Page 22 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #41
P. 22

Система постоянно совершенствуется, ее
                                                                                    функционал расширяется и связывается с техно-
                                                                                    логической модернизацией порта. В ближайших                                           Технологическая эволюция портов
                                                                                    планах – внедрение цифровой маркировки гру-                                             Technological evolution of ports
                                                                                    зов, организация электронной очереди для при-
                                                                                    бывающего автотранспорта, разработка чат-бота                     Этап 1                Этап 2                 Этап 3               Этап 4
                                                                                    и мобильного приложения для клиентов, инте-                 Погрузка и разгрузка  Промышленный центр    Логистический центр       Умный порт
                                                                                    грация с информационными системами РЖД,                         до 1960-х             до 1980-х            после 1980-х         после 2010-х
                                                                                    сервисами  электронных транспортных наклад-
                                                                                    ных и другими приложениями, внедрение моду-
                                                                                    ля 1С:GIS для интеграции с геоданными. В пер-
                                                                                    спективе возможно создание коробочной версии
                                                                                    приложения, которая могла бы использоваться
                                                                                    для цифровизации других портов.
                                                                                       – Наша разработка – полностью отечествен-
                                                                                    ный IT-продукт, который может быть востре-
                                                                                    бован российскими предприятиями, – говорит                       Stage 1               Stage 2                Stage 3              Stage 4
                                                                                    Дмитрий Самохин. – Он изначально создается                     Cargo handler        Industrial cluster      Logistics hub         Smart Port
                                                                                    с учетом потребностей российских заказчиков,                    pre-1960s             pre-1980s              post-1980s           post-2010s
                                                                                    а его архитектура безопасности основана на от-
                                                                                    ечественных системах защиты данных. Доступ к
                                                                                    приложению в  необходимых пределах  имеют  и                The connecting link                        ed by smart ports is available to
                                                                                                 тальманы, которые вводят инфор-                                                           all their stakeholders and com-  Современный порт – это
                                                                                                 мацию о погрузке через планшеты,               The “smart port” concept isn’t new, but it wasn’t   municates with the surrounding
                                                                                                 и менеджмент порта, который по-             until recently that the possibilities had arisen to   systems (transport, infrastruc-  сложная технологическая
                                                                                                 лучает широкий спектр данных в              make it a reality. Digitalization efforts have been   ture, logistics). Caused by tech-  система, связующее звено
                                                                                                 режиме реального времени, и за-             started in many ports across the world. The process   nological upgrade and increase   между экспортерами и
                                                                                                 казчики,  которые  могут  в  любой          is underway also in Russia, but there’s still a long   in cargo flows, this evolutionary
                                                                                                 момент узнать статус своего гру-            way to go before its ports achieve the concept in its   stage is only natural. Alongside   импортерами, поставщиками и
                                                                                                 за. Таким образом, мы создаем це-           entirety. Arkhangelsk Sea Commercial Port is obvi-  this, a fleet of unmanned vessels   потребителями, ключевое звено
                                                                                                 лостную систему, которая в даль-            ously among Russia’s firsts to have started installing   can be expected to appear in the   в транспортной цепочке
                                                                                                 нейшем может быть интегрирована             themselves with a digital system embracing abso-  next 10 or 20 years, making our
                                                                                                 с другими подобными системами,              lutely every operation from cargo arrival at port to   digitalization and automation ef-  The modern port of today
                                                                                                 интернетом вещей, беспилотным               filling of ship holds to vehicle fuel level monitoring   forts simply necessary. The ports   represents a complex technological
                                                                                                 транспортом и автоматизирован-              to distribution of stocks in warehouses.      that will be first to operate these   system, a link between exporters
                                                                                                 ной инфраструктурой.                           Tsetsen Goryaev, Arkhangelsk Sea Commercial   new technologies will have a bet-  and importers, suppliers
                                                                                                                                             Port Director General:                        ter competitive edge in terms of   and consumers, a key link in
                                                                                                                                                “We have a part of our facilities based in   price, quality, and service deliv-
                                                                                                                                             Economiya Terminal – Arkhangelsk’s largest car-  ery term.                     transportation chain
                                                                                                                                             go handling area and the most convenient locality   Dmitry Samokhin, ASCP Di-
                                                                                                                                             for the transshipment of the Arctic-bound cargoes.   rector of Information Technology:
                                                                                                                                             We are involved in handling shipments destined   “Even though the need to digitalize is now evi-
                                                                                                                                             for some of the largest Arctic projects, as well as   dent to ports, there are no solutions on the market
