Page 38 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #40
P. 38

How it all started                            With impressive number of participants and vi-
                                                                                      brant business and cultural agenda, that first two-day
                                           Arctic Projects – Today and Tomorrow is a child   forum had set the bar high for all subsequent Arctic
                                        of its ever-inspiring father and key organizer Sozvez-  Projects forums and had defined their format. It had
                                        dye Oil and Gas Suppliers Association. Established in   as its key topics the strategy- and engineering-related
                                        2006, the association has been continuously holding   issues of the Arctic shelf development; Prirazlomnoye
                                        business events, but the forum that it stated in 2013   field, Yamal LNG, Pechora LNG; international coop-
                                        (with several hundred participants representing com-  eration prospects; production localization; and trans-
                                        panies in all parts of Russia and abroad) marked an   port infrastructure and navigation along the North-
                                        important page in its development.            ern Sea Route. Recognizing the importance of quality
                                           Sozvezdye had as its original purpose uniting the   personnel training, the forum started to host sessions
                                        efforts of federal and regional companies and state   dedicated to university-industry cooperation.
                                        authorities for increased cooperation in hydrocar-  The first Arctic Projects forum hosted Gennady
                                                        bon  production  on  the  Arctic   Shmal, President of the Russian Oil and Gas Indus-
                                                        shelf. The largest Russian opera-  tries Association; Vasily Bogoyavlensky, Correspond-
             Уже первый форум                           tors – Gazprom, Gazprom Neft,   ing Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
                                                                                      Gennady Lyubin, Executive Director at Gazprom
                                                        Rosneft, and Lukoil – were at that
             «Арктические проекты»                      time extensively cooperating with   Neft Shelf; Alexander Olshevsky, Head of Northern
             задал и формат, и высокую                  their foreign partners, but started   Sea Route Administration; Anatoly Zolotukhin, Vice-
             планку всем последующим                    to turn their eyes to the domestic   Rector for International Affairs at the Russian State
                                                                                      University of Oil and Gas; and many other guests rep-
                                                        suppliers, including those operat-
             мероприятиям. Два дня                      ing in Arkhangelsk.           resenting the Russian and international businesses.
             работы, внушительный                          The largest Arctic project as   Some of them (Mikhail Grigoriev, Director at Gekon
             состав участников,                         of 2013 was Shtokman oil and gas   think-tank, and Sofia Katkova, expert at the Center
                                                                                      for Strategic Research, to name a few) have become
                                                        condensate field in the Barents
             насыщенная деловая и                       Sea. Cooperation agreements were   our regular contributors.
             культурная программа                       signed between Shtokman De-      Themes and trends
                                                        velopment  AG  and  administra-
             With impressive number of                  tions of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk
             participants and vibrant business          and Nenets Autonomous Okrug.     Arctic Projects – Today and Tomorrow has been
             and cultural agenda, that first            The local companies were active-  a testimony to the local companies having high po-
                                                        ly preparing themselves for joint
                                                                                      tential for servicing the largest industrial and infra-
             two-day forum had set the bar              work, while Arctic Projects forum   structure projects in the Russian Arctic. As we all
             high for all subsequent Arctic             served as their meeting point for   know, the Shtokman field was eventually suspended,
             Projects forums and had defined            Shtokman project and a platform   but there appeared a whole array of other, equally sig-
                                                                                      nificant projects. If we take a look at how the forum
                                                        for finding partners and establish-
             their format                               ing contact with large oil and gas   program changed over the years of its existence, we
                                                        project operators. Before that fo-  will see that it evolved in line with changes in the
                                                        rum, many Arkhangelsk-based   Russian Arctic agenda and those in the economy of
                                                        companies had no experience of   the Arkhangelsk Oblast.
                                        communicating with the businesses of this high level.  Arctic Projects 2013: Yamal LNG Assistant Chief
                                           Sergey  Smirnov,  Director  at  Sozvezdye  Oil  and   Product delivers a presentation on his company’s liq-
                                        Gas Suppliers Association, recalls:           uefied natural gas project, where the city of Arkhan-
                                           “We designed this forum to be a discussion venue   gelsk is presented as its operations support base. Sub-
           SOZVEZDYE #40                for regional companies, oil and gas field operators and   sequently, Arkhangelsk-based companies got hired by
                                        authorities, and we wanted it to be a meeting place for   the project as transportation providers: most of the
                                        the professionals. The forum has as its key goal facili-  Sabetta-bound construction materials and equipment
            партнерство                 tating the openness and readiness on the side of larger   had been delivered via Arkhangelsk.
                                                                                         Arctic Projects 2014: the program features a pre-
            partnership                 corporations to involve in their Arctic projects local   sentation by MRTS Terminal, a logistics facility on
                                        SMEs as sources of the local knowledge with years of
                                        experience in the High North. The idea was support-  the left bank of the Northern Dvina. The topics for
                                        ed by the government of Arkhangelsk Oblast, and we   discussion cover the progress with, and prospects of,
                                        had our first forum co-organized by the Ministry of   Pirazlomnoye field and Dolginsky field; the challeng-
                                        Economic Development. The government still acts as   es of setting up of coastal support bases for the Arc-
           36                           Aa co-organizer, alongside with the Northern (Arc-  tic offshore projects; and the drilling of the Arctic’s
                                        tic) Federal University.”                     northernmost well Universitetskaya-1 in the Kara Sea.
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