Page 34 - Журнал Sozvezdye Review - «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» #37
P. 34

in Arkhangelsk. Arkhan-
                                        gelskTISIz’s  assets in-   Сегодня в штате ООО
                                        clude the administration   «АрхангельскТИСИз»
                                        and accommodation fa-
                                        cility in Naryan-MAR,      трудятся более ста
                                        a modern laboratory for    человек: геологи, буровики,
                                        soil research, sets of ad-  лаборанты, экологи,
                                        vanced geodetic and hy-
                                        drographic tools, mod-     геодезисты, гидрографы,
                                        ern drilling rigs, and the   кадастровые инженеры
                                        research vessel Rassvet    ArkhangelskTISIz currently
                                        (Dawn).  The  company
                                        owns a full package of     employs more than one
                                        permits, certificates and   hundred people – geologists,            Baydaratskaya Bay, and
                                        licenses, including secu-  drillers, laboratory technicians,        was  involved  in  the  de-
                                        rity clearance. Its quality                                         sign works for the pipe-
                                        management system is in    environmental engineers,                 line running from Novo-
                                        line with latest standards.  surveyors, hydrographers,              portovskoye field through
                                           Among Arkhangelsk-                                               the Gulf of Ob.
                                        TISIz’s largest customers   cadastral engineers                        ArkhangelskTISIz en-
                                        are Gazprom, Gazprom                                                gineers boast a vast expe-
                                        Neft, ANC Bashneft, Sev-                                            rience in engineering sur-
                                        eralmaz, Lukoil Group, NK Rosneft Group, Stroy-  veying for the onshore fields. For almost ten years, it was
                                        transgaz, Nipigaz, Naryanmarneftegaz, AGD Dia-  conducting surveys in the area of mining and process-
                                        monds, Sevmash, Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center   ing plants for Lomonosov diamond deposit (custom-
           SOZVEZDYE #37                and other federal and regional companies.     er: Severalmaz) and Grib diamond deposit (customer:
                                           Marine and offshore prospecting constitutes one   AGD Diamonds, formerly known as Arkhangelskge-
                                        of the core lines of ArkhangelskTISIz business. It   oldobycha). Its portfolio of completed projects includes
            инжиниринг                  acted as contractor for the subsea oil pipeline to ice-  Fedorova Tundra gold platinum mine, Kharyaginsky
                                                                                      and Ardalinsky oil fields, Trebs and Titov oil fields, Yu-
            engineering                 resistant terminal Varandey, monitored the bottom   zhno-Khylchuysky and Varandeysky oil fields. Arkhan-
                                        and protective berm around the OIRFP Prirazlom-
                                        naya, provided geological support for marine engi-  gelskTISIz has a long track record servicing the facilities
                                        neering and drilling to accommodate Arkticheska-  of PA Sevmash, Zvezdochka, Arkhangelsk Pulp and Pa-
                                        ya jack-up rig, conducted multi-faceted engineering   per Mill, Solombala Pulp and Paper Mill, Koryazhma
                                        surveys for the seaport in Teriberskaya Bay, partici-  Pulp and Paper Mill (ILIM Group).
           32                           pated in construction of the main gas pipeline system   In the past two years, the engineering and con-
                                        Bovanenkovo – Ukhta and underwater crossing via   struction surveys were performed by Arkhangelsk-
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