Page 40 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #39
P. 40

Still, no further specifics have been provided since
                                                                                      then. And in all likelihood, neither have design speci-
                                                                                      fications been developed for ice-reinforced container
                                                                                      ships, nor the Russian shipyards received audit, and
                                                                                      hence it is too early to conclude on the financing par-
                                                                                      ty for the phantom Arctic-going container ships.
                                                                                         Therefore, the only Arctic container ships in op-
                                                                                      eration along the Northern Sea Transport Corridor
                                                                                      are the five 648 TEU feeder vessels owned by Norilsk
                                                                                      Nickel and built in 2006-2009.
                                                                                         Container transportation along the NSTC has in-
                                                                                      deed been a much discussed topic over the last four
                                                                                      or five years. Some experts believe, however, that its
                                                                                      future is dim: Under no circumstances can the NSTC
                                                                                      become a competitor to the Suez and the Panama Ca-
                                                                                      nals in the near future.
                                                                                         This opinion is shared by Alexander Kirichenko,
                                                                                      D. Sc. (Engineering), professor at Admiral Makarov
                                                                                      State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping In-
                                                                                      stitute for International Transport Management:
                                                                                         “Apart from length there are characteristics a ma-
                                                                                      rine route is defined by in the first place. The Arctic-
                                                                                      class container ships that are currently transporting
                                                                                      cargoes from Murmansk to Norilsk along the NSR
                                        ration) developed a promising draft project of a multi-  have the tonnage of 650 TEU, compared to 22,000
                                        purpose 531/429 TEU sea/river Volga-Don Max type   TEU of the main container carriers of today. There’s
                                        dry-cargo vessel, designed primarily for transporta-  always the economy of scale: the per-container trans-
                                        tion of containers. That sounds good news, but it’s   portation cost decreases with increased cargo capac-
                                        still unclear, firstly, whether this sea/river ship de-  ity.”
                                        sign will ever reach the shipyards, and, secondly, its   The construction cost of an 18,000 TEU TRIPLE
                                        tonnage looks too small to cover the containerized   E-class container ship, as quoted by Maersk, stands at
                                        cargo transportation needs of Russian shippers and   USD 190 mln, while that of a 650 TEU Norilsk Nick-
                                        consignees.                                   el type USD 82 million, the former having a per-
                                                                                      container cost of EUR 10555.56 and the latter EUR
                                           Plowing through Arctic ice                 126153.85. Besides, ice reinforcement isn’t a panacea.
                                           with virtual container ships               For the container ships to operate along the NSR, they
                                                                                      will require the assistance from icebreakers – a luxury
                                           In recent years, the urgency of fostering domes-  not every carrier can afford, Alexander Kirichenko
                                        tic marine container transport has been mentioned   said in an interview.
                                        by the Russian government purely in context of the   The expert believes that with the offshore oil de-
                                        Northern Sea Transport Corridor (NSTC) project.   posits the NSR is rather a route for shipping the pro-
                                           Particularly, in mid-2020 the managers of Ru-  duced oil and hardly has any potential as a container
                                        satom Cargo – member of Rosatom State Corpo-  shipping route, no matter the hopes the authorities
                                        ration responsible for the development of NSTC –   lay on it.
                                        announced their plan to have the shipyards with   “I doubt there’s a carrier willing to send any of its
                                        potential for construction of Arc7 container ships au-  giants on a voyage through the Arctic – it will simply
                                        dited by the end of 2020. Further, in one of its earlier   get stuck there. The Northern Sea Route runs above
                                        presentations Rusatom Cargo announced its plan to   the shelf and is shallow. The majority of its sections
                                        have the Arctic-going container ships design docu-  are yet to be covered by bottom investigations. Con-
                                        mentation completed by mid-2022, a pilot series built   sider a 59-meter-wide container ship with 15-meter
                                        in 2024 and ships put into operation in 2025.   draft and the necessity to have safety margin between
                                           A few months earlier, Dmitry Sakharov, Depu-  its bottom and the bottom of the sea. In some sections
                                        ty Chief Designer at Iceberg Central Design Bureau,   of the NSR the measured depths are under 12 m, and
                                        mentioned in an interview that his team had worked   the ship may have to deviate from course to avoid
                                        out 30+ design options of the Arctic-going contain-  drift ice. Another thing to be considered is the cruis-
                                        er ships with carrying capacity between 3,000 and   ing speed – it’s 22 knots in the Indian Ocean versus
                                        20,000 containers and 1 to 3.5 m icebreaking thick-  two to three knots along the NSR.”
                                        ness, ordered by Rusatom Cargo.                  All  things  considered,  even  if  Rusatom  Cargo’s
                                           “The design that seems to be most cost-effective   plans become a reality (which is highly improbable
                                        from perspective of the cargo traffic, is the one that   in the years to come), we should not expect the ice-
                                        has its cargo capacity between 5,000 and 10,000 con-  reinforced container ships to be able to cover the Rus-
                                        tainers, breadth between 43 m and 51 m, and is ei-  sian shippers and consignees’ container transporta-
                                        ther LNG-powered or installed with RHYTHM-400   tion needs.
                                        type reactor. <...> We will also be looking into alter-
                                        native fuel options, one being hydrogen. <...> Once we   Ways of breaking the deadlock
                                        have received the customer design specification, we
                                                                                         Some of the opinions we hear from the Russian
           SOZVEZDYE #39                will proceed to front end engineering design,” Dmi-  macroeconomics experts sound curious but absolute-
                                        try Sakharov said in that interview.
                                           Reiterating Rusatom Cargo’s plans was also   ly unrealistic.
                                        Yevgeny Dietrich, Director General at the State   To give one example, Sergey Khestanov, adviser
            флот                        Transport Leasing Company (and Minister of    to director general at Otkritie Broker, said that “the
            fleet                       Transport of the Russian Federation in the very re-  logistics giants’ refusal to fulfill the cargo transpor-
                                        cent past). In his speech at the Eastern Economic   tation contracts won’t be a big problem for Russia.”
                                        Forum in September 2021, he mentioned the intent   “In fact, there’s no big tragedy here. Instead, this
                                        to build eight container ships with a total capac-  means new opportunities for some of Russian ship-
                                        ity of up to 6,000 TEU, announcing also the State   ping companies, since a certain volume of contain-
           38                           Transport Leasing Company’s preparedness to co-  er traffic will be there anyway. It will be recalled
                                                                                      that even with inferior level of logistics and trans-
                                        fund their construction.
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