Page 27 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #36
P. 27

The Institute implements the following bachelor’s
          degree programs: “Shipbuilding, Ocean Engineer-
          ing and Systems Engineering of Marine Infrastruc-
          ture Facilities”, “Mechanic Engineering”, “Design
          and  Engineering  Support  of  Mechanical  Engineer-
          ing Industries”, “Computer Science”, “Management
          in Technical Systems”, “Nuclear Physics and Tech-
          nologies”; following master programs: “Shipbuilding,
          Ocean Engineering and Systems Engineering of Ma-
          rine Infrastructure Facilities”, “Design and Engineer-
          ing Support of Mechanical Engineering Industries”,
          since 2021 a new program “Applied Informatics”; spe-
          cialists programs: “Ground Transport and Technolog-
          ical Systems”, since 2021 new programs “Design and
          Building of Ships, Vessels and Objects of Ocean En-
          gineering” and “Design, Manufacturing and Repair
          of Power Plants and Automation Systems for Ships
          and Vessels”. In addition, the postgraduate programs
          “Electrical and Thermal Engineering”, “Mechanical
          Engineering”, “Engineering and Technology of Ship-
          building and Water Transport” have been opened.
             Despite the fact that graduates of existing bache-
          lor’s programs are extremely in demand at the enter-
          prises of the industry and not only at them, there is
          a large and not yet satisfied need for graduates with
          the specialist level: this is primarily dictated by the
          specifics of shipbuilding and ship repair as complex
          and knowledge-intensive industries that require deep
          theoretical and practical training. Moreover, the re-
          quirements of the current professional standards in
          the industry do not imply significant career oppor-
          tunities for an employee with a bachelor’s degree. In
          short, if you want to become a manager, you need a
          specialist’s or a master’s degree.
             Of course, the newly opened specialists programs
          do not copy the experience of similar programs of the
          past. Taking as a basis the best that was created by the
          predecessors, the professors of Sevmashvtuz filled the
          programs with new content that takes into account
          the existing and future trends in the development of
          shipbuilding, including its digital transformation. The
          emergence of a new master’s program in applied com-
          puter science is closely related to the trends in the dig-
          italization of industry.

             Unique educational system

             The main consumers of graduates of the institute,
          as many decades ago, are the enterprises of Severod-
          vinsk and the Arkhangelsk Oblast. But the geogra-  ture of the enterprise, the relationship between the
          phy of graduates’ work is much broader. This is the   departments. All this is due to the integrated training
          whole Russia and many countries of the near and far   system “Plant–University”.
          abroad. This demand is primarily due to the existing   The development of practical skills of Sevmash-
          model of practice-oriented training “Plant–Univer-  vtuz students takes place not only in the process of
          sity” in Sevmashvtuz. At the development height of   working at enterprises, but also within the walls of
          this system, there were only ten higher educational   the institute in the course of so-called project activi-
          institutions with such model in the USSR. Now, in   ties. Despite the different scale and level of complex-
          the entire post-Soviet territory, it is preserved only   ity, all student projects have one main goal – to en-
          in Sevmashvtuz.                              able students to put their theoretical knowledge into
             Specialists training according the integrated sys-  real-world systems and devices. To do this, you need
          tem  “Plant–University”  is  carried  out  withing  the   a material and technical base on which you can do
          networking cooperation with enterprises of United   these projects. The equipment process of the project
          Shipbuilding Corporation. The system proposes em-  laboratories continues and should be completed next
          ployement of students at partner enterprises during   year.
          the first year of training and additional social guaran-  In addition to educational activities, Sevmash-
          tees provided for employees of these enterprises. The   vtuz employees conduct active and fruitful scientif-
          educational process is based on the principle of al-  ic work. The range of scientific and technical tasks   SOZVEZDYE #36
          ternating day semesters and semesters, in which stu-  is determined primarily by the needs of our indus-
          dents combine practical training, that is, full-time   trial partners. This includes improving technological
          work at the enterprise, with theoretical training in the   equipment, creating new types of equipment, tools,
          evening. During the training, a student receives theo-  devices, upgrading equipment, research in the field   образование
          retical and professional knowledge, which is directly   of new materials, including cold-resistant ones, for   education
          consolidated by practical skills. This guarantees the   arctic ships, and much more. Separately, it is worth
          enterprise a new qualified specialist after graduation,   noting the research in the field of the so-called “In-
          who is ready to quickly engage in professional activi-  dustry 4.0”, related to the introduction of augmented
          ties, bypassing the period of adaptation to production   and virtual reality in production. Not only the em-
          conditions. The graduate has a significant baggage of   ployees of the institute, but also students take part in
          applied professional competencies, knows the struc-  research projects.                                           25
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