Page 19 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 19

освоение  Павловского месторождения  на  Новой   timber and wood-based products, pulp and paper, and
          Земле и других. Развитие различных видов транс-  fish. Due to the dynamic development in the Arctic des-
          порта  обуславливает  высокую  востребованность   tinations, Arkhangelsk consistently enjoys a cargo traf-
          Архангельского транспортного узла в будущем.  fic of about 5 million tons per year.
             Сегодня Архангельская область без преувели-  Having lost, in the post-Soviet period, a portion of
          чения является ключевым регионом на карте инду-  its timber exports handling services to other major ports
          стриального освоения Севера. Развитая промыш-  in North-Western  Russia, Arkhangelsk  is working  to
          ленная и транспортная инфраструктура, обширный   strengthen its position as the mainstay of transshipment
          кадровый потенциал являются той прочной осно-  of the Arctic-bound cargoes. As the cargo flows are being
          вой,  которая  будет  способствовать  динамичному   naturally reoriented and there appear new cargoes to be
          комплексному развитию этого арктического реги-  transported, Arkhangelsk becomes a key player in ensur-
          она в обозримом будущем.                     ing that core supplies reach all the Arctic projects and ab-
                                                       solutely every port locality along the Northern Sea Route.
             On a path towards diversification            Further development prospects lie for the port of
                                                       Arkhangelsk in diversifying its cargo base, construc-
             With potentially extensive range of capacity,   tion of specialized terminals, and increased container-
          Arkhangelsk is a solution to many of the operating and   ization for various cargo categories. The cargo handling
          transportation-related tasks facing the Russian com-  area Ekonomiya – the Russian Arctic’s only container
          panies operating in the Arctic. Its port infrastructure   terminal – has the storage and transshipment capacity
          includes twelve diversified complexes and specialized   of 75,000 containers per year. The year 2019 was marked
          terminals that show performance growth year on year.   by the call at Arkhangelsk of the nuclear-powered light-
             Russia’s first international sea port, Arkhangelsk   er carrier Sevmorput, the largest vessel ever moored at
          owes its decades-long position as key harbor for all con-  Arkhangelsk berths, its length measuring 260 meters
          struction projects in the Russian Arctic to its unique   and displacement over 60,000 tons. Over the past two
          geographical location. Its proximity to the Arctic Ocean   years, Sevmorput called at Arkhangelsk three times on
          and the Northern Sea Route and its shortest railway   its mission to lay path for regular general cargo deliv-
          connection with Central Russia and Siberia are the two   ery to the newly discovered oil and gas fields in Yamal.
          decisive factors that benefit the logistics of the general   There are currently five key stevedores in Arkhan-
          cargoes being transshipped through Arkhangelsk on   gelsk that own marine cargo areas, more than a dozen
          their way to the most difficult-to-access areas of the   shipowners, and several dozen related servicing compa-
          Arctic coast.                                nies. The five leading stevedores are Arkhangelsk Com-
             Today, marine and coastal shipping accounts for   mercial Sea Port, Arkhangelsk River Port, Arctic Con-
          about two-thirds of Arkhangelsk’s volume of transship-  sulting Service, Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet, and MRTS
          ment. A major transport hub, Arkhangelsk has a pro-  Terminal. Most of them had their terminals and infra-
          nounced specialization as servicing the vast majority   structures upgraded cardinally over the recent years.
          of national priorities in the Arctic Zone. Arkhangelsk-                                          SOZVEZDYE #37
          based shipping companies service the northern supply   Joining the efforts
          haul, delivering cargoes to all polar stations and meeting
          the transport and industrial development needs of the   The Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone   перспективы
          majority of the Defence Ministry’s facilities. Thanks to   2035 and the Strategy for the Development of the Rus-  outlook
          the availability of icebreaking support in winter season,   sian Seaport Infrastructure 2030 provide for a wide range
          Arkhangelsk can be rightfully described as a modern,   of measures of state support for companies involved in
          diversified seaport of year-round navigation and capac-  Arctic projects. Targeting the infrastructures of strategic
          ity to service cargo flows even in the coldest of the frosts.  transport hubs, seaports and navigable passages, these
             The traditional cargoes being transshipped by the   measures are designed to facilitate growth in shipping
          Arctic port of Arkhangelsk include general cargoes,   and cargo transportation along the northern waterways.      17
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