Page 33 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 33

Surveying under control

             ArkhangelskTISIz operates in different parts of
          the Russian Federation. It has an almost sixty years
          of experience in Northern and North-Western Rus-
          sia, including Nenets and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous
          Okrugs, where the country’s largest industrial con-
          struction projects have been deployed in recent years.
             The company offers a full range of engineering
          and construction surveys, including geological, geo-
          detic, environmental and hydrometeorological, as
          well as complete package of development-related ca-
          dastral surveys.
             “We carry out turnkey contracts that span abso-
          lutely everything from field research to report sub-
          mission for state review,” says Alexander Kabanikhin,
          General Director at ArkhangelskTISIz. “And we are
          supported by a team proven subcontractors we know
          we can always trust.”
             ArkhangelskTISIz leader believes that his compa-
          ny’s strong competitive edge on the engineering and
          construction surveys market results from well-estab-
          lished reputation and quality service. There has been
          a decline in customers’ competency in recent years.
          Much to the dissatisfaction of investors, projects of-
          ten tend to achieve cost savings at the expense of the
          surveying, causing the “invisible” increase in costs at
          later stages of construction.
             “In pursuit of low-cost surveying, some compa-
          nies deliberately violate the standards, using their
          imagination to compensate for insufficient scopes
          and quality on paper,” says Alexander Kabanikhin.
          “The customer who rashly entrusts the survey works
          with dubious surveying parties and gives up due su-
          pervision is running the risk of ending up with in-
          flated volumes of building materials and structures
          at the later stages (design and con-
             Therefore, large companies
          such as Gazprom, Rosneft, Lu-    «Мы всегда комфортно чувствуем
          koil and their subsidiaries order   себя в условиях контроля со
          engineering surveys from parties   стороны заказчика, поскольку
          with proven track record and ex-
          tensive projects portfolio. Survey-  тщательно соблюдаем все
          ing should be at all times be mon-  стандарты, нормативы и
          itored by the customer: target   технологии»
          number one is quality and scope,
          which must be covered in detail   “We feel comfortable being monitored
          in relevant documentation, and   by the customer, because we never fail
          target number two is compliance   to observe standards, regulations, and
          with occupational and industrial
          safety standards. Alexander Ka-  technologies”
          banikhin emphasizes:
             “We feel comfortable being
          monitored by the customer, be-
          cause we never fail to observe standards, regulations,
          and technologies. Our task is to perform the works
          as efficiently as possible, and the customer can always
          make sure we are working to standard. Larger com-
          panies exercise control at every stage of the survey-
          ing: their supervisors will always be there in the field,
          laboratory, and report preparation desk. We welcome
          this approach.”
             With extensive experience and high qualifica-
          tions, ArkhangelskTISIz itself acts in the capacity of
          supervisor in a number of projects. Its reputation as a
          reliable party with quality performance enables it to
          be hired by large customers to supervise performance
          of other contractors.

             Sea and land
             ArkhangelskTISIz currently employs more than
          one hundred people – geologists, drillers, laboratory
          technicians, environmental engineers, surveyors, hy-
          drographers, cadastral engineers. Its teams are ser-
          vicing the projects across the Arctic Zone. The cen-
          tral office and production base of the trust are located
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