                                                                                                                                             exports, imports and coastal cargoes. Our current   that would fit all our requirements. Therefore, our IT
                                                                                                                                             plan towards becoming a more advanced port, both   department came up with a digital system of its own
                                                                                                                                             organizationally and management-wise, lays much   design. It is called “Cargo Terminal Management”
                                                                                                                                             focus on digitalization as a way to, firstly, more   and has already been launched. It allows prompt data
           Интерфейс системы                                                                                                                 convenient service for our customers – and some   on things like cargo handling, containerization prog-
           «Управление грузовым                                                                                                              of them are large corporations that are waiting for   ress, loading and unloading of ships and warehouse
           терминалом»                                                                                                                       all this to happen – and, secondly, achieveing better   spaces. Customers already have access to it; it is now
           Interface of “Cargo Terminal                                                                                                      performance through more effective data manage-  possible for them to track cargo status from personal
           Management” system                                                                                                                ment and analysis.”                           areas. And because it is a 1C-based system, it can be
                                                                                                                                                The modern port of today represents a complex   integrated with corporate IT systems.”
                                                                                                                                             technological system, a link between exporters and   The system is being constantly upgraded to-
                                                                                                                                             importers, suppliers and consumers, a key link in   wards expanded functionality and compatibili-
                                                                                                                                             transportation chain. With the current rates and   ty with the port’s technical modernization plans.
                                                                                                                                             volumes of the cargo handling, manual record keep-  The upcoming add-ons include digital labeling of
                                                                                                                                             ing is no longer an option. Tsetsen Goryaev gives   goods, vehicles electronic queueing, chatbot, mobile
                                                                                                                                             an example:                                   application for customers, integration with Russian
                                                                                                                                                “Earlier, when record keeping was purely man-  Railways IT systems, electronic waybill service, and
                                                                                                                                             ual, a report on loadings that took place mornings   1C:GIS module for geodata integration. In the fu-
                                                                                                                                             wouldn’t be ready before noon. Not only could they   ture, it can be possible for this system to be supplied
                                                                                                                                             appear late, the overworked staff could easily lose   in box version to assist other ports in their digita-
                                                                                                                                             data, so mistakes kept piling up. Now that we are dig-  lization efforts.
                                                                                                                                             italizing and can do real-time data processing, we are   “This is a completely domestically produced
                                                                                                                                             much better able to manage cargo flows and collect   IT product and it has good potential to be used by
          SOZVEZDYE #41                                                                                                                      statistics, while also allowing our customers to track   Russian  companies,”  says  Dmitry  Samokhin.  “Its   SOZVEZDYE #41
                                                                                                                                             our operations from anywhere across the world.”   original design is tailored to the needs of Russian
                                                                                                                                                                                           customers, and its security architecture is based
          инновации                                                                                                                             Integration and modernization              on domestic data protection systems. Access to the      инновации
          innovations                                                                                                                                                                      app has been provided, within the extent necessary,        innovations
                                                                                                                                                The past century witnessed the port systems un-  to tallymen who are using tablets to enter loading
                                                                                                                                             dergo a lengthy transformation: from simple car-  data, to port managers for easy receipt of diverse
                                                                                                                                             go handlers they evolved into industrial logistics   real-time data, and to customers to make them able
                                                                                                                                             hubs and are now intelligent, their components in-  to track their cargo status at any time. So, this is an
                                                                                                                                             teracting with each other using data flows and may   integral system that can later on be integrated with
          20                                                                                                                                 soon be capable of artificial intelligence-based de-  similar systems, the Internet of Things, unmanned            21
                                                                                                                                             cision-making. That said, the data that is collect-  transport or automated infrastructures.”
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