Page 25 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 25

With high-capacity icebreakers of high ice class, the   envisages, among other things, engineering in Anadyr
          probability of failed icebreaker assistance is zero, al-  of a coastal radio station for Sea Area A2 of the Global   Буксир «Толбухин» вошел в
          lowing to avoid the costs of hiring foreign or domestic   Maritime Distress and Safety System. Once installed,   состав флота ФГУП «Рос-
          nuclear-powered icebreakers, the latter owned by At-  the station will make the Russian Federation better pre-  морпорт» в 2020 году
          omflot.                                      pared for its international obligations concerning safe-  Tolbukhin tugboat joined the
                                                       ty of life at sea, as defined in SOLAS-74. The facilities   fleet of Rosmorport in 2020
             Northern berths                           to be integrated into the Global Maritime Distress and
                                                       Safety System are going to be designed by Rosmorport
             Along with ensuring the safety of navigation, Ros-  also for more ports along the Northern Sea Route – Pe-
          morport is responsible for maintaining and improving   vek and Dikson.
          the seaport infrastructure. Its activities in the Arctic
          zone include the projects established in the Compre-  Russia’s first port
          hensive Plan for Key Infrastructure Facilities Mod-
          ernization and Expansion 2024, and the Northern Sea   An integral element of the Arctic transport system,
          Route Infrastructure Development Plan 2035.   Arkhangelsk has an important role as a transshipper
             One project, Construction of Passenger Ferry Ter-  of general cargoes (mainly coastal freight and timber
          minal on the Left Bank of the Anadyr Coastal Lake in   exports) and Northern Supply Haul transporter of pe-
          Ugolny Kopy Village, involves construction of berths,   troleum products. Given the country’s plans to build
          beach stabilization and onshore facilities. About to   more ports in the Arctic, Arkhangelsk can be expect-
          be completed soon this autumn is the work to recon-  ed to function as a transshipment port for construc-
          struct the berths in Pevek, a project designed to refur-  tion materials and support cargoes for the northern
          bish Pevek’s terminal and increase its cargo turnover to   areas. Growth can be expected also in ship repair in-
          800,000 tons per year.                       dustry as new multi-purpose cargo carriers will require
             In the seaport of Murmansk, Rosmorport is recon-  greater capacity for maintenance and repair. The port of
          structing Terminal 2 in Cargo Area 1. Here, the works   Arkhangelsk has a good potential to service container
          include construction of a mooring post, sewage treat-  shipping, but container shippers in the North-Western
          ment installations, storm sewers, coal dust suppression   Region use mostly the Baltic ports and it is unlikely that
          systems, fire extinguishing systems, as well as recon-  they can change their established logistics scenarios.
          struction of the storage site, upgrading of the lighting   Rosmorport office in Arkhangelsk is planning to ex-
          system and acquisition of process equipment.   pand its hopper dredger fleet. Its three current dredg-
             One more project involving Rosmorport is Recon-  ers – Severnaya Dvina, Beloe More, and Yury Maslyu-
          struction of Beringovsky Seaport, aimed to support   kov – are of newest design and going to continue to be
          coal exports from Fandyushkinskoye field to the coun-  operated in the Arctic ports. In 2021, the company will
          tries of Asia-Pacific Region. The project will be a pub-  welcome the new Arc5 azimuth tugboat Pomor. Two
          lic-private partnership and will equip Beringovsky Port   more tugs, Svyatoy Nos (Arc4) and Kanin Nos (Arc4),   SOZVEZDYE #37
          with upgraded hydraulic structures and more navigable   are expected to join the fleet in 2022, to be followed by
          water area and approach channel.             two Arc6 tugs, Svyatogor and Peresvet, in 2023.
             The federally run Promoting the Development of   The office in Arkhangelsk has a staff of more than
          Seaports is a project that targets to reconstruct the port   twenty certified ice pilots who have been providing their   судоходство
          of Naryan-Mar, where Rosmorport is involved in re-  services to Russian and foreign vessels along the North-  navigation
          constructing of the berthing facilities built in the So-  ern Sea Route for about five years now. The majority
          viet era and providing dredging operations within the   of their ordering shipowners are based abroad. Among
          approach channels to ensure uninterrupted supply of   domestic customers is Arctic LNG 2, with which Ros-
          cargoes to the local population.             morport Arkhangelsk has a long-term contract for the
             Reconstruction works are in process also as part of   provision of pilotage, icebreaking and towing services
          Reconstruction of Anadyr Seaport Terminal 7, which   in the area of Utrenny terminal of the Sabetta seaport.      23
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