Page 20 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 20

based companies and their partners to major projects
                                                                                      as contractors and subcontractors. The cluster seeks
                                                                                      advancement in such areas as construction of ice-re-
                                                                                      inforced auxiliary vessels, formation of passenger and
                                                                                      fishing fleets, platforms, offshore and underwater min-
                                                                                      ing equipment, structures for LNG plants, offshore fa-
                                                                                      cilities and components.
                                                                                         The core business of the cluster spans service main-
                                                                                      tenance, construction, repair and modernization of
                                                                                      ships, involving more than 40 shipyards, ship repair
                                                                                      providers and suppliers. The total number of people
                                                                                      employed in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering
                                                                                      exceeds 50,000.
                                                                                         One more coordinating power that has for many
                                                                                      years been pooling regional contractors’ efforts together
                                                                                      is Sozvezdye – the association contributing to progress
                                                                                      by delivering, in cooperation with the regional author-
                                                                                      ities, counselling, workshops and forums designed to
                                                                                      bring contractors and customers together.
                                                                                         That 150 local companies were hired to service Ya-
                                                                                      mal LNG project is largely due to the support and ef-
                                                                                      forts from Sozvezdye and the government of Arkhan-
                                                                                      gelsk Oblast. Of these 150, more than 50 companies
                                                                                      were engaged in cargo transshipment and transporta-
                                                                                      tion to the port of Sabetta. More than 20 were involved
                                                                                      in the construction of port infrastructure facilities,
                                                                                      manufacture of large-sized reinforced concrete and
                                                                                      metal structures, and on-site installation of the LNG fa-
                                                                                      cilities. Installation of the four LNG tanks required over
                                                                                      two million tons of mortar sand, supplied by Arkhan-
                                                                                      gelsk River Port.
                                                                                         Not all contractors are capable of working efficiently
                                                                                      in the Arctic conditions, so there is good reason for the
                                                                                      project owners to hire the contractors that are based in
                                                                                      Arkhangelsk – the leading transport and logistics com-
                                        The future of the Arctic transport system of Arkhangelsk   panies with a proven track record of operating in High
                                        Oblast lies in the renewal of its cargo base, increased con-  North. It was therefore natural that Yamal LNG project
                                        tainer traffic, construction of modern terminals, high-  had become an important stage in Sozvezdye’s many-
                                        ways, access roads and transforming the Northern Sea   year work to promote Arkhangelsk transport hub’ lo-
                                        Route into a developed transit route of international im-  gistics services.
                                        portance. From this perspective, with Arkhangelsk offers   To give one example, it was through Sozvezdye-led
                                        promising investment opportunities in Arctic-oriented   preparations that the decision to operate icebreaker
                                        industrial capacity building.                 support (by Atomflot) on a year-round basis was tak-
                                           For the domestic owners of ice-reinforced fleets,   en in favor of Arkhangelsk-Sabetta line. That decision
                                        Arkhangelsk is the key provider of repair services. With   had led to more than 150 Arkhangelsk – Sabetta voy-
                                        diversified shipbuilding sector, mechanical engineer-  ages and transportation of 700,000 tons of cargo every
                                        ing and ship repair yards, Arkhangelsk represents an   year between 2014 and 2017. In this respect, Yamal LNG
                                        attractive industrial hub for Arctic projects. It was for   project has had a highly positive effect on Arkhangelsk
                                        a good reason why the first domestic jackup rig Ark-  Oblast’s industrial growth and transport infrastructure,
                                        ticheskaya and the offshore ice-resistant platform Pri-  having furnished the local companies with invaluable
                                        razlomnaya were built here at Severodvinsk-based Sev-  experience of participating in the large-scale projects.
                                        mash and Zvezdochka. These two yards are currently   Today, the Arkhangelsk-based suppliers to oil and
                                        constructing a substructure for project LSP “A” – the   gas sector are engaged in the construction of the fields
                                        fixed ice-resistant platform for Kamennomysskoye-Sea   on Yamal and Gydan. More than one hundred of them
                                        offshore field in the Gulf of Ob. The area thus has the   are placed orders for materials, equipment, large-sized
                                        ample expertise and capacity to build offshore mining   metal structures, engineering surveys, power plant con-
                                        facilities of different levels of complexity, also for inter-  struction, installation works and hydraulic engineering.
                                        national customers.
                                           Many of Arkhangelsk-based industrial enterprises   Strengths and competencies
                                        are competent contractors who purposefully join their
                                        efforts to participate in major projects in the Arctic, of-  In the chain of Arctic cargo flows, Arkhangelsk is
                                        fering their combined capacity and experience. Many   a strong, important link, serving also as a backup sea
                                        offer their customers operating in the Arctic areas prov-  route and extra storage site for Arctic-bound cargoes
                                        en cooperation scenarios based on jointly generated   in the off-season. Acting as such, its capacity allows for
                                        technical and operational solutions.          careful cargo transportation planning, while also ruling
           SOZVEZDYE #37                   The land of Pomors is experiencing a vibrant growth   out the risk of disrupted deliveries. One example of suc-
                                        in its clusters of shipping, stevedoring, transport and lo-  cessful performance in this line of operations is MRTS.
                                        gistics companies that are looking to well-coordinated   An emerging company just a few years ago, MRTS has
            перспективы                 cooperation. The establishment in 2012 of the Territo-  grown to operate Levy Bereg cargo handling area with
                                                                                      production premises and slipways.
                                        rial Cluster for Innovative Shipbuilding was followed by
            outlook                     creation, in 2018, Arkhangelsk Oblast Cluster for Ship-  MRTS owns an extensive resource base deployed di-
                                        building and Marine Engineering, the latter being man-  rectly in its port, with cargo accumulation sites, access
                                        agers to the former.                          railways, rail car yard; road connection to M-8 highway,
                                           The shipbuilding cluster promotes cooperation   which is convenient for container transportation; and
                                        towards increased competitive edge of the local civ-  sustainable energy supply. These are essential and obvi-
           18                           il shipbuilding sector – by bridging the Arkhangelsk-  ous strengths that allow Arkhangelsk and its companies
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