Page 39 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 39

Arctic Projects 2015: the forum discusses the   morport and discusses energy transition and digital
          prospects for the Pavlovsky polymetal mine in Nova-  technologies for the Arkhangelsk transport hub. One
          ya Zemlya; construction of the Northern Latitudinal   satellite event is international awareness seminar
          Railway and the Kamennomysskoye-More project in   “Norway’s Oil and Gas Agenda and Energy Transi-
          Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug; and the progress   tion Plan”, organized in partnership with the Norwe-
          with Sabetta, a port of year-round transportation.   gian association Petro Arctic.
             Arctic Projects 2016: General Director at Kola
          Shipyard (Kolskaya Verf) presents a project to cre-  Regional agenda
          ate a Center for Construction of High-Tonnage Off-
          shore Structures in the Murmansk Oblast. Acting as   Not all the projects discussed by Arctic Projects
          its subcontractors are the companies of Arkhangelsk   Forum became a reality. Some ended up suspended,
          and Severodvinsk.                            others took a new course. Importantly, the forum
             Arctic Projects 2017: the delegation of Novatek re-  has at all times been in line with vital events, trends,
          ports on progress with Arctic LNG 2. The forum hosts   and approaches to the Arctic development. Present-
          the meeting of “Industry and Technology Develop-  ing alongside ministries, departments and the largest
          ment” Working Group under the National Commis-  players in the industry are the local companies – sup-
          sion for Arctic Development, chaired by Vasily Os-  pliers and contractors who now are indispensable to
          makov Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry   Arctic projects. The course towards production and
          of the Russian Federation.                   service localization, first presented a decade ago, had
             Arctic Projects 2018: the forum hosts the head of   been proved right and led to the emergence of new in-
          newly created Arctic Transport and Industrial Hub –   dustrial facilities, transport terminals, and upgraded
          Arkhangelsk, JSC. It discusses the port facilities that   infrastructure.
          are required for Novatek’s LNG logistics purposes; nu-  Sergey Smirnov:
          clear-powered icebreakers to assist in the largest Arctic   “Over the past years, the major Arctic projects
          projects (Atomflot); and construction progress with ice-  such as Yamal LNG, Arctic LNG, Center for High-
          breakers and auxiliary fleet for the needs of the Arctic   Tonnage Offshore Structure Engineering, Kamenno-
          development (United Shipbuilding Corporation). Dmi-  mysskoye-More field, and Timan-Pechora oil and gas
          try Purim, Chairman of Sovfracht Board of Directors,   province, have had as their suppliers and contractors
          presents the concept for the Arctic situation center.  more than two hundred local companies – shipyards,
             Arctic Projects 2019: the forum presents Arkhan-  mechanical engineering plants, stevedores, transport
          gelsk Oblast’s Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering   and logistics companies, construction and installa-
          Cluster. Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center presents its   tion organizations, material suppliers, schools and re-
          design proposal for LSP “A” platform for operation   search institutions. The experience has convincingly
          at Kamennomysskoye-More field sea deposit, and   shown that the large-scale Arctic projects involve not
          the Northern (Arctic) Federal University reports on   only larger players, there is work for small and medi-
          progress with Research and Training Center “Rus-  um-sized businesses.”
          sian  Arctic:  New  Materials,  Technologies  and  Re-  As the forum evolved, the number of its topics
          search Methods”.                             and participants had grown to a level that gave birth
             Arctic Projects 2020: the forum has as its key topic   to two sub-forums – Arctic Shipbuilding (started in
          the new measures of support for companies operat-  2018) and Arctic Ports (started in 2020). For many,
          ing in the Arctic Zone. Speakers include Sergey Ska-  trips to the hospitable Arkhangelsk have become a
          liy, Head of Resident Policy at Far East Development   regular and important part of their work; many have
          Corporation (presentation titled “State Support for   found here friends and business partners. It is with
          Businesses: Preferential Schemes in Russian Far East   warmth and respect that we remember those of our
          and Arctic”); and Yulia Zvorykina, Assistant Director   participants who are no longer with us and who had   SOZVEZDYE #40
          at VneshEconombank Institute for Research and Ex-  been enriching us with new concepts and research-
          pertise (presentation titled “Green Financing of Arc-  based knowledge for the benefit of local industries:
          tic Projects”). Important inputs were made by Kirill   in particular, Professor Anatoly Zolotukhin of Gub-  партнерство
          Klimenko, Lead Engineer for floating nuclear CHP   kin University; Victor Vasiliev, Commercial Director   partnership
          at Rosenergoatom Concern; Irina Agarkova, Logis-  of Rosantikor. Their memory will live as long as our
          tics Manager at SIBUR; Yan Antonov, Gazprom Neft’s   common cause survives.
          Energy Tech Hub Petersburg Project Office Manager.  Ten years is a long time in terms of human lifespan
             Arctic Projects 2021: Gazprom Invest reports on   and short in terms of history. No one knows what the
          progress with Severo-Kamennomysskoye field devel-  future holds for us or where we’ll be in ten years’ time,
          opment. The forum features a pilot project on self-  but as long as Arctic has a job for us, there should be      37
          sufficient navigation systems, co-organized by Ros-  a forum to discuss what’s next. Let’s work together.
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