengthen its position as the
          dustrial and transport infrastruc-
          ture and solid human resources,   mainstay of transshipment of
          it  has  everything  to  turn  it  into a   the Arctic-bound cargoes
          swiftly growing Arctic region in the
          foreseeable future.
